Thursday, November 30, 2006

Slate raves about Battlestar and Ron Moore

In a recent Slate article, Adam Rogers writes about Galactica and its writing staff, focusing particularly on the series of writer's room podcasts (for the S2 episode "Scar") that Sci-fi released this summer.

Captain's Log
Want to understand Battlestar Galactica? Eavesdrop on its writers.

"But actually hearing a producer of Moore's caliber work through the process is thrilling, because he relies on the improvisational qualities of the writers' room. Maybe he has no idea whether his human characters will ever find the (possibly mythical) Earth. It doesn't matter. He and his writers are building a world to live in, not a theory to unravel. It's a world that does more than transcend his show's silly title. It actually redeems it."
You can find the writer's podcasts here.

I blogged about the "Scar" writer's room podcasts four times. Thanks to the new tags, you can see all the posts here.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tahmoh participates in two BSG cast podcasts

As Ron announced in his latest blog entry, he and his wife Terry have hosted dinner parties the past two nights with Galactica cast members. The first night, the attendees were:

  • Jamie B.
  • James C.
  • Tahmoh P.
  • Mark Sheppard, a guest star in three yet to be aired eps.
  • Henry, a friend of Jamies from school.
  • Ron M.
  • Terry M.
After dinner they recorded a four-hour round-table discussion. Look for it to be posted in two parts; the sound quality is reportedly somewhat uneven, but hopefully Sci-fi will still post it.

Last night, some of the female cast made it too; Mary McDonnell, Grace Park, James Callis and Tahmoh had dinner with Ron and Terry. Then Grace and Tahmoh recorded a podcast for "Unfinished Business" (this Friday's episode).

Look for the podcasts to appear soon here.

Message from Tahmoh to the fans

Ron Moore and his wife Terry hosted a dinner party for many of the BSG cast members last night. While at the party, Tahmoh left a message on the Galactica Sci-fi message boards for the fans:

Nov 29 2006, 02:33 AM

Hello everyone, it's tahmoh here. I've just finished an incredible meal that the lovely Mrs.Ron cooked. We're now enjoying some red wine and reflecting on our conversation last night. I hope you guys enjoy the blog, we had a great time doing it.
I just wanted to thank all of the fans again for being with us the last three and half years. The support, compliments and feedback have been incredible and insightful.
I'm going to get back to my wine now. Be well.

They apparently also recorded an episode podcast, more on that tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Everything changes, everything stays the same

So the site is now completely XML/CSS based (part of Google's push to convert all Blogger blogs). I barely know what that means, but switching over was quite the undertaking as I had extensively modified the template to get three columns. Hopefully everything looks exactly the same to you.

The only change you might notice is that at the bottom of the left sidebar you can now find a list of all the tags currently in use (and the number of posts bearing that tag). Click on the tag to see all the related posts. The list will grow as I continue tagging earlier posts.

Hope everyone enjoys the new tag list and continues to enjoy the site and find it interesting. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, find any problems or have any news to share.

Monday, November 27, 2006

More screencaps of Tahmoh in NFS: Carbon

Thanks to burned-phoenix for these great caps of Tahmoh as Darius in the new Need for Speed: Carbon racing game from EA.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

AATP now with tags!

I hope everyone will be thrilled to see that the site now has tags and will enjoy the new functionality. If people demonstrate enough interest I might work on tagging earlier posts.

If you'd like to see tags on earlier posts, please comment or email me and tell me what sorts of posts you'd be most interested in seeing tagged and/or what tags would be the most useful.

ETA: I'm in the process of tagging all the posts, but with nearly 1000 previous posts it'll be a while before that's done... so patience, please :).

Brief appearance by Tahmoh in latest vblog

Another videoblog from the set of Galactica has appeared on the show's sci-fi site. It mostly features Edward James Olmos discussing Adama's evolution over the series, but Tahmoh and other cast members banter a bit at a table read for "Hero".

The banter goes something like this (thanks to Michelle from Aaron Douglas Fans):

Aaron: You're gone Helo. Just so you know buddy.
Grace: No he's not. Don't say that.
Unidentified voice: Not yet
Tahmoh: What do I do now?
Unidentified voice: You have to make love to your wife
Aaron: ... back to raptor land
Tahmoh: Maybe the Chief can take me on. C'mon buddy.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Battlestar Galactica moves to Sundays in 2007

Thanks to for these links about BSG impending timeslot switch.

This just in from the Sci Fi Wire:

SCI FI Channel’s award-winning series Battlestar Galactica will move to a new timeslot starting Jan. 21, 2007: Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT, following the premiere of the new original series The Dresden Files at 9 p.m.

Variety explains the motivation behind the move:

Sci Fi exec VP of programming Mark Stern said there are two reasons for moving the series.

“Broadcast and cable networks realized Friday was not such a bad timeslot, so it’s not the easy lay-up it once was,” he said.

In addition, he added, Sundays have bigger HUT levels and will be less competitive come January when football leaves the sked.

