Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Higher-res screen caps of Tahmoh in Whistler 205

Thanks to several intrepid Tahmoh fans, here are some higher-resolution screen caps of Tahmoh's recent appearance on Whistler. (These caps are 624x352, Monday's were 320x240).

There are a bunch more in the new "HR - Whistler 2x05" Flickr album.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tahmoh in Iran: Need for Speed Ad in Rasht airport

Talk about seeing video of Tahmoh in unusual places, thanks to bana76 for this unexpected video, apparently running in Iran's Rasht International airport this past summer:

"I saw this ad on a circuit TV in Iran's Rasht International Airport. I thought it was interesting. It took me a few visits and lots of attention to actually get this video, and sorry for the bad quality. Apparently the clips of Tahmoh were taken out of Need For Speed: Carbon."

Even though the audio is impossible to make out, you can tell the text at the end is in Persian.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Screen caps of Tahmoh on Whistler (205)

Tahmoh guest-starred as the difficult artist "Elias Noth" on most recent episode of the Canadian series Whistler. He appeared in about a half dozen scenes (roughly 12 minutes) of the episode, which you can watch online if you live in Canada (if you don't, email me to see Tahmoh's scenes).

His character will appear in at least 3 more episodes of Whistler, which airs on Saturdays at 9pm on CTV. Here are a few screencaps, but be sure to see the rest over at Flickr:

Sorry the caps are so small, if anyone has a higher-res or HD copy of the episode, please let me know!

Friday, October 26, 2007

See BSG: Razor early, but Season 4 not until April

In case you haven't already, if you live near one of the eight lucky cities below, be sure to register for tickets to the upcoming free theater screenings of the two-hour episode/film Battlestar Galactica: Razor on Monday, November 12. Even though Helo won't be in it, it looks to be an entertaining double episode.

As announced by Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune:

"There will be free screenings of the film in movie theaters in eight cities on Nov. 12: Los Angeles, New York/New Jersey, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston, Philadelphia, Seattle and Chicago."
Registration is now live over at

In less happy news, Denise Martin of the L.A. Times Show Tracker blog reports that the Sci-Fi Channel will debut season 4 of Battlestar Galactica in April of 2008. Read the full press release thanks to Ryan at the Tribune.

That explains the delay on the Season 3 DVDs. The release also reveals that Battlestar writer/producer Ron Moore will direct one of the series' final episodes.

More photos of Tahmoh & Katee at Sacramento Con

Thanks to Cheshire_Monkey for these great photos from the Sacramento Creation con several weeks ago. (Click to make them larger).

You can see more photos from the Sacramento con in previous posts here and here, or via the handy "related posts" tag below (click on 'fan photos').

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Battlestar Galactica Season 3 soundtrack now available

Battlestar Galactica composer Bear McCreary's excellent Season 3 soundtrack album is now available. (Buy it now from Amazon to help support this site!)

The Galactica Sitrep recently talked to Bear about his work, his creative process, and how much he enjoys scoring the best show on television.

What is your creative process like?

"My creative process begins with spotting each show. I never know what direction we’re going to be headed until I see where the episode is going. And the episodes are usually so good, that they provide great inspiration."
What is different or what have you arranged or orchestrated differently, for the cues on the season 3 CD we might notice? How is All Along the Watchtower different on the CD than on the show, if it is at all?
"As with all my CDs, there are subtle differences between what goes on the air and what goes on the CD. Most of the time, it involves editing together several cues into longer suites, which are more enjoyable to listen to than eight 45-second cues. “Watchtower” is essentially the same version as was on the air, except that the long instrumental sections have been trimmed down. These were places where there was dialog or exposition happening in the story. The album version functions much more like a song, and less like a score-piece."
Read the full interview here.

As to when we might be able to get our hands on the BSG episodes that this soundtrack accompanies, the latest rumor is the Season 3 DVDs will hit shelves in April 2008. Yes, that's after the projected debut of the series's fourth season. For more on that dismal news, see the Digital Bits report.

