Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Tahmoh Q&A

Here's Part 2 of our most recent Q&A with Tahmoh. Part 1 is included in this post. Look for Part 3 in the next few days. With thanks again to Bertha for her help prepping this post.

If you were not able to act, what other profession would you pursue and why?
If I was not able to act I think I’d still be in the business in some capacity. I'd probably pursue directing, as I’m interested in doing that in the near future.

There was a time when I wanted to be a fighter; the acting took precedent though. I'm still a passionate fan of Martial Arts and I hope to be able to train for many years to come.

What expensive or frivolous purchase did you make with your first large paycheck from acting?

I bought myself a Movado watch. Even with that first guest star paycheck I still really couldn't afford it, but I had to have it. I saw that watch in a store window once when I was 22 and regularly checked up on it planning on the day that I was going to buy it. It was the first thing I did and owned and I loved that watch for a good ten years before it was unfortunately stolen in LA.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Human Target, Japan, and Jabberwocky

Tahmoh's episode of Human Target aired on November 17. His time on the screen was a little too short, in my opinion, but it was great to see him in a show. Bertha snapped some screen shots, which are decorating this page. The rest will be on the flickr page soon.

Tahmoh has answered some more questions submitted by readers. I'll be posting them over the next week or so. Thanks to Bertha for help with prepping these posts.

I'd like to know what Tahmoh thought about Japan, and where he went while there?
I've been to Japan twice now. Both times I was in Tokyo. I absolutely love it there. The energy, pace and size of the city is really infectious and once you get on the ride there's no stopping.

The first time that I went, I was there with seven close friends. A couple of them were photographers and working there, but the rest of us were there to experience Tokyo and watch an excellent producer friend of ours play at a live event.

The second time I visited, I was watching a friend fight for the MMA [mixed martial arts] organization, Dream. It's always been a dream of mine to see a live Japanese Martial Arts event, and to have a good friend fighting was an opportunity I jumped at. I went with two other close friends and we had one of the best times I’ve ever had traveling. We met some of the best fighters from around the world, walked our friend out to his corner for the match and had excellent seats for the event.

I love Japanese food and definitely indulged both times I’ve visited. The art, culture and architecture are fascinating.

It amazes me how many Westerners I meet in Tokyo have never left. They came years ago to teach English or for a short period, ended up falling in love with the city and stayed. I can see why. They have a saying that if you love Tokyo, Tokyo will love you back. I can attest that this is true!

The next time I go, I hope to go and train there.

IMDB now lists Jabberwocky among Tahmoh's credits. After a bit of digging on the internet, I was able to confirm that this is indeed the "dragon slayer movie" that Tahmoh recently filmed in Bulgaria. For more about the film see A News Online. You can read the Lewis Carroll poem here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Human Target Tomorrow Night

Just a reminder that Tahmoh appears in the Season 2 Premiere of Human Target tomorrow night 8:00 pm Eastern on Fox. We hope to have screen caps soon.

Check back soon because Tahmoh has answered more fan questions. I'll post them over the next few days.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

A New Film and Tahmoh in new Caleb's Hope Video

Tahmoh is currently in Bulgaria shooting a new film, which he describes as a "dragon slayer film of sorts". We'll be sure to let you know more about the project as the details become available.

The Express with Erin Shaw featured this great video about Caleb's Hope and its founder Holly Dignard. Tahmoh appears a few times in the video - as himself in the Real Men Don't Rape Campaign and in his role as Elias Noth from Whistler.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Dragon*Con 2011

The Dragon*Con website lists Tahmoh as one of four confirmed guests for the September 2-5, 2011 convention in Atlanta, GA.

Thanks to Krysta2 for permission to use the photo - see more at our flickr stream (to be updated one day!)