Friday, April 28, 2006

New screen caps from Under the Cover

Under the Cover is the three-part sequel to the short film, Below the Belt, in which Tahmoh stars. You can download Below the Belt from for 99 cents (see a description and instructions in my earlier post). All three episodes of Under the Cover can be downloaded for free from ZeD (links here).

To put the photos in context, here's the summary I posted a year ago:

I'd really recommend watching Below the Belt first as it's the pilot to the series, but if you can't spare the 99 cents, be warned, Jonas (Tahmoh) has:

- retreated under a red blanket.
- declared himself an asexual amoeba.
- broken up with his sex-starved girlfriend, Tabatha.
- Oh and there's a freaky clown.

Incidentally, Tahmoh was filming Under the Cover when he had to go audition for Helo. So he's not always the one under the red blanket. Your guess is as good as mine as to when that is... Though clearly he made it back in time for episode 4.

See dozens more caps over at Northern Lights.

You can also check out the Career News Archive to see my other posts on both short films. I try to keep it up to date, but the best way to find previous posts on a topic that interests you is to use the "search this blog" box at the top of this page. Google owns Blogger and so the search function is quite good.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New Galactica spin-off: Caprica

Here's the official release from the Sci-fi Channel:


From executive producers Ronald D. Moore and David Eick ('Battlestar Galactica'), writer Remi Aubuchon ('24') and NBC Universal Television Studio, this new series is set over a half a century before the events that play out in 'Battlestar Galactica.' The people of the Twelve Colonies are at peace and living in a society not unlike our own, but where high-technology has changed the lives of virtually everyone for the better. But a startling breakthrough in robotics is about to occur, one that will bring to life the age-old dream of marrying artificial intelligence with a mechanical body to create the first living robot - a Cylon.

Following the lives of two families, the Graystones and the Adamas (the family of William Adama, who will one day become the commander of the 'Battlestar Galactica') 'Caprica' weaves corporate intrigue, techno-action and sexual politics into television's first science fiction family saga.
Zap2it also just posted this report about the new Battlestar Galactica prequel show in development over at Sci-fi.
'Galactica' Prequel on Tap at Sci Fi
April 26 2006

The Sci Fi Channel will delve into the backstory of "Battlestar Galactica" with a new series that looks at the years leading up to humanity's devastation by the Cylons.

The prequel, called "Caprica," heads a list of development projects the cable network unveiled Wednesday.

"Caprica" will be set more than 50 years prior to the events of "Battlestar Galactica" and focus on the lives of two families -- the Adamas (ancestors of future Galactica commander William) and the Graystones. Humankind's Twelve Colonies are at peace and on the verge of a technological breakthrough: the first Cylon.

As "Battlestar Galactica" is about a lot more than space battles, "Caprica" will be as much family drama as sci-fi tale. Remi Aubuchon ("The Lyon's Den," "24") is writing the pilot script; "Galactica" veterans Ronald D. Moore and David Eick will executive produce it.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Buzz surrounding Stanley’s Girlfriend

This short film in which Tahmoh stars as Leo will be screened this May at the Cannes Film Festival. It is part of a larger horror anthology film, Trapped Ashes, that will be released in theaters sometime this year.

Several members of the yahoo film discussion group, a_film_by, have seen the film and have been posting reactions. I've included the most interesting and relevant sections of their posts below (edited slightly).

I just ran into Monte at Riteaid, and he invited me over to look at rushes from his new film - a 30-minute ghost story called "Stanley's Girlfriend," about a strange episode in the early life of Stanley Kubrick. It's part of an omnibus film produced by Dennis Bartok of the American Cinematheque, "Trapped Ashes," with other sections by Ken Russell, Joe Dante and 2 others....

The footage is a pleasure to see even in rough form - lots of lovely compositions in depth, great natural(-looking) lighting, spare camera moves, all shot in 3 1/2 days on a set he only saw the day before he started shooting. I found out that he never replaces dialogue. He's sensitive to the aural qualities of performances, and he doesn't like what happens when you loop afterward. Being an editor he always knew he could use one actor's line from another take to sweeten a scene where another actor was at his best, etc., like a French director.

