Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dollhouse Season 2 Premiere Tomorrow!

Tahmoh and the other cast and crew of Dollhouse have been busily promoting Season 2, which starts tomorrow, September 25, at 9:00 PM Eastern on Fox. Expect possible spoilers within links and videos.

In a non-spoilery video from Fox, Tahmoh spills the beans on nine things about himself, including pets, singers, foods, and more.

Korbi at sat down with Tahmoh to discuss S2, including working with BSG costars Jamie Bamber and Michael Hogan.

IGN interviews Tahmoh about Dollhouse S2 and asks him about the ending of Battlestar Galactica too.

IO9 asks Tahmoh some questions in video interviews about Dollhouse, Riverworld, and BSG.

Scifi Wire summarizes "All You Need to Know" about Dollhouse S2, including some information on Ballard.

More Dollhouse S2 Promo Pics can be found here and here.

Tahmoh has made numerous appearances promoting Dollhouse. Here are some links and a few pictures.

Life Magazine posted this picture of Tahmoh at the SyFy Comic Con party, along with many other snapshots.

Tahmoh also attended the Fox Television Critics Association (TCA) tour and the Fox Eco Casino Night. Thanks to gfemale of the Livejournal community blank_dolls for the pics.

Tahmoh and Eliza also attended the Nylon Party.

Tahmoh made an appearance at the BAFTA Tea Party before the Emmy's and topnews posts pictures.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dollhouse Season 2 Starts September 25th!

Dollhouse is back, and so are we! It's going to take us a few posts to catch up on all the Tahmoh news. Look for posts focusing on different topics over the next few days. First up, Dollhouse S2!

The cast and crew have been dropping hints about what to expect in S2 now that Paul is working for the Dollhouse. We've kept our comments focused on the general plot, but expect spoilers in any links or embedded video.

Boston Blast Magazine summarizes Joss's Comic Con comments about Paul.
"We had always intended for Paul to find the Dollhouse and for his interaction to change because we didn’t want him to be like the reporter in ‘The Hulk,’ showing up too late every episode,” Whedon said of the Ballard character. “And now they’ve been working on him from the outside with November and his alliance with Echo is going to be really tested, because he’s going to be in there with her partially to protect her but also to find out what’s really going on. You know you can gaze into the abyss or you can actually live in it, it’s going to affect you. So we are going to see"
Read the entire article here.

Watch with Kristin quotes Eliza and Tahmoh on Paul and Echo's relationship in S2:
Echo and Ballard will grow closer this season. As Eliza says, "Echo doesn't know entirely what's going on yet…[but] as she becomes more and more self-aware, she's recognizing this constant, tall, dark, looming man in the Dollhouse." We would have said handsome in lieu of looming, but her point is taken. As Tahmoh explains it, "They have a connection. It's not a physical attraction, but I hope it's something that we explore a lot more this season. You're not quite sure what it is. There's a past, there's a history, there's an understanding between them that's very different. I think the audience is really going to like it and be really curious about where we're going in the first few episodes."
Eliza and Tahmoh also appeared in TV Guide. For a larger picture and the article, see Athena606's post at Dollhouse_TV.

Access Hollywood interviewed Eliza, Tahmoh, and Joss about S2. Tahmoh appears at about the 2:50 mark.

Battlestar fans were delighted to learn that fellow BSG cast members Jamie Bamber and Michael Hogan will be making guest appearances on Dollhouse. Bamber appears in the first episode of S2 "Vows," and he and Tahmoh reportedly have an explosive scene together.

More pics from the first few episodes, including some with Jamie at the Dollhouse wikia.

Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune provides a whole host of S2 spoilers in this summary post, some involving Paul. She also published videos by cast members talking about S2.

[Admin: Video no longer available]

Be sure to tune in on Friday, September 25th at 9pm EST!