Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Grace Park talks about working with Tahmoh

In the June/July issue of the Battlestar Galactica magazine, Grace Park (Sharon) discusses working with Tahmoh, as well as her characters' arcs in Season 2 and the challenges presented by the role.

"Tahmoh and I went to one of the same acting schools and so we can relate to each other on different levels or use different techniques. Or if I'm totally lost or he's lost there's a lot less embarrassment about not really getting a scene. I'll just put it out to him like, 'Tahmoh I don't know what's happening right now.' He just laughs at me and says, 'Oh, it's so funny watching your process.' He says that I always question it halfway through as we're taping it, then I finally come around ang get what I was resisting the whole time. So I feel I can relate a little bit more to Tahmoh." [as opposed to Aaron Douglas]
Thanks to saturn92103, here are scans of the interview, available on newstands now.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

More photos of Tahmoh from the Expo

Shirl took more than two dozen great photos of Tahmoh at the London Expo on Saturday. Both from his talk and while he was signing autographs.

Check out the rest of the pics.

Thanks to Shirl for sharing!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Tahmoh signing at the London Expo

Thanks to thudjack we have this pic of Tahmoh signing autographs.

According to Penfold's Celebrities, they're about to start filming the fifth episode of season 3, though Tahmoh was tight-lipped about the plot:

"Tahmoh Penikett... we were able to just walk up and chat. We talked about Battlestar Galactica, and he mentioned that he was flying back on the Sunday, as they were about to start shooting episode 5 of season 3 (he wouldn't tell us what has happened). He also mentioned that they had signed up for 5 seasons, so a long way to go yet."
ETA: Anyone with party or Day 2 pics please share! :)

Sunday, May 28, 2006

BSG wins Spacey for Favorite TV Show

On Saturday night Galactica took home yet another award, this one voted on by sci-fi fans. BSG won the 2006 Spacey for Favorite TV Show.

Battlestar garnered 32% of the vote beating out Stargate SG-1, Supernatural, Dr. Who and Lost. See the results.

Tahmoh appeared in the Spacey award broadcast, so if anyone saw that or has it on tape, do share what happened.

BSG won last year for "Favorite Limited TV Show".

Thanks to Candace for alerting me to the Battlestar win!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

First photos from the London Expo

Thanks to honeyfitz, you can see pics of Tahmoh's Saturday appearance at the London Expo.

See the rest and thank honeyfitz!

If you have any photos or reports from the con, please let me know.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Spoilery interview with BSG producer David Eick

TV Guide's Michael Ausiello scored an exclusive interview with Battlestar executive producer David Eick. It is a spoilery look at Season 3 and the upcoming Caprica spin-off.

Galactica Exec Spills Season 3 Secrets!

"I don't know about you guys, but there's nothing more torturous than the downtime between Battlestar Galactica seasons. This latest break has been particularly agonizing, due in large part to the sheer length of it.

When Season 3 launches in October, we will have endured a six-month Cylon drought. Talk about cruel and frakkin' unusual punishment. Luckily, I've discovered the perfect cure for our separation anxiety: a major dose of scoop courtesy of David Eick! Here's my long-promised Q&A with the Battlestar exec...
Read the full interview.

Some of what Eick says has ramifications for Helo, but again the article is spoilery!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Battlestar tops TV Guide's Dream Emmy Ballot

As TV Guide's Ausiello explains, "for the first time ever, a blue-ribbon panel will play a key role in determining who gets nominated in the major categories. The goal? To even the playing field between stalwarts like The West Wing and smaller shows like Battlestar Galactica."

TV Guide weighed in with their unofficial choices, though TV Guide critic Matt Roush who is on the Emmy panel has long supported the show, so here's hoping for a real Emmy nod!

TV "Guide's Dream Emmy Ballot

Best Drama - Battlestar Galactica

"Battlestar continues to redefine the sci-fi genre"

Lead Drama Actress - Mary McDonnell
(Laura, Battlestar Galactica)

"McDonnell juggles vulnerability and authority as a cancer-stricken president"

Lead Drama Actor - Edward James Olmos
(Adama, Battlestar Galactica)

"Olmos wowed with a show of restraint as Galactica's embattled captain"
Wish they'd referred to McDonnell's character as "Roslin" rather than "Laura," but glad she made the cut. Alternatively they could have called Olmos's character "Bill" ... lol. And as for Olmos playing Galactica's "captain"... well the less said the better, heh.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tahmoh at the London Expo 2006

According to the posted schedule, Tahmoh will be the London Expo both days this weekend.