Frosh one-hour “Eureka” showed that “we can launch a show successfully on a new night beyond Friday,” Stern said. “Sunday is the home for premiere programming and for us, that’s ‘Battlestar.’ ”

Sci Fi Channel also will debut its detective drama “The Dresden Files” Jan. 21 at 9, where it will lead into “Battlestar.” Stern said the cabler is hoping that “Dresden” will bring in a new and broader audience to the latter. helpfully explains: "BTW, HUT levels = households using television. My final thoughts: it’s a risky move, but let’s hope SCI FI rolls a “hard six”."

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tahmoh podcast interview from Dragon Con

"The SciFi Zone Radio Show" interviewed the BSG guests at this September's Dragon Con:

James Callis is on 9:07 to 11:00
Kate Vernon is on 27:11 to 35:27
Tahmoh Penikett and Aaron Douglas are on 39:44 to 47:50
If you just want to hear Tahmoh's interview, thanks to Michelle from Aaron Douglas Fans you can; she has trimmed it down to just Aaron and Tahmoh's part. You can find it under "Audio Interviews" on the "Media" page of her site.

Monday, November 20, 2006

"Unfinished Business" preview clip

Sci-fi shared this nearly 2 minute clip online to promote interest in the next BSG episode (Dec. 1), "Unfinished Business," which includes a scene of Lee and Helo boxing.

Or if you can't watch, here are two screen caps of Helo:

Friday, November 17, 2006

"Hero" airs tonight at 9pm EST

"Admiral Adama must confront the darkest moment of his military career when Lt. Daniel "Bulldog" Novacek, a pilot believed killed years ago during a secret mission under Adama's command, escapes from Cylon custody and arrives on the Galactica."

See a clip from tonight's episode over at YahooTV. Or another scene thanks to AOL.

The show will repeat tonight at 11pm. It will also re-air on Monday, November 13th at 11pm.

Download Ron Moore's podcast for the episode here.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Reviews and screen caps from "A Measure of Salvation"

For a critical take on last Friday's "A Measure of Salvation," see:

Thanks to BSG Caps for these pictures of Helo in Friday's episode. Helo was in so many scenes this is just a small selection.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

New promo photos of Helo boxing!

NBC has released two new promotional photos for episode 308: Unfinished Business that feature Helo in and around the boxing ring. Here they are, thanks to drewcypher:

Full size here.

Full size here.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tahmoh as Darius in NFS: Carbon

So Need for Speed: Carbon is on shelves now and apparently there's a bonus disc with a making-of featurette that features Tahmoh as Darius. Here are two screenshots:
You can watch an online player beat Darius on YouTube here. Darius trash talks the player during play (although it's dubbed in French in this case, so it's not Tahmoh's voice).

The game looks like a lot of fun. You can check out the action at EA's website and watch videos of gameplay (some of which seem to feature Tahmoh's voice).

Monday, November 13, 2006

Pic of Tahmoh in Entertainment Weekly

EW gave Jamie Bamber a camera and he took a series of behind-the-scenes photos on the Battlestar set, including this amusing, if not flattering, one of Tahmoh:

Thanks to twolefts for the scan. See the other photos here.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bear McCreary on the "Helo Theme"

BSG composer Bear McCreary recently blogged about the music from "A Measure of Salvation" and in particular the return of the "Helo Theme."

This simple chordal pattern was written for 33, and was designed to express Helo's dread and fear as he was pursued and captured by the Cylons. It was performed with strings, synths and a dark choral, vocal texture and is comprised entirely of shifting minor chords, ending with a major chord.

After making several appearances throughout the first season, it vanished from the show once Helo returned safely to Galactica. It makes its first return this week in A Measure of Salvation.

Helo's objection to the issue of genocide provides the moral tension to the story. This time, rather than suggesting that Helo is in peril, the theme adds a darkness and menace to his character, underlying the possibility that he will take matters into his own hands to defend what he believes is right.
To see the notes making up the theme and more facts about it, go here.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Season 3 Helo/Sharon icons

cnnjunky has posted some great Helo/Sharon icons over at nomorecasualty. Here are a few:

Check out the rest here.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Moore: Tonight's ep "a big Helo episode"

Be sure to tune in tonight to Galactica's "A Measure of Salvation" at 9pm EST. Ron Moore in the episode's podcast says that: "This turned out to be a big Helo episode"!

"Admiral Adama and President Roslin debate the morality of deploying a potentially genocidal biological weapon against the Cylons. Meanwhile, Baltar is tortured by D'Anna, who is intent on determining who is responsible for creating the deadly virus that has imperiled the Cylon population."
See a clip from tonight's episode over at YahooTV.

Read TV Guide's review of the episode:
Shocking Preview: Battlestar Galactica's Cylons Go to Extremes

The show will repeat tonight at 11pm. It will also re-air on Monday, November 13th at 11pm.

Download Ron Moore's podcast on the episode here.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Great new Helo/Tahmoh icons

green-queen has created dozens of terrific Helo and Tahmoh icons. Here are a few but there are lots more here!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Don't forget to vote!

If you live in the US, please remember to vote today (Nov. 7th)!

And for our non-US visitors, vote in the new poll at right! How long will Helo be XO of the Galactica? One more episode? All of season 3? Forever?

Reviews and Screen caps from "Torn"

For a critical take on Friday's excellent "Torn," see:

Thanks to BSG Caps for these pictures of Helo in Friday's episode. Helo was in 4 scenes! Here are screen caps of three of them: