Monday, September 26, 2011

Haven this Friday

Even though they spell his name wrong, the SyFy channel confirms that Tahmoh will appear in this Friday's season finale of Haven. Be sure to watch and let us know what you think! Click the picture below to see a screen cap from SyFy's website.

Edit: And a promo featuring Tahmoh. Thanks Bertha!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tahmoh and Tar Sands Development

Metro Canada reports here - and Tahmoh has confirmed with an emphatic "yes!" - that he supports the efforts of Greenpeace, the Council of Canadians and the Indigenous Environmental Network to protest tar sands development. A sit-in is planned for Sept. 26 in the House of Commons foyer. See the metro article and the Greenpeace, Council of Canadians and Indigenous Environmental Network websites for more info.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Jabberwock Saturday at 9:00 PM Eastern

Some clips from SyFy:

And an interview with director Steven R. Monroe in which he calls Tahmoh "a bad ass actor."

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Dragon Con Reports

Dragon Con interviews, pictures, and reports are starting to surface. We're in the process of getting permission to repost, but, for now, be sure to check out this interview from Daily Dragon Online, tweets from Tricia Helfer and Edward James Olmos (here and here). Fans have also posted their own pictures and anecdotes at Tahmoh's Facebook Fan page (see link at right).

Photo courtesy of Tricia Helfer's Twitter Feed.