He will be participating in two Battlestar Galactica and Stargate SG-1 panels:

Saturday, May 27th @ 17.15
Sunday, May 28th @ 16.00
Times subject to change. Apparently he will also be signing autographs throughout the expo, but confirmed times will not be available until the day of the event.

Anyone planning on attending? I'd love to hear what was said at the Q&As and of course to see any pics. Comment here or email me.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Galactica... for your Emmy Consideration

Sci-fi has created a nifty Emmy page for Battlestar. They're lobbying to get the show nominated in a slew of categories. All the main cast are up for nominations, though that doesn't include Tahmoh. Maybe next year?

In happy news, Helo does feature prominently in Grace and Katee's clips and briefly in the "outstanding drama series" category.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Happy Birthday to Tahmoh

Today is Tahmoh's 31st birthday.

Feel free to comment with any well wishes and I'll pass them onto Tahmoh.

Helo Hath No Fury: An Interview with Tahmoh

The first part of Aeolus's excellent interview with Tahmoh is now online at Sci-fi Brain (who are advertising it on their front page with this lovely header):

Helo Hath No Fury: An Interview with Tahmoh Penikett, Part One

In the interview Tahmoh talks about Battlestar, including his thoughts on Helo and Starbuck's backstory, exploring Helo's dark side and how far Helo would have gone to protect Sharon and the baby.

Also, one lucky fan who submitted her question here got her answer!
One aspect of Helo’s character to yet be explored is his dark side. One fan, Mahalia from Sapporo, Japan, wanted to know if the show would ever take him down that direction and how the Canadian-born actor would react to it.

Absolutely!” he answers. “I am up to any challenge. I mean Helo obviously has a dark side, yet he is such a nice guy. He is honorable, a selfless, brave individual who steps to the plate because of his ethics and his morals. If we have the opportunity to see Helo’s dark side, yeah I’d love to explore that. There is always the possibility for it, because of the animosity, the prejudice [Boomer and he] face. If he is put in a certain situation, I think one thing that we sort of just treaded around the edges of Helo’s temper. I think if he is put in the wrong situation he could be violent and he could definitely be dangerous.”
If you like the interview and want to discuss it (or thank Aeolus), check out the Sci-fi Brain discussion thread devoted to it.

ETA: Sci-fi Brain has redesigned their site.
To read the entire interview, click below.

"Helo Hath No Fury: An Interview with Tahmoh Penikett"
“Well, as an actor and as a person, it makes me feel honored,” Battlestar Galactica’s Tahmoh Penikett answers about the show’s season long subplot created just because of the positive fan reaction to his character. By the end of the reimaged mini-series, which is based after the campy 1970s space opera with the same name, Penikett’s character, Karl “Helo” Agathon, is left to defend by himself on his war-bruised homeworld. The actor continues, “They wrote me into the storyline with the fact that they didn’t see the character going into anything but the mini-series. Helo dies on the planet. So, I mean it was a surprise. I was very excited, and once I found out everything just sort of fell into place.”

After the mini-series was done shooting, Penikett joined a well-known Canadian series known as Cold Squad. He said he flew down to LA during the pilot season to see what was brewing, but didn’t find anything. To make matters worse, he said he got a call from the producer of Cold Squad, and was told the show was in its final season. “I was having a bad week!” Then, as luck would have it, “I got a call from Ron Moore, who said, ‘hey, we got an idea for Helo on the planet out of the ship. It is totally different storyline and would you be interested?’ I was like, ‘Hell yeah!’ ”

Thus began another tale in the myriad of the show’s dramatic stories. The character, in constant pursuit by Cylon agents, was reunited with former Raptor co-pilot (and the secret love of his life), Sharon “Boomer” Valerii (Grace Park). Little did Helo know that Boomer was in fact a Cylon herself. Their love tryst was born out of deception of the Cylons’ master plan. What plan is that? To produce a Cylon/Human hybrid—something they were unable to do previously. By the end of the first season, Boomer unwillingly revealed herself as a Cylon infiltrator and soon-to-be mother of his child.