ETA: Apologies to those who clicked on the initial version of this post that mistakenly linked to the also excellent Battlestar Season 2 soundtrack! Oops!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More praise for Trapped Ashes & DVD news

Tahmoh's part in the upcoming anthology horror flick, Trapped Ashes, in which he stars as Leo, friend of a young Stanley Kubrick, has been garnering praise from critics (even those who panned the rest of the anthology) at festival screenings across the country. The film is due out on DVD from Lionsgate soon, with a release date of January 2008. has nothing but praise for Tahmoh's part of the film:

"The best episode, however, follows in the spectacular “Stanley’s Girlfriend,” directed by ‘70s Hollywood legend Monte Hellman (Two-Lane Blacktop, China 9 Liberty 37) and told by horror vet John Saxon. Set in 1950s Hollywood, and posing the theoretical question “What if Stanley Kubrick had fallen in love with a succubus?”, it follows the early careers of two budding filmmakers – Stanley and Leo – who become close friends, bonding over a shared love of the game of chess. One day, Stanley shows up with a new girlfriend, a beautiful woman who seems to be a dream match. Not soon after, Leo starts a secret affair with her, little realizing that the lethargy and fatigue he begins to feel is a result of her terrible appetite. Soon the vampiress has come between the two men, but in not the way you might expect. Less horrific and more elegiac than the other episodes, it features a well-crafted screenplay that captures not only the nostalgia of old Hollywood, but also the sadness of a lost friendship and the desperate feeling of being compelled to do something you know will hurt the one you love. Plus it’s a fascinating fictional history that should fire the imagination of open-minded movie buffs." also liked Tahmoh's segment:
"The third vignette, directed by Monte Hellman, is an interesting entry. Like the works of novelist James Elroy, who takes real life events (such as the Kennedy assassination in "American Tabloid") and weaves fiction throughout the historical facts, writer Dennis Bartok seems to create a fictional (or is it?) story as to why director Stanley Kubrick left America to never return. Titled "Stanley's Girlfriend," the story centers on two up and coming filmmakers in 1950s Hollywood, one of them named Leo (Tahmoh "Battlestar Galactica" Penikett playing a young John Saxon who tells the story) and the other named Stanley (Tygh "Snakes on A Plane" Runyan). The two meet by chance, become fast friends and begin spending an inordinate amount of time together just about every day. That is, until, Stanley hooks up with Nina (the smoldering Amelia "Species III" Cooke).

It's not long before Stanley is spending every waking minute with this voluptuous siren; never returning calls, never leaving his home and never going to work. Until, one day, Stanley suddenly flees to Europe sending only a note indicating he never intends to return, leaving Leo to wonder why. Is something afoot? Has it something to do with Nina, whom he is drawn to like a moth to a flame? A flame he can't seem to resist touching? While Bartok certainly never uses the last name of Kubrick in relation to the Stanley character, the comparisons are quite obvious to anyone even remotely familiar with Kubrick's life. It also shows Bartok's range as a writer as this if far from your typical horror anthology story, but it is certainly one of this film's better installments."
A spoilery review on the "Stanley's Girlfriend" IMDB page lays out the parallels to Kubrick's life:
"Monte Hellman was the logical director of this piece, the only interesting episode of the otherwise dismal TRAPPED ASHES. He belonged to the circle of young directors and writers,among them Curtis Harrington, Gavin Lambert and Alexander Singer, who knew Kubrick and partner James Harris during his Hollywood period - 1956-1961. The soft-spoken, expressionless Stanley, authentic shadowy Californian interiors, and motif of chess - a life-long Kubrick preoccupation - add verisimilitude, but the lack of any overt horror, aside from some sensual clawing of Leo by Nina, and the diminuendo ending, make it sit ill among its gaudy and grisly companions.

All the same, the story has intriguing parallels to Kubrick's private life. At the time, he was married to Ruth Sobotka, a sensual, flamboyant brunette of European extraction, and their marriage foundered at just this point in his career, apparently over a sexual incident in her past life to which Kubrick took exception. And it was in Germany, while making his "movie about the First World War", PATHS OF GLORY, that he met Christiane Harlan, who became his third and last wife."

Monday, October 22, 2007

Tahmoh's arc on Whistler starts this Saturday

Tahmoh will guest-star in the next 4 episodes of the Canadian TV series, Whistler, the first of which will air this Saturday Oct. 27 at 9pm ET on CTV in Canada. Look for screencaps and clips here after it airs.