It's all unknown actors: Stanley (who is never called Kubrick, but obviously is)
[Tygh Runyan], Stanley's girlfriend [Amelia Cooke] and a young writer named Leo [Tahmoh Penikett] that he befriends in 1957, when most of the film takes place. John Saxon plays Leo in the epilogue, set in 1999. Monte showed me his last close-up and said: "I told him not to act here. Isn't he wonderful?" There's also an historical "document" filmed in black and white in a graveyard, which is Monte Does Mario (although I suspect he was thinking of the beginning of Great Expectations, one of his favorite films)....

John Saxon is also in the "wraparound" directed by Joe Dante, apparently. Monte, ever the meticulous realist, put him on a platform to make him look as tall as the other actor playing Leo (Tahmoh).
[Saxon is 5'10" and Tahmoh is 6'3"]

Also, I should have made it clear that the script (written by Dennis Bartok) is about a FICTIVE strange episode in the early life of Stanley Kubrick.
I saw a rough cut of TRAPPED ASHES tonight....

Joe Dante's wrap-arounds are solidly conceived and shot, and fun (with a little PSYCHO reference thrown in). Really nice fun-house art direction. Monte Hellman's segment (with Stanley Kubrick as a character) is a mini-masterpiece in my opinion. Sean S. Cunningham's part is well below being competent -- a shame since it was based on some real experiences writer/producer Dennis Bartok had in Japan with his wife Susan. John Gaeta's is professional -- not sure he's a budding auteur, but it isn't bad.
Those of us who know Monte know what a romantic he is, and that side of him gets surprising reign to flourish within the demands of a vampire story. The film lore aspects of his sequence are just right. At one point he briefly recreates the look (framing, staging, resonance) of a great silent film. I can't imagine that much will change with his portion of the film between now and release (though they want to shave about six more minutes out of the whole).
Stanley's Girlfriend has been getting very good reactions. A European cinelegend who saw it thought it was Monte's best film.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Hush to air in the UK

Tahmoh's TV thriller, Hush, will air on the Hallmark Channel in the UK early this May.

Saturday, May 6th @ 3 PM
Sunday, May 7th @ 4 AM

A doctor moves back to his home town with his wife and child in tow - but a face from the past looks set to ruin his plans to settle down when years of simmering hatred boil over into a murderous plot for revenge.

Thriller, starring Tori Spelling, Victoria Pratt, Tahmoh Penikett and Susan Hogan.
See the listings.

If anyone knows of Hush airdates in their country, please let me know and I'll publicize them. I know it has aired in the US, UK, France and Romania.

Thanks to Sharon for the heads up!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Tahmoh's film to be shown at Cannes!

Tahmoh's segment of the horror anthology Trapped Ashes, "Stanley's Girlfriend," directed by the eminent Monte Hellman will be shown this May at the 59th International Cannes Film Festival as part of the Short Film programme.

Films out of competition
Short Film Programme
A huge congratulations to Tahmoh!

The 59th Festival will take place between May 17-28, 2006. The Award Ceremony will be held on Sunday May 28th.

See the official press release from Cannes.

Tahmoh stars with Tricia Helfer in The Green Chain

Tricia Helfer (Number Six on Galactica) will play Leila Cole and Tahmoh, Brett Jackson, in the Canadian environmentalist mockumentary, The Green Chain.

The Green Chain (2006)

The battle between loggers and environmentalists is defining, dividing and destroying communities in Canada and around the world. The Green Chain is a powerful, funny and thought-provoking film about the conflicts between people on both sides of the battle who love trees -- and are willing to risk anything to protect their personal visions of the forest, and our planet.

March 28, 2006 - Hollywood Reporter article, "Just their nature" (PDF)

Visit The Green Chain's writer/director Mark Leiren-Young's home page.

The mockumentary is funded by and presumably will air on Canadian TV.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Have a Question for Tahmoh? Comment here.

Anything you've been dying to ask Tahmoh? Something you've been wondering about?