It has been long debated whether Cylon Sharon’s affections for Helo are genuine or another elaborate ruse built up by the mimicking machines. “I think that she absolutely cares for him,” Penikett affirms. “There is no doubt about that. It was established in the first season. It adds to the story and the plotline whether she is loyal or [not]. As far as I am concerned, it is established that this Cylon, [whether] she is this organic creature or not, is in love with Helo. She loves him very much. That she would trade in her own people to save his life.”

In the first season, Cylon Sharon turned her back on her fellow Cylons, but didn’t admit to Helo what exactly she was. He discovered it by spotting another Cylon copy of the Sharon Valerii model, also known as Number Eight. By the beginning of season two, they reunited and he even stopped an assassination on her life by his longtime friend, Kara “Starbuck” Thrace (Katee Sackoff). Cylon Sharon and Helo eventually returned to the Battlestar Galactica, where she faced the sins of another Number Eight model, Sleeper Sharon, for shooting Commander Adama. Cylon Sharon was incarcerated, yet Helo and Boomer’s relationship still flourished.

However, at the end of that season, things went for the worse between the star-crossed lovers. Their baby, a daughter named, Hera, was born. Their love strained, Cylon Sharon cursed Helo’s affections. What became of their doomed romance, or the fate of Cylon Sharon, is unknown. But, Canadian-born actor Penikett has a positive outlook.

“I hope to see [their] rekindling love and intimacy. Maybe a small reprieve from the antagonistic state that they are always in. They have always been trying to survive, you know, feeling the animosity and prejudices with everyone else, but hopefully, we will see a change to that.”

The crowning glory to any romantic pair on television isn’t the lighting or the angle the camera is pointing, but the chemistry between the actors. “Grace and I have been working together since the mini-series, and we are great friends. We have grown together as the show has gone on. I have watched her become and blossom into this amazing artist. It is incredible the challenges they have given her on this show. Having to play multiple roles with the same character. She has stepped up to the plate, and has done an incredible job!” He goes on to say, “The one thing I appreciate in working with Grace is that because we share so many scenes together, we have gotten to the point where we do a lot of analyzing together. If we see a scene that is worked a certain way, we are always trying to look back on the story. We just do a lot of extra work trying to figure out where we are coming from.”

Probably the most emotionally charged episode was season two’s “Pegasus,” in which the crew of the Battlestar Pegasus attempted to rape and dehumanize Cylon Sharon. When Helo and Chief Tyrol (Aaron Douglas) caught wind of their comrades' unscrupulous intentions, the duo raced to her rescue. In the end, the two were charged with treason and the murder of one of the Pegasus’ senior officers.

“Grace does a lot of research about it. She reads about posttraumatic stress. She talks with people about it. She had some strong choices and that was one of the few times we didn’t discuss it so much.” Penikett gave his fellow actress nothing but high praise for her emotionally stressful and motivating performance.

A groundbreaking stand-alone scene for Tahmoh Penikett was in the episode, “Epiphanies.” An ailing President Roslin (Mary McDonnell) orders Admiral Adama (Edward James Olmos) to abort the hybrid child before it is born. During the scene where Adama is escorting a sedated Boomer, Helo blocks his superior officer from continuing on to the medical bay. With his hand firmly held on his holstered gun, Helo consciously debates whether or not to take action. He even goes as far as to ask for a Raptor to leave Galactica behind. But, the Admiral doesn’t cave in, he talks Helo down.

“If Adama wasn’t there,” the actor addresses the scene if his commanding officer hadn’t talked him out of it, “I think there is a strong possibility—you have to understand I am asked this question many times about Helo’s character, but you have to remember he is a soldier. He believes so strongly in his rank and being in the military. Yet, at the same time, he also realizes that he is the only one who can protect this woman and his unborn child. Because, they have everyone against them. Because of his values, because of his morals and who he was before he even met this creature and fell in love with her. He didn’t ask for this, it just happened. I don’t know if he’d take it to the point of shooting fellow soldiers to protect his unborn child and [lover], but hopefully or possibly he’d disarm them and do what he could to get off the ship. Helo would have taken it all that way, but I would definitely change the situation if Adama had not been there. I don’t think there is anyway Helo would have harmed Adama.”

This scene, also, is one of Penikett’s favorites.

