Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Poll Results: Helo & Kara's backstory

Most people think that Helo and Kara go back farther than Galactica, perhaps even to the academy (85 votes).

The majority of people also believe that their past relationship was briefly sexual in nature, either a one night stand (13 votes) or some brief fling (44 votes). However, no one thinks they had a long-term relationship and a significant percentage think they've always just been friends (32 votes).

In defiance of chemistry, most people believe that Kara could drink Helo under the table (52 votes). A wise 27 people believe that the 6'3" Helo could drink the 5'6" Kara under the table.

For another poll on how close Helo and Kara are and for a thoughtful group discussion of their possibly sexual history together, see sabaceanbabe's LJ entry on the subject.

Monday, February 27, 2006

BSG Sitrep

A bunch of new BSG happenings over the past few days, so here I bring you a quasi-concise summary. Enjoy!

Ron Moore, BSG's writer and executive producer, has updated his blog with answers to fan questions.

See a new videoblog from David Eick, over at scifi.com:

18: Giving Battlestar Galactica its Props
Matt Roush from TVGuide praised Galactica in his column Friday:
Question: Battlestar Galactica is my favorite show on television right now. It's so well done and feels so real for a sci-fi show. But whenever I bring the show up to my friends, they always laugh. I've noticed that because the show is in the sci-fi genre, people don't give it a chance. Do you think that this is going to change, or will the stereotype always be there for this show? Also, how is this show doing with ratings? Is it gonna stick around for a long time? — Mike

Matt Roush: Battlestar is doing just fine, and there's no reason to think Sci Fi will pull another Farscape with this one. And while we're on the subject, tonight's episode (Feb. 24) is one of the best hours of TV in any genre you're likely to see all year. So many twists and revelations, including a welcome return to the Cylon-occupied planet of Caprica. It's smart, suspenseful, surprising — just a wow of an episode. But, as Mike suggests, just try convincing your friends who look at you like you're wearing Vulcan ears when you reveal you're a huge Battlestar Galactica fan. (I have even found myself in a situation where I needed to convince several TV-industry professionals to consider this show as seriously as they do anything on HBO.)

The show has several strikes against it, most notably a generic-sounding militaristic title that not only pegs it within an often marginalized genre but invariably brings up memories of the laughable earlier series. If the legions who could convince themselves to sit through the numbing second trilogy of George Lucas' Star Wars cycle would give a show like this a chance, just to see how deeply thrilling and emotionally rich this sort of storytelling can be, we'd all be a lot better off. As it is, the new Battlestar enjoys a fair amount of critical acclaim (mine was not the only top-10 list that included the show), and I have to believe its cult following will grow in time and through DVD exposure. Eventually, it will be considered one of the classics, if it isn't already.
New spoiler pics for "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2" over at Dark-Thoughts. Helo is blurry in the background of one.

Thanks to kathgrr, you can see screen captures of the AOL preview, including at least 3 new ones of Helo.

Questions for the cast? Email them to Kristin from E!Online who will interview the entire main cast (though not Tahmoh as of yet) on March 3rd at the William Paley film festival in Los Angeles. (I previously posted about the festival here).

Kristin also gave BSG a shout out this week:
"So good.

So, so, so, so, so good.

Big happenings with the wee baby -- and there's a twist you won't see coming.

And an unlikely friendship forges some interesting developments regarding Lucy Lawless.

And ... oh, just watch!

Even if you've never seen this show before, you will get this episode and I really do think you'll love it.

Friday night. Check it
Also over at E!Online, a spoiler pic from "Lay Down Your Burdens" featuring Tahmoh illustrates the E!Online Answer Bitch's response to this question:
"I'm curious why celebrities are purchasing properties in areas of Vancouver or Whistler, British Columbia. I love Vancouver, but why do they find this province so appealing?"
No, she doesn't say Tahmoh's the reason. :) See her answer here.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

"Downloaded" Reactions

New poll at right. When do you think Helo and Sharon will discover the truth about Hera? The next episode? Beginning of next season? End of next season? Never?

----------> Vote now!

Friday's excellent episode reairs on Monday at 11pm ET.

See pictures of Helo in "Downloaded" over at Northern Lights.

Download Ron Moore's podcast.

Watch the AOL behind the scenes special for cast commentary and a preview of next week.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tahmoh officially picked up for BSG Season 3

Last Friday, Tahmoh was officially picked up for the third season of Battlestar Galactica. Filming will begin around April 10th.