Aeolus from Sci-Fi Brain will be interviewing Tahmoh this Monday and wants to ask a fan question! So comment on this post with your questions and your question may be answered!

Be sure to include your first name and what state/country you're from.

Check out Aeolus's recent, terrific interviews with Nicki Clyne (Cally) and Aaron Douglas (Chief Tyrol):

"Adorably Dangerous: An Interview with Nicki Clyne"

"Spare a Screw: An Interview with Aaron Douglas"
Update (4-24-06): On behalf of Sci-Fi Brain and Aeolus, thanks for all the wonderful questions.

Two lucky fans will have their questions addressed in the up-coming article, which will be available online on May 5th.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Helo "ArtiFEX" trading card

Lt. Karl Agathon was given his own "ArtiFEX" trading card (SPA8) in the Rittenhouse Archives Battlestar Galactica Season One trading card series. Artist Sean Pence created eight other cards in the series, including Adama, Roslin, Lee, Kara, Baltar, Six, Sharon and Tigh.

Not the most flattering artwork, but there it is. It's great Helo was included.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ron Moore answers fan questions

BSG executive producer and writer, Ron Moore, has posted a new series of questions and answers to his Battlestar blog.

Several questions relate to Helo and Sharon. Mild spoilers for Season 3.

"Are you going to destroy Sharon and Helo's relationship or give it a stronger foundation? From my POV, Sharon's reactions and actions are consistent with the Sharon we met on Caprica. I'm not particularly mushy, but this very human story is one of the primary reasons I watch the show. That this Sharon might have PPD and PTSS is reasonable and I hope that when we see her in the Season three she will be healed and moving foward with her life outside the cage. This fan doesn't care how she gets out of the cage as long as she does."

Their relationship will continue to grow and evolve. That's not to say it won't have the ups and downs of any relationship, but we're not looking to destroy it. The issue of the cage, what she's been doing in it, and what her future is will be dealt with in the first couple of episodes.

"Are you planning a Sharon swap? Will you swap AdorablyCylonCagedSharon with DownloadedMosesBoomer in terms of which Sharon will be onboard Galactica for the duration of the series? I pray you don't sacrifice one Sharon for another. I've never confused the two versions of Sharon and I believe you and your writing staff can make room for them both of them."

I'm happy with the fact that we crossed each Sharon over into the other world and I'm not planning to reswap them again. There's also no plan at the moment to destory either one.
Read the full Q&A.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Call Sheet

The Unofficial Battlestar Galactica Blog has scored a call sheet for the first day of shooting for the third season, April 10th.

The page is full of tons of interesting info, including confirmation of the first two episode titles (upper right), actor/actresses call times, whether they drive themselves, how long it takes to shoot scenes, and the order they shoot them in.

Of course the sheet also describes the scenes being shot and so contains spoilers for the 3rd season. If you pay attention to the episode number and the scene number at left, you can work out the order in which things will occur.

A fascinating behind the scenes look. See it now.

If you were wondering, Tahmoh wasn't called for the first day of shooting. The first day was all planet side featuring Boomer, Cally, Laura, Baltar, Tigh and Cavil.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Pic of Tahmoh in this week's Entertainment Weekly

In its article about Tori Spelling, "Blonde on Blonde," Entertainment Weekly #872 reproduces a promotional photo from the Lifetime TV movie, Hush, in which Tahmoh also starred.

The magazine had this to say about Hush:

Hush (2005, Lifetime)

Spelling went back to her thriller roots with this screamfest about a newlywed struggling to get pregnant. Things get campy when her husband's psychotic ex-girlfriend steals her frozen egg.

''There's a line in so noTORIous when I'm flustered and forgetting my lines and [my friend] Janey says, 'How do you forget ''He killed my mother, he killed my cat?''' That was an actual line from Hush. I begged them to not make me say that.''
Which unfortunately makes Tahmoh's character out to be psychotic. The actual line was "She killed my mother, she killed my cat?" Dr. Noah harms no animals in the flick. Not that it really matters...