“Adama plays father to so many of these kids on the ship, and I think he has known Helo for a long time. I really felt that scene was one of the first episodes where I got to share some heavy scenes with Eddie. The scene before where he tells me the bad news that the President wants to terminate the pregnancy is a huge scene for me! I finally got to do the dance with Edward James Olmos, one of my idols. It was a big deal for me.

“I really felt that relationship like father and son—and mentor. I look up to this man completely and I am at the same time, I am trying to tell him, ‘Look, this is what I am willing to do, give me an opportunity to get out of here. You have a child of your own, we don’t need to get into this.’ I mean it was a heavy scene.”

One aspect of Helo’s character to yet be explored is his dark side. One fan, Mahalia from Sapporo, Japan, wanted to know if the show would ever take him down that direction and how the Canadian-born actor would react to it.

“Absolutely!” he answers. “I am up to any challenge. I mean Helo obviously has a dark side, yet he is such a nice guy. He is honorable, a selfless, brave individual who steps to the plate because of his ethics and his morals. If we have the opportunity to see Helo’s dark side, yeah I’d love to explore that. There is always the possibility for it, because of the animosity, the prejudice [Boomer and he] face. If he is put in a certain situation, I think one thing that we sort of just treaded around the edges of Helo’s temper. I think if he is put in the wrong situation he could be violent and he could definitely be dangerous.”

Since Tahmoh Penikett’s character is supporting, much of his back-story remains left to the imagination of the audience and interpretations of the actor portraying him. Penikett has hopes that the future will hold enlightenment on the character’s past life back on Caprica and the family he’s lost along the way. “One story I have given Helo is about his family and who he lost, but I defiantly have chosen that Helo has lost people he’s loved. Maybe we can explore that some time in the future.”

One close person Helo hasn’t lost from his life on Caprica is best gal-pal and fellow officer, Starbuck. While the origin of their friendship hasn’t been shown on screen, it is obvious the two have a strong bond together that goes beyond friendship. “Katee and I made choices a long time ago, initially in the mini-series you have the fight scenes. I mean we are old friends and we have been through a lot together. I have been asked this question before, but I think it is pretty safe to bet that we were either in the academy together or we have known each other for years. Whether there has ever been a romantic relationship, that is definitely a possibility—especially with Starbuck,” he jokes. “It could have been a one night stand, but there is in fact a relationship. We are more like brother and sister, and have been through a lot together. Helo really understands Starbuck and she understands him. They are a lot closer than most people think.”

When it comes to their off-screen relationship, they’re nevermore all chuckles. “Katee and I, when we get to goofy on set, we are always giggling and laughing.”

“It’s funny,” Tahmoh Penikett speaks about how his parents feel about seeing their son on the hit show, Battlestar Galactica. “I think they are both very proud and they enjoy it. But, I’m still at that point where my career is young enough so that it is strange for them to see. My father is more accepting to it, because he was an actor. But, my mother, I have been with her a couple of times where she has seen some of my projects and she is,” he pauses, looking for the right phrase. “I couldn’t really elaborate what she is thinking, but it is still a little strange for her. Especially when I am in anguish. One time she asked me, ‘why do you have to be so harsh on film?’ I had a scene where I was yelling at a girl.” Jokingly, he gives an impression of his mother, “ ‘I didn’t raise you that way, to talk to a woman like that.’ ”

Tahmoh’s father, Anthony “Tony” Penikett, was a premier of Yukon, Canada—one of the country’s northern territories. And, like father-like son, was an actor while attending university. “Of the things my father and I did when I was young, he would take me to films. My dad is a big film critic, he loves to watch films. He was an actor when he was young at the university. So, I have been going to adult, well-driven plot dramas ever since I was a really young child. [I’d] really listen to my dad critique and appreciate it. One of the first films I remember my dad taking me to was Blade Runner.”

Of all the science fiction films the Canadian-native has seen, Blade Runner has been the most influential. The 1982 cult film—directed by Ridley Scott, features Harrison Ford, Daryl Hannah, and fellow Battlestar alumni actor, Edward James Olmos. “I think Edward James Olmos leaving such an impression on me [made me want to act]. I was very young when that came out and I will always remember it being so great. I remember wanting to know more about him and see more of him in that film.”

At the end of season two, Penikett’s character, Helo, was promoted to executive officer aboard the poorly manned Galactica. Which, he served directly under Admiral William Adama, played by Olmos. While shooting the final scenes of Lay Down Your Burdens part 2, Helo is seen manning the DRADIS station aboard Galactica’s Command Intelligence Center—a job he normally does in the cockpit of a Raptor.

“This is funny,” he admits, laughing, “people are going to get a kick out of it, but I didn’t realize until the [third season] that a couple episodes in, that I was actually the XO! I thought I was simply put in Gaeta’s (Alessandro Juliani) station.

“I am a senior lieutenant all ready, but I thought because of the skeleton crew, and not that many people left up there with Adama, there was a small establishment. So, I sort of overlooked the XO thing. This season, I remember reading a second time and it said ‘Helo, the XO, is coordinating a mission plan’ or whatever. I though, ‘XO?’ I kinda got a kick out of that then!”

Penikett’s place as XO also has him shooting his scenes almost entirely with Edward James Olmos. “I mean, so far, I have only read the first three episodes. There is definitely more scenes with Eddie and I. Which, is great for me, a dream come true!” He also says that some of his favorite and most challenging episodes have been with his role model. “I got to do a scene with Eddie in 'Home Part 2,' that was my first big scene with him. Although it wasn’t very long, it was well written. It was an emotionally challenging scene; those are the thing I get a high off of as an actor.”

Outside of the studios and convention arena, Penikett admits that since season two has begun airing in his home country, he’s being noticed all most all the time. “I am getting stopped all the time now, it’s really [weird]. It’s happened a lot more in the last year, because of the second season. In the last eight months, it’s funny, I was taking an acting workshop a couple of months ago. There was this really big guy who was giving me a funny look. I was on my cell phone, and I was looking back and I was like, ‘who is this guy? Have I had a situation with this guy before?’ He was looking at me really strange. I am looking back and I put down my phone. I say, ‘Is there a problem?’ The guy walks away. I forgot about him.

“The next day, I am walking to class again, and I see this guy walking towards me and I am like, ‘Ok, we have a situation here!’ ” Penikett chuckles. “The guy is looking at me funny again and out of nowhere, he points and says,” the actor paused briefly, apologizing for his language, “ ‘I love the f***ing show man! Keep up the good work!’ And, he walks by and he literally screams this at me. He is so enthusiastic about it. I got a kick out of that cause, you know, it was just funny and I am just proud. I love getting into conversations with fans about it.”

Friday, May 19, 2006

Tahmoh to appear in Need for Speed video game

Tahmoh will be "Darius" in the upcoming Need for Speed racing video game from Electronic Arts. Called Need for Speed 7 by IMDB, fans assert the game will be called "Need for Speed: Carbon," per an annoucement at Sony's 2006 conference.

According to wikipedia, the game will be for Playstation 3 and should be released in November of 2006.

See a 4-second (I kid you not) preview here. No actors, just a car.

Apparently the game's production involves using real actors (as well as a stunt coordinator) on location in Vancouver. You can get a good idea for what it might be like by looking at the previous version of the game, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, which featured Josie Maran as Mia Townsend.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Tahmoh to star in Lesser Evil

Tahmoh will appear alongside Allison Eastwood in the Lifetime TV movie, Lesser Evil. Tahmoh plays "Greg," who I believe is the ex-boyfriend of Eastwood's "Karen Maxim."

The film was shot on location this March in Maple Ridge, British Columbia.

No plot details have been officially released, but according to actor Colin Cunningham's website:

Colin plays 'Jon' who is the business partner to 'Karen' (Alison Eastwood) who is a hot new fashion designer, and is physically assaulted just as her business begins to take off.
No air date has been set, but if Hush is any guide, Lifetime turns around the pictures pretty quickly. So maybe sometime next fall/winter.

Fan drawing of Helo

Maeghan, age 16, recently sent me this drawing she did of Helo.

Very nice. Thanks Maeghan!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"Scar," deleted scenes, original content at Sci-fi Pulse

Thanks to the new Scifi Pulse online channel, you can watch the entire BSG second season episode "Scar" online for free. You can launch the Pulse viewer from Sci-fi's homepage. Helo had quite a few memorable scenes in this Starbuck-centric episode.

Thanks to Northern Lights for the cap!

