2008 |
April | Regina Leader-Post "Another Door Opens for Actor"
March | Los Angeles Times "'Battlestar's Last Roundup"
Hypaspace Weekly Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 |
February | Channel 10 HD Interview: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
January | Starburst #358 "The Helo Effect"
People Uncut "Tahmoh Penikett" (30 min. TV interview)
2007 |
December | Air North From Yukon to Hollywood
November | Game Pro Tahmoh plays Xbox 360 Galactica Game
September | Galactica.TV Interview with Tahmoh |
Fangoria "Trapped Ashes: Five for Frighting"
July | Battlestar Galactica Digital Press Tour Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 |
June | Kindreds (Helo/Sharon fansite) Tahmoh Penikett Interview |
May | Pink Raygun Interviews Tahmoh Penikett |
April | Sci-fi Wire
March | Space: Behind the Scenes On the Galactica set with Tahmoh Penikett (Helo) |
February | Wizard Entertainment TV Q&A with Tahmoh Penikett |
January | Starburst #79 "Moral Compass" |
2006 |
December | Fangoria Tahmoh talks Trick 'r Treat |
Scifi.com BSG Cast Rountable discussion |
October | Starburst Special Issue #77 "He's an Angel" |
Battlestar Blog Tahmoh Penikett Interview |
September | Sci-fi Zone Radio Show Battlestar Spectacular with Tahmoh
Maxim "Mission Accomplished"
Ain't it Cool News Tahmoh at Dragon*Con 2006
MeeVeeTV 2006 BAFTA Emmy Awards party |
May | Galactica.tv Interview with Tahmoh Penikett at the 2006 London Expo
Sci-fi Brain (IGN.com) "Helo hath no fury" |
March | Official Battlestar Galactica magazine #4 "Slipped Helo"
February | iF Magazine "Battlestar Galactica's Tahmoh Penikett" |
January | Starburst #73 "Honour above all" |
Infuze magazine Tahmoh Penikett |
Dreamwatch #138 "Like Father, Like Cylon" |
Official Battlestar Galactica magazine #3 "Helo of a Time" |
2005 |
December | Scifi.com Sci-fi Inside: BSG special |
Sci-fi Magazine "Inside Battlestar Galactica" |
October | Galactica One Online Chat with Tahmoh Penikett
Metro (Vancouver) "Out to dinner with 'Helo'" |
September | Cult Times #35 "Helo Worship" |
July | Now Playing Magazine Interview at Comic Con 2005 |
Sci-fi Talk Podcast Interview at Gatecon 2005
IGN Film Force Interview at Comic Con 2005
Sci-Fi Inside How to make a cylon shooter
June | Hypa-Space Behind-the-scenes tour of Galactica set with Tahmoh Penikett
Hypa-Space "Grace Park & Tahmoh Penikett Talk BSG" |
April | Starburst #323 "Survivor: Caprica" |
March | Subject 2 Discussion Tahmoh Penikett |
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Interview with Tahmoh Penikett
February | Vancouver Sun "Storytelling's in his blood" |
2004 (& earlier) |
October | The Globe and Mail "Rookie bares all, well almost, for Cold Squad" |
September | CTV "Cold Squad" set to begin its 7th and final season |
Metro (Vancouver) Lifestyle: Tahmoh Penikett
CBC (2003) "Yukoner hits big time on small screen" |
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