Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Helo clip from "Final Cut" online

It's a crying shame there's not a new BSG episode this Friday, but to help you through the drought AOL has posted its sneak peak of "Final Cut".

The clip features Helo heavily, though not happy Helo. Stop the Helo anguish! Or something.

Click on "Sneak Peek: Preview the Next New Episode Now" to see the clip (which opens in a new window).

Saturday, August 27, 2005

"Home, Part 2" Reactions

Tonight's episode rocked so much that I'm even posting a new poll from my honeymoon. (Shh, don't tell). I'll be back posting regular Helo/Tahmoh news for you guys by next week.

Helo screen caps are up on Northern Lights.

SO lame there's no new ep on Friday.

Oh, but there's a new Eick videoblog about the next ep (actually I don't know how new it is since I've not been about, but it's worth checking out if you haven't seen it yet).

Thanks to for the promo image.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

"Home, Part 1" Reactions

Ok, so I only saw about half the episode since I'm getting married this weekend and rehearsal dinners apparently run long, but I thought I'd throw up a new poll anyway.

Screencaps are here.

(This cap expressing Helo's shock and dismay upon hearing of my impending nuptials.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Helo icons

Axer61 has posted some great Helo (and other BSG) icons to her LiveJournal. Here's a sampling:

Check out the rest!

She asks that you:
- Comment
- Credit
- Don't hotlink
- Remember that textless icons are not bases

Poll Results: Favorite Helo Attribute in "Resistance"

So many moments to love in "Resistance". People split about evenly between:

1. Lost Helo - "you're the navigator" "you were driving" = 29%
2. Sarcastic Helo - "you drive through a lot of bad neighborhoods?" = 21%
2. Sports fan Helo - he knows all the players' names? = 21%
4. Protective Helo - "you go, I'll cover" = 19%


Monday, August 15, 2005

Tahmoh and Helo on the web

A new Helo/Boomer forum site has just launched: "Helo/Boomer Fan." Not alot going on over there yet, but I'm sure there will be soon. It has a really nice, though rather spoilery banner:

Helo/Boomer Fan Forum
Of course, don't forget there's also a very active LJ community for Helo/Boomer fans, Hidden Elysium.

And on a random Tahmoh note, Tahmoh was named yesterday's "BSABAS' Boy". I have no idea what that means, but if you do let me know. The site has two Tahmoh shots and a link to Northern Lights.

Finally, there's a great picture of Tahmoh, Katee and Grace from Comic-Con here.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Tahmoh Interview on Sci-fi Talk

Tahmoh was interviewed by Tony Tellado at Gatecon last week for Sci-fi Talk, a talk show on sci-fi, fantasy and horror movies & TV.

Tahmoh Penikett - Battlestar Galactica

He plays Lt Karl "Helo" Agathon, a Galactica pilot trapped on a hostile planet, in the hit series, Battlestar Galactica. We talk season two, the show's concept, and style. We also chat about his appearences on Stargate SG-1, Smallville and Cold Squad (He was a regular). Taped At Gatecon 2005.
It's a great listen. You should check it out! (Mildly spoilery).

Thanks to the Unofficial Battlestar Blog for the heads up!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Tons of new high-res spoiler pics posted

You can check out around 90 new images of "Home" parts 1 & 2 and of "Final Cut" over at

There are also some behind the scenes photos, which I think are adorable.

206 - Home, Part 1
207 - Home, Part 2 (also known as "The Raid")
208 - Final Cut

Season 2: Behind the Scenes

Lots of new Helo pics! (These are the behind the scenes ones. Too cute!)

If you like spoilers, you should also check out the short synopses of the last three BSG eps before the midseason break, thanks to Now Playing Magazine:

Galactica Mid-Season Finale Synopses Released

"The Farm" Reactions

New poll at right.

Screen caps are up at Northern Lights.

I may post a reaction later. I liked it less than "Resistance" but more than "Fragged" is about all I'm willing to commit to at the moment. It all seemed rushed again a la "Scattered".

Friday, August 12, 2005

"The Farm" on Sci-fi Tonight at 10/9c

If you want to see the um, action, that TVGuide spoiled this week and a great Helo moment, RUN don't walk over to the TVGuide site.

Watch TVGuide's Sneak Peak!

(click "watch video")

ETA: Ok, I totally think this is a clip from "Home" not "The Farm" and that TVGuide made a huge mistake, so hurry, go watch while you can!

UPDATE: TVGuide has now taken the clip down. Sorry. :(

Here's what Sci-fi says about the ep:

Adama returns to duty to find his son a fugitive; on Caprica, Kara makes a chilling discovery about the Cylon agenda.
Watch a new, Helo-filled preview here.