Pulse also gathers all the previously released deleted scenes together in one place (though the thumbnails aren't accurate, only the descriptions).

According to GateWorld, Sci-fi will use the Pulse platform to launch original "webisodes" of Battlestar Galactica online:

Battlestar Galactica jumps to the digital world with a series of original webisodes, now in production. SCI FI will debut the series as part of its new "SCI FI Pulse" online broadband network.

GateWorld has learned that an early webisode will be titled "Crossroads."

Apparently NBC announced on Monday that there will be 10 "webisodes" entitled Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance that will fill in the events of the missing year... will post additional info when I see it. (Caprica is due to premiere in the first quarter of 2007; webisode launch date is unknown).

Sci-fi has also added its own wiki for Sci-fi shows, Scifipedia. Helo doesn't have a page yet, but Battlestar Galactica does.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tahmoh in Wildfire 7: The Inferno (2002)

While perusing Variety's profile of Tahmoh, I came across mention of his part as a ranger in Wildfire 7: The Inferno, a TV movie that originally aired on PAX in November of 2002. It was filmed on location in British Columbia.

Tahmoh isn't credited on IMDB, but the trailer on the film's website confirms not only that he was in the film, but that he had a speaking role.

Wildfire 7 was directed by Jason Bourque, who also directed Tahmoh that year in Under the Cover (2002).

The longer Japanese trailer for the film doesn't include Tahmoh and gives away the entire plot, but is vaguely entertaining.

Watch the US trailer, which includes Tahmoh as a park ranger talking about the fire.

Here's the official description of the film:

Wrongly imprisoned for killing her abusive husband, Nell is a mother without many options. Her in-laws have sole custody of her daughter Sophie, and all contact between mother and daughter has been severed completely. Hope comes from the most unlikely of places as Nell is recruited into an inmate forest firefighting program. Nell survives weeks of grueling training, while butting heads with Yeager, the hard-driving instructor. After graduating with an award of valor for saving Yeager’s life, Nell is accepted into smoke-jumping school.

Four years later, Nell is assigned as the head of Wildfire 7 – an elite unit of smokejumpers – which includes Yeager, her old instructor, who still isn’t making things easy. As she continues the fight for custody of Sophie, Nell must now deal with Yeager undermining her position while proving her leadership skills to her disgruntled team of veteran smokejumpers. When Sophie joins a weekend camping party in a national park, fate unites mother and daughter when a forest fire breaks out and Wildfire 7 parachutes in to fight it. But as the fire rages out of control and the team heads toward mutiny, Nell’s only chance of reconciliation with Sophie arrives at the worst possible time.
If anyone spots it airing on TV, let me know.

Monday, May 15, 2006

First photos and quotes from Stanley’s Girlfriend

The Cannes festival webpage for Stanley's Girlfriend has added stills from the film and an assortment of memorable quotes (along with the cast list and plot description).

Two of the pics feature Tahmoh as Leo:

Tahmoh with Tygh Runyan as Stanley.

Tahmoh with Amelia Cooke as Nina.

The quotes are somewhat spoilery for the plot (I've left off the most spoilery):
"I have to hand it to anyone who can make a psycho killer out of Bobby Driscoll."

"Do you know that at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project, there was a small group of scientists who argued that setting off the atomic bomb might start a chain reaction that would destroy the earth?"

"It was a French film by a guy I'd never heard of, Jean Vigo."

"This obsession with length is killing creativity in American movies."

"But I never sleep, Stanley, you know that, I just take little cat naps."

"I didn't care that Stanley was my best friend. I didn't care that it was his apartment, his bed, his girlfriend. I just wanted to f*** her more than I'd wanted anything in my life."

Sunday, May 14, 2006

BSG Season 2 Soundtrack available June 20

The best musical moments from the second season of Battlestar Galactica, composed by Bear McCreary, will be available this June from La La Land Records.

According to McCreary's website, it will include performances by Supernova String Quartet, Eric Rigler, Raya Yarbrough, Bt4 and Oingo Boingo alums Steve Bartek, Johnny "Vatos" Hernandez and John Avila.

To hear a recent interview with McCreary and some of the music that will be featured on the soundtrack, listen to the April 9 Watercooler TV podcast.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Conclusion to the Eick interview online

iF Magazine has posted the fourth and final installment of its interview with Battlestar Galactica executive producer David Eick to its website.