Read more about Hush in the Career News Archive.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Details emerge about Galactica's third season

Shooting began this week on the first episode of season three, written by Ron Moore. For those eager for news of what's to come, a flurry of details has emerged to ease the long wait until October. While I won't post the spoilers to the site, I'd suggest you check out the links below:

Don't follow these links unless you want major spoilers!

Gateworld has posted a partial summary of events in the S3 premiere, "Occupation."

Tidbits about the second episode, "Precipice," and the events of the first several are known thanks to Koenigrules on the Subject2Discussion podcast. A summary of these spoilers can be found over at The Secret Cylon.
For those curious, there are no spoilers about Helo in the above posts.

Monday, April 10, 2006

New poll and BSG finale poll results

If you haven't noticed in the past week, there's a new poll at right. Will you watch Tahmoh in Cold Squad this fall?

"Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2" generated strong fan reaction in last week's poll. Almost half the voters thought the BSG finale was "awesome" and "can't wait for season 3" (46% - 126 votes). About 15% liked it but are "nervous about next season".

A strong 15% were thrilled with Helo's promotion and non-rotund state. 10% thought the ending was "unexpected - but a good move".

Friday, April 07, 2006

Vote for Galactica in the Spaceys!

BSG is nominated in several categories for the Spaceys, awarded each year by the Space Channel (Canadian channel that shows BSG). Some of the awards are determined by viewer's choice online votes.

BSG won last year for "Favourite Limited TV Show".

In a sea of boring television award shows, the SPACEYS is the only one that avoids podiums and red carpets. Instead, we take the show around the globe to stalk find the winners, wherever they happen to be, and present them with our much coveted silver statuette!

Want to have your say? Viewers can get involved by voting online in seven Viewer’s Choice categories from March 23 to May 8
This year BSG is nominated for:
- Favourite TV Show
- Favourite TV Ensemble Cast
Vote here!

Winners receive a cute silver alien head statue and accept the award via video. You can see part of the comedic BSG winning segment in the highlights section.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Part 2 of the BSG Writer's Podcast now available

Scifi has posted the second part of the Galactica writer's meeting about episode 215, "Scar," to its podcast directory.

In this segment they continue to discuss the possibility of releasing Sharon as well as the general shape of the episode. Interestingly the conflict between Kat and Kara was originally even more heated and obnoxious. Helo's relationship with Kara is briefly discussed and debated.

For those that haven't seen all of Season 2, this podcast is spoilery through the finale, so beware.

Listen to Part 2 of the writer's room discussion.

Scifi promises Part 3 of 3 soon.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Battlestar Galactica wins prestigious Peabody Award

Winners of the 65th Annual Peabody Awards were announced today and Battlestar was among them.

"Battlestar Galactica, a drama about a war-ravaged, homeless civilization attempting to begin anew, gave SCI FI Channel its first Peabody victory."
Read the full announcement.
"A belated, brilliantly re-imagined revival of a so-so 1970s outer-space saga, the series about imperiled survivors of a besieged planet has revitalized sci-fi television with its parallax considerations of politics, religion, sex, even what it means to be "human." NBC Universal Television Studio."
See a list of this year's winners.
"Today the George Foster Peabody Awards are often cited as the most prestigious awards in electronic media. Each year, from more than one thousand entries, the Peabody Board selects outstanding works exhibiting excellence, distinguished achievement, and meritorious service by radio and television networks, stations, cable television organizations, producing organizations, and individuals."
Learn more about the Peabodys here.

Five-Minute Battlestar Galactica Miniseries comic

Kira has made a hilarious comic strip version of the BSG miniseries using stills from the show, but has added her own witty dialogue. It's definitely worth checking out for a good laugh.

See the 5 minute BSG Miniseries comic.

The site also features the "The Top 10 Reasons Battlestar Galactica is Better Than You", which is rather amusing as well.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Added a biography for Tahmoh

A number of people over the past year have contacted me with questions about Tahmoh's heritage, his height or his early career. Others have wondered how to contact him. To help answer all these questions I've created a bio for Tahmoh, assembling most of what I know or have gleaned from interviews, online chats and convention appearances.