Ron Moore's podcast here.

TVGuide again put it on their Hot List for tonight (Spoilers):
Although Adama's return to duty aboard the Galactica should be cause for celebration, the turmoil awaiting the flinty commander might have him wishing he were still in a coma. Not only is his son's betrayal sticking in his craw, but now Apollo is conspiring against him with Roslin and Zarek. Worse, Tigh's heavy-handed attempts to impose order have provided this Gang of Three with plenty of political ammo. Back on Caprica, a wounded Starbuck is puzzled by a doctor's insistence that she can serve humanity better by bearing children than by fighting Cylons.

Great new Helo/Boomer music video

The talented un4scene has posted a new Helo/Boomer music video over at Hidden Elysium.

Flames (August 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer
Song: Flames by Vast
Size: 18.93mb
It's low key and quietly moving.

Check it out!

Tahmoh Comic Con video!

If you didn't get to attend Comic-Con, you can feel as if you did and experience it yourself, thanks to Solonia, who has posted some great little Comic-Con videos and photos over at her LiveJournal.

I especially recommend the third clip which features Tahmoh trying to define Helo. It also features some whoops of appreciation by raucous fan girls.

BSG Panel Clips, pt.3

Tahmoh tries to define Helo. He and James talk about sleeping with cylons. Mary compliments the audience after saying that she'd just attended her first sci-fi convention. David Eick talks about how he can't fool us, as an audience. Ron talks about how the show evolves as it goes along rather than being planned out from the beginning. Katee talks about Starbuck's vulnerability and about shooting the scene where Starbuck and Six were fighting.
Clips, pt. 2 has some cute footage of Tahmoh laughing at Grace's joke (though I couldn't make the joke out).

See the photos and videos!

Thanks again to the gracious solonia for posting these!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Major spoilers for BSG ep. 208 "Final Cut"

Now Playing Magazine has just published some heavy spoilers for the 8th episode of the second season.

You can read the article here.

Even the article title could be considered spoilery, so beware.

Some very interesting developments, though, I must say.

New Ron Moore blog entry posted

Ron Moore has updated his blog over at It's a pretty interesting read. No Helo-specific questions, but full of good info nonetheless.

Some minor spoilers.

Yes, Virginia, there really is a blog
I loved his response to the question about Super!Starbuck.
I also frankly enjoy watching Kara take on many of the traditionally male roles in the show, as the leading hero(ine), which more often than not involves being extraordinarily adept at more than one thing. (James Bond, anyone?) Some of it is just my own perverse pleasure at watching us explode gender roles and stereotypes and seeing Kara Thrace be the go-to character in a genre which typically demands that person be a man. And truth to tell, if she were still a he, I strongly suspect that this question wouldn't come up at all.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Katee Sackhoff aka Starbuck on S2D Tonight

If you're interested, Katee Sackhoff who plays Starbuck will be on the "Subject to Discussion" radio tonight at approximately 6:25pm PST, that is 9:30pm EST I believe.

Who knows maybe Tahmoh or Helo will come up. They have been filming alot of scenes together after all.

Listen online over at

UPDATE: Interview online here, thanks to Galactica Station.

Why not?

After a less than pleasant DMV experience, I needed some Helo happiness. I thought his recent unpleasant motor vehicle experience might cheer me up.


Thanks to Northern Lights for the photos!

Poll Results: Helo's Absence in "Fragged"

Having no Caprica moments in "Fragged" was a crying shame as far as I'm concerned and most of you seem to agree. I mean I understand and it was fine, but just this once...

1. "fine, as long as it's just this once" - 26%
2. "distressing" - 23%
3. "understandable" - 21%
The graph:

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Poll Results: Helo's defense of Boomer...

I can only say I must have been distracted by the Comic Con prettiness for forgetting to post this sooner. Here's what you guys thought of Helo's defense of Boomer:

1. Helo was "reasonable in his defense of Boomer." - 29%
2. He was "blinded by his love of Boomer." - 27%
3. He was also "sweet for defending Boomer." - 25%
4 episodes later I tend to wonder if people would feel the same way. Speaking of which, where has Caprica Boomer run off to?

Monday, August 08, 2005

New Sci-fi Video Blog

Sci-fi has posted a new Galactica video blog to its site. I'd call it a David Eick video blog, but in reality he only introduces the segment, which consists of a tour by the show's art director of the corridors and of Adama's office.

Videoblog 3: A Tour of the Galactica
I think Tahmoh's Galactica tour video is far more comprehensive and ALOT more fun. You can check it out here.