Read the spoilery conclusion.

Links and descriptions of all four parts of the interview are here.

Cannes screening date set for Stanley’s Girlfriend

According to the recently announced Cannes Festival schedule, Tahmoh's film Stanley's Girlfriend (part of the horror anthology film, Trapped Ashes) will screen in the Salle Bunuel on May 25th.

Thursday, May 25 @ 19.45 (7:45 pm) - Short Film program

THE WATER DIARY de Jane Campion 17'
SIDA de Gaspar Noé 19'
UN LEVER DE RIDEAU de François Ozon 30'
STANLEY’S GIRLFRIEND de Monte Hellman 27'
LES SIGNES de Eugène Green 32'
Hopefully some critical responses in the press will follow.

If you want to see my previous posts on Stanley's Girlfriend or Trapped Ashes, I encourage you to use the "search this blog" box at the top of this page. Google owns Blogger and so the search function is quite good--and more reliable than my hand-indexing of posts in the archive.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Park and Helfer at NBC Universal Summer Press Day

Okay, this is only tangentially Tahmoh related, but we're in a bit of a news lull. Grace Park (Sharon) and Tricia Helfer (Number Six) took part in a Battlestar Galactica Q&A at the recent NBC Universal Summer Press Day (May 5).

This picture from the event was just too cute and silly not to include:

They talked about cylons, the show's critical acclaim, fan fiction and being recognized. They also described a couple upcoming scenes in Season 3.

Battlestar Galactica Cylons Speak
A Q&A with Tricia Helfer and Grace Park.

Q: And what is the next step?

Park: That's what I've been stuck with right now! It's funny because I was on the plane with Ron Moore on the way here, and I was like "What do you see for my character?" And he was kind of lost, and I was like, "It's kind of funny because I'm sort of lost. I was sort of looking at my character to maybe give me some ideas." And he's like, "So the responsibility lies on me to help shape your life?" I'm like, "Yeah, pretty much!" Then he's like, "Well, I was drawing on the actress." And I'm like, "Oh, so you're looking to me to provide you with a storyline." Yeah, I'm not sure what the next step is exactly. I think that's one of the exciting things about it.

EW names BSG one of TV's Best Shows

A little late in reporting this, but apparently Entertainment Weekly named Battlestar Galactica one of the Best Shows on TV in 2006.

4 Battlestar Galactica (Sci Fi Channel, Sat., 2 a.m.)

Science fiction as a topsy-turvy dystopia: a female president; alien replicants who sometimes display more humanity than the humans; dialogue that works as ongoing political/religious debate rather than the usual sci-fi gobbledygook. In divisive times, here's TV's only drama that courts both the right and the left with equal conviction.
They have five pics from the show in their online gallery, one of which is of Helo (see above).

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Grace Park hints about Helo, Season 3

Two new interviews with Grace Park (Sharon on Galactica) have recently appeared. In them, she discusses her roles on the show, her take on Caprica and hints at the future.

IGN Interview: Battlestar Galactica's Grace Park
One on one with the actress about Galactica season 3.

MediaBlvd: An interview with Battlestar's Grace Park

The first interview is particularly spoilery.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cold Squad poll results and new Helo/Sharon poll

A new poll at right for BSG fans. What do you think will be going on with Helo and Sharon at the start of Season 3? Will they be speaking to each other? Will they just be friends? Will they be living together? Married?

Vote now! ------->

Thanks to everyone who voted in the Cold Squad poll. Most are very eager to see the show and plan to watch (53%). A few are more cautious, but curious (21%). Only 6% are completely uninterested.

I'll try to keep people updated on Cold Squad as the show's US debut nears.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

David Eick talks about BSG Season 3 & Caprica

If you haven't already, you should check out iF Magazine's interview with Galactica executive producer David Eick.


Part 1 - The genesis of creating a series that would not be a STAR TREK rip-off is revealed

Part 2 - Eick mentions new Cylons, classic BATTLESTAR guests, and some celebrity writers

Part 3 - iF MAGAZINE gets the goods on season 3 and fresh off the presses info on the new GALACTICA spin-off series

Part 4 - Adama is a criminal, the interior of a Cylon Basestar, and what gets left unsaid from season two

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Have a Question for Grace Park?