I would, of course, still love to receive emails from all of you, but I thought everyone might find the bio interesting. I've used direct quotes from Tahmoh whenever possible.

Read the full bio here.

Or jump to a specific section:

Basic Stats Filmography
Family and Youth Personal
Education Convention Appearances
Career Contact Information
I've added a permanent link to the bio to the sidebar at left, so that it'll always be easily accessible.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Cold Squad to air in the US this fall

With the success of DaVinci's Inquest in the US, Program Partners has acquired syndication rights to Cold Squad, selling it as part of their "Crime Watch" package to US stations. Set to premiere in Fall 2006, as of this week the show has been sold to 70% of the US market.

See if it will be available in your area by looking at the press releases.

See the Cold Squad summary page (with a promotional video).

Here's a Variety article about Cold Squad and the "Crime Watch" syndicated programming.

"The Canuck-originated series are designed to air in primetime on weekends, replacing down-trending movie showcases on UPN, the WB and Fox, or in latenight on Big Three affiliates....

To give stations programming and scheduling flexibility, Program Partners will provide Crime Watch affils a choice of satellite feeds, with two different episodes of "Cold Squad" and one of "Stone Undercover" available each week."
Can't wait til the fall! New Battlestar and eventually some Cold Squad.

New poll at right. Will you watch Cold Squad?

BSG writer/producer Bradley Thompson Interview

iF Magazine, which profiled Tahmoh two months ago, has a new two-part interview with Bradley Thompson, one of the key writers behind Galactica. The whole interview is vaguely spoilery for Season 3. Helo rates a few mentions, though his role in S3 doesn't come up.

"Exclusive Profile: Battlestar Galactica Writer/Producer Bradley Thompson Reveals Season 3 Plans"

In Part 1:

Now that season two has wrapped and scripts are being turned in for season three, Thompson took time out from writing to talk to iF about his connection with the original series, plans for season three and the possibility of Starbuck having a Cylon lover.

In Part 2:

Thompson talks about killing off Pegasus' command crew, using the actors as great resources, and Laura Roslin’s destiny outside of the Presidency.
See Tahmoh's interview with IF Magazine.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cold Squad to reair on CTV?

Ide_cyan from the Cold Squad LiveJournal Community has noticed that Canada's CTV has put Cold Squad back on its schedule. Tahmoh starred as Constable Ray Chase in the show's seventh season.

Episodes are currently set to air the next two Saturdays, April 8 & 15 at 10pm. Hopefully they'll start rerunning regularly in that timeslot.

It's a great opportunity to see Tahmoh in a leading role on a top Canadian TV show (remade as Cold Case in the US). More posts about Tahmoh in Cold Squad in the Career News Archive.

Any Canadian fans out there who can record the eps for less fortunate US fans?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Cylons' Secret, BSG novel description

With not a whole lot of news appearing, I found this description of the forthcoming BSG novel, The Cylon's Secret, by Craig Shaw Gardner to be interesting. It seems it will focus on the early days of the Cylon war and thus, presumably will not feature Helo.

Sometimes no news is bad news.

It’s been twenty years since the end of the Cylon war. The twelve human colony worlds are rebuilding, and the Cylons . . . the Cylons have been just too quiet. They are nowhere to be found. The robotic race that tried to obliterate their creators has gone to parts unknown in deep space.

The aftermath of the war has created a new, illegal profession: scavenger. Tom Zarek is one, scouring the outer settlements for valuable Cylon technologies and artifacts and usually returning empty-handed. But now, he and the crew of the Cruiser Lightning have found the Omega Station, a scientific station shrouded in secrecy beyond the edge of charted space. This is it, the big score, except something is wrong…the base is still occupied, not by humans alone; by Cylons too!

The Battlestar Galactica, one of the oldest warships in the fleet, receives the Lightning's distress call, a cryptic one-word message: "Cylons." William Adama, newly promoted to second-in-command, is worried. Most of his crew are green, new recruits, not prepared for anything but the most routine missions. And, as Adama soon discovers, this mission is anything but routine. Omega is indeed full of Cylons, but also something much more disturbing . . .