Vote for Tahmoh

So United Fan Con is polling visitors as to which Galactica stars they'd like to see at the convention in November.

Now as the con is in New England, I know it probably doesn't interest many of you, but I could go, so please vote as a favor to your friendly Tahmoh news provider. :)

ETA: Tahmoh now has substantially more than 3 votes. Yah! Thanks guys.

Show your support for Tahmoh!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

"Resistance" Reactions

Loved the ep. Lots more Helo.

New poll posted at right. What was you favorite Helo scene?

Lots of pretty caps are up at Northern Lights.

Just a couple thoughts/questions, as I'm really late in adding this:

Loved all the Helo/Starbuck moments. Especially his "you drive through a lot of bad neighborhoods?" line about keeping guns in the car, which, if you think about it, IS kind of odd.

The Sci-fi summary mentions one of the pyramid players being named Sue-Shaun? Did we meet her?

What the hell did Ron Moore mean by his Dualla/Lee comment in the podcast?

Friday, August 05, 2005

"Resistance" Tonight on Sci-fi @ 10/9c

Another new episode of Galactica airs tonight and I can promise it will include some Helo. I offer the *cropped* spoiler pic below as proof:

After Col. Tigh imposes martial law, Lee conspires to free President Roslin and organize a democratic resistance.
Watch the preview for "Resistance" here.

UPDATE: Ron Moore's podcast is available here.

Tonight's ep made TVGuide's Hotlist. Here's what they had to say (spoilery):
Last week, Tigh told the comatose Adama, "I really fracked things up for you, Bill." Now after an admission like that, you'd think Tigh would try to set things right. Instead, the XO fracks things up even more by authorizing a bloody crackdown on dissenters aboard a civilian ship, giving Apollo the chaos he needs to spring Roslin from the brig. Well done, Saul. Back on Caprica, Starbuck and Helo are adopted by mountain people who survived the initial Cylon assault. — G.J. Donnelly

Tahmoh Behind-the-Scenes tour of Galactica!

So I blogged a short excerpt and pic from Hypa-Space's behind the scenes tour of the Galactica sets by Tahmoh before. However, now the full 4 minute clip is online, thanks to Space (which airs BSG in Canada)!

Tahmoh Penikett takes us on a walkabout of the Battlestar Galactica set in Vancouver.
Watch Tahmoh's behind-the-scenes tour!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

More Tahmoh at the Sci-Fi Party

Here are two great pics of Tahmoh from Comic-Con a couple weeks ago. I'm on the lookout for more Gatecon pics if anyone has any to share.

Here's a really cute one of Tahmoh and Katee:

Poll Results: Best Helo line in "Valley of Darkness"

Here are the final results from last week's poll. Every Helo quote had its adherents, but the winner for the best line in "Valley of Darkness" was:

"You don't believe in groceries?"
It was followed closely by:
"She seemed so real, like Sharon, same grin, same laugh, all the little things."
In third place:
"I fell in love with a machine."
Here are the results in pretty graph form:

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

"Once you've gone Cylon, you'll never go back."

Some Gatecon con reports are beginning to surface. You can read one by sabaceanbabe over at Hidden Elysium (slight spoilers).

"Once you've gone Cylon, you'll never go back." - Tahmoh Penikett

Rowan over at also posted a con report (see post #49):

They were also asked where they would like to see their characters go in this next season of BSG. Paul said he would like to see his character get more power and a see Billy’s relationship with Dualla develop for obvious reasons (everyone laughed) , Aaron said he’s happy to let the writers take his character where they like. Alonso said well I’m dead …. And Elosha said episode 6 that’s all I’m saying! Tahmoh said he wants more sex with cylons he also joked about wanting a relationship with Dualla as well lol.
She also had this anecdote to share (post #25 in the thread):
Had a funny moment with him and Tahmoh (Helo). Tahmoh (who is as beautiful in real life as he is in his pictures and very sweet) and I were talking when Richard walked up and asked Tahmoh to open a can of peanuts for him then while Tahmoh was working on that Richard and I began to talk then POW! we all jumped the seal on the can when broken had emitted this huge pow sound then we all laughed and joked about how the headlines would read the next day.
I'll add more as I come across them...

Pictures of Tahmoh from Gatecon!

Sorry for the brief pause in posting, but I return bearing gifts! Or at least pretty pictures.

Tahmoh was at Gatecon in Vancouver this past week and weekend and un4scene was lucky enough to attend and take some photos of Tahmoh. You can see them posted over at Northern Lights.

Here are two of my favorites:

He's all about the yellow shirts apparently. Not that I'm complaining...

Thanks to Northern Lights for the photos!