The actress behind Helo's leading lady, Sharon, is taking fan questions over on the Scifi World forum. She's already answered a slew of questions.

Ask Grace Park.

Q. It must be hard to play someone with so much ambiguity if you are uncertain about where her heart lies!!!

A. it is vveeerrryy ambiguous and confusing, for all of us, including me and even the producers and directors. i am not given any idea where my character is coming from, unless i can nail down Ron Moore or David Eick in their office or over a drink out with the cast. there is defiinitely a lot of speculating, connecting my own dots, discussions with other cylons (ie. Tricia), Tahmoh and sometimes the director just tells me what to do.
Don't forget Tahmoh's interview with Sci-fi Brain should appear online soon, so some of your questions for Tahmoh may be answered.

Seattle Times interviews Ron Moore

This interview with BSG executive producer and writer, Ron Moore, is about a week old, but not many sites are linking to it, so here you go.

Reborn "Galactica" can do battle with the best of sci-fi

Q: Do you think the show can appeal to the mainstream viewer?

A: The challenge to the show at this point is ironic in that the name, I think, now holds people back from the show. Initially, the name "Battlestar Galactica" got the show made and it got people to tune in. Now we've gotten to a place where literally the viewers that would like this show won't watch it because of the name. And it's hard to jump over that, because I think the people that would really like this show are the people that watch "The Sopranos," "The Shield," "Nip/Tuck," "Six Feet Under." If you like classic, high-quality dramas I think you'll like this show, but "Battlestar Galactica" on the Sci Fi channel just doesn't register.

Q: Maybe you should call it "Chicks in Space."

A: Almost. We're almost at that point.
Read the rest of the interview (including a few spoilery details about S3).

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Galactica wins 3 Saturn Awards

The 32nd Annual Saturn Awards were presented at a gala affair in Universal City, California on May 2. The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films was founded in 1972 to honor, recognize and promote genre entertainment.

BSG won in all the categories in which it was nominated.

Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series:

Best Supporting Actor on Television:
JAMES CALLIS (Battlestar Galactica)

Best Supporting Actress on Television:
KATEE SACKHOFF (Battlestar Galactica)
You can see the other winners here. Jamie Bamber was also nominated for "Best Supporting Actor" but Callis defeated him.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Director Hellman reacts to Cannes news

Fangoria's report that Tahmoh's movie, Stanley's Girlfriend, will screen at Cannes includes reactions from the writer, Dennis Bartok, and director of the short film, Monte Hellman.

For Cannes to showcase a genre piece is quite an accomplishment, and Bartok is jazzed. “It's a pretty amazing honor for them to show one of the episodes, and Monte is thrilled!” he says. “As he put it, ‘I’ve been making art movies for 40 years and never got invited to Cannes. So I make a f**king low-budget horror movie and what happens? Cannes wants me!’ ” Bartok further notes that they’ll also be selling the film in the festival’s marketplace, “so hopefully the screening will help generate some good visibility for our movie.”
The article also includes a summary of the film.

Fangoria: TRAPPED ASHES to premiere at Cannes

Part 3 of the BSG Writer's Room podcast

The conclusion to the Galactica writer's room podcast with Ron Moore and the rest of the staff is available from I finally got to listen to it and so here's a brief rundown.

Ron Moore spends about the first 15 minutes discussing his commute and what it's like to work on the Universal lot (including his youthful memories of visiting, his experience at Paramount and his penchant for riding the Jurassic Park roller coaster when he gets writer's block).

Then the whole staff meeting unfolds. They discuss the back half of Season 2 (215-220), including the clip show that never came to be. None of the episodes they describe turned out exactly as they were originally conceived. They didn't know what to do with Billy, the election or Sharon's baby.

Perhaps most interesting is you can hear Ron Moore come up with and develop what became episdoe 218 "Downloaded" during the podcast.

Unlike the first two parts, I'd say this one is potentially spoilery for Season 3. They discuss a number of ideas that never came to fruition in S2 and so potentially may figure into the plot down the line.

Download part 3 of the BSG writer's meeting.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Helo icons

kidblink83 has created a series of icons from Season 2.5 episode crops. A couple dozen feature Helo.

See the rest of the icons.

The page also has icons for all the other characters and so may take a while to load, but Helo's are at the top.