Tahmoh will play Elias Noth, an artist and love interest for Holly Dignard's Nicole Miller (pictured). Here's the official description of Tahmoh's part in Saturday's episode (205, "Passion Plays"):

"Nicole uses a charity art auction at the resort as an excuse to meet a local artist she admires, Elias Noth, only to discover that he's not only brilliant and talented but also a drop-dead gorgeous pain-in-the-butt. Nicole turns on the charm to secure a donation for the auction, but in spite of his acerbic attitude what she wants is much more than art."
The next three upcoming episodes are:
  • 206 - "Always A Bridesmaid" (Nov. 3)
  • 207 - "Out Of Bounds" (Nov. 10)
  • 208 - "Crossroads" (Nov. 17)
Tahmoh talked about the role earlier this summer:
"It’s pretty much a Canadian OC, and it’s based in Whistler, one of the biggest ski resorts in the world just outside of Vancouver. It’s in the soap opera genre, and it’s very much like the OC. But the character I get to play in it is just incredible. I play this reclusive artist who’s an ex-junkie that’s become really quite famous, and I’m approached by one of the lead female characters played by Holly Dignard. She plays Nicole [Miller] who works for this big hotel chain and approaches me to donate a piece, and I’m straight-up a prick to her. Very, very anti-social and hot and cold with her. We have this tumultuous relationship that goes over what is now a four episodes.

I think the fans will be really happy with that. I know that they’ve made some kind of deal with an American network so it should be shown down there.

This is in the second season, and our story line is excellent. I haven’t seen a lot of Whistler, but it’s excellent. It was a great opportunity to work with Holly and just to play a completely different character that I really liked.
As Tahmoh mentions, the US network The-N has secured US distribution rights, but has not yet added the show's second season to its schedule.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yet more photos of Tahmoh & Katee in Chicago

As promised, more pictures of Katee and Tahmoh at the recent Creation convention in Chicago--including some silly ones! A final thanks to Kate Ebneter from Katee Sackhoff Fans for these excellent high-res photos.

Could someone explain what was going on in the last thumbnail below...?

See Kate's other con photos of Katee & Tahmoh in previous posts here and here (or just scroll down the page).

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

More photos of Tahmoh & Katee at Chicago Con

Thanks again to Kate Ebneter from the always excellent Katee Sackhoff Fans for these high-res photos of Katee and Tahmoh at the recent Creation convention in Chicago. (Click each image to see a larger version).

Check back tomorrow for even more--including a couple silly ones!

See more photos from the Chicago con in previous posts here and here.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Tahmoh to appear in upcoming Robson Arms episode

Tahmoh will be appearing briefly on the Canadian TV series, Robson Arms, in its upcoming third season as... himself. Robson Arms "follows the lives of tenants inside a fictional low-rise in Vancouver's vibrant West End - the most densely populated neighbourhood in Canada." I asked Tahmoh for more details and here's what he said (& a photo of him on set):

I made a small appearance on Robson Arms as, (wait for it)..myself. One of the producers and directors of Cold Squad, Gary Harvey called me up and said that they had a great idea where one of the main characters has a crush on Tahmoh Penikett. On a day when an event she is organizing is going terribly wrong and it looks like it can't get any worse it starts to rain. I appear out of nowhere with an umbrella, apparently to save the day (insert slow motion running shot) then at the last minute ask her assistant if she'd like to share it with me. It took about two hours and was alot of fun. I've worked with both actresses before.
(Note: I'm not sure which character has the crush or who the two actresses in question are... if anyone can tell from the above photo, let me know. ETA: Thanks to Michelle for suggesting that one of the actresses is possibly Melanie Blackwell... ETA2: Thanks to Annie for confirming that the taller actress is Alisen Down with her hair cut short.)

Season 3 of Robson Arms is likely to premiere in February 2008. Tahmoh also pointed out that Battlestar fans will be interested to know that the episode he appears in is centered around Alisen Down's character, Sault Ste. Marie, an unapologetic chain smoker from Toronto who hates Vancouver (photo, below left). Alisen will be familiar to BSG fans as the resistance fighter and friend of Anders, Jean Barolay (photo, below right).

Speaking of Alisen Down, she's participating in an upcoming charity auction to benefit the Kidney Foundation of Canada. She painted a painting (below) that will be up for auction on ebay between Nov.2-12. Here's a photo of her painting and a link for more information:

For more information on Robson Arms, check out these links:

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Photos of Tahmoh & Katee at Sacramento Con

Thanks to Kate from the excellent Katee Sackhoff Fans for these photos of Katee and Tahmoh at the recent Creation convention in Sacramento. (In case you missed it, I previously posted a report and a few photos from the con).