Great news! As even The New Yorker admits, Galactica is great television.

"The story isn'’t ridiculous... and it raises questions that nag at you in the same way that life on Earth does. Battlestar Galactica, refreshingly, is as real as science fiction gets."
Read the full article, "Across the Universe: A battlestar is reborn."

Can't wait to see what Season 3 holds for Helo!

New Interview with Ron Moore

There's an interesting interview (in two parts) with BSG's writer/producer, Ron Moore, to fill time until tomorrow's new episode, "Downloaded", which definitely features Helo.

The Cylons Take Over Galactica

Moore discusses Friday's episode, "Downloaded", his thoughts on the cylon homeworld and the viability of a clip show.

Galactica: Curing Cancer and Saving Battlestars!

Moore touches on Laura's recovery, the debate over stem cells and abortion on the show, and the Pegasus and its commanders.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Videoblog shows a BSG "tone" meeting

If you haven't already you should check out the new BSG videoblog over at scifi.com. It shows Eick meeting with the writers and director about episode 219, "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 1". During the meeting, James Callis (Baltar) and Grace Park (Sharon) come in to ask questions about how to play scenes they're shooting in episode 218, "Downloaded."

The blog is spoilery for both episodes, but is an interesting look behind the scenes. Sharon's question is of great relevance for Helo as well, though Tahmoh doesn't appear.

17: Never let the inmates run the asylum!
Be aware the graphic for the blog is down, but the links are still there if you hover the mouse over the correct portion of the image.

Friday, February 17, 2006

"The Captain's Hand" Tonight at 10/9c on Sci-Fi

Tape the Olympics, watch BSG. Raptors go missing, Lee and Kara yell at each other. Sounds like Galactica to me. Here's hoping Helo pops up somewhere.

Don't have a pic of Helo from tonight's episode yet, so here's a Captain and two hands:

Sadly there won't be a podcast by Ron Moore tonight due to technical difficulties. However, Moore says he will do it and have it up by next week.

Spoiler pics for ep. 218 "Downloaded"

A huge number of spoiler photos for BSG episode 218 (airing next week) have appeared on the Sci-fi boards. Several feature Helo. All I'd consider spoilery except maybe this one:

Spoilers abound so view at your own risk.

View the spoiler thread.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2" to be 90 minutes

As has been widely reported, the season 2 finale of Battlestar Galactica will run 90 minutes. "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2" will air from 10pm ET until 11:30pm. Be sure to set your VCR/DVR/Tivo to allow for the extra time.

As announced by Sci-fi Wire:

Galactica Finale Goes Long

SCI FI Channel will air a special expanded episode of its original series Battlestar Galactica as the March 10 season-two finale, starting at 10 p.m. ET/PT.
Warning: Huge plot spoilers included in the Sci-fi Wire post.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"Scar" recap on Television Without Pity

Helo gets a special shout-out at the end of TWOP's review of "Scar".

"Quit kicking yourself," says Helo. I love Helo. He's like eight feet tall and gorgeous, and could probably lift a house and throw it several feet, but all he does instead is tell you how special and lovely you are, and how much he loves you. Even if you're the ex-boyfriend! Even if you attack him with a monkey wrench! What are monkey wrenches to him? Nothing but obstacles to him telling you how wonderful you are; a break in the conversation. What a guy.
The whole recap is definitely worth checking out.

It starts here. The Helo part is at the end.

TV Guide spoils ep. 218, "Downloaded"

If you want to read their highly spoilery interview with Grace Park and executive producer David Eick, which will appear in TV Guide's Feb. 24 issue, head over to Hidden Elysium (a home for Helo & Boomer fans).

Thanks to sabaceanbabe we have a transcript of the article.

This week's provocative Galactica episode explores Cylon secrets...

Happy Valentine's Day (& Hush!)

Here's a nice pic of Tahmoh as Dr. Noah Hamilton and Victoria Pratt as Callie, his frisky and dangerous hometown girlfriend in Hush. They look appropriately cute and date-like so I thought I'd share. Hush reairs in March on Lifetime.

Details: March 11 at 3 pm et/pt

You can sign up for an email reminder at the Lifetime site.

See my earlier posts on Hush in the Career news archive.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Helo spoiler pics for "Lay Down Your Burdens"

Spoilery promotional photos for part 1 of the BSG S2 finale have been posted by NBC Universal. Three of the pics feature Helo.

See all the photos from "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 1" here, thanks to ravenclawdrew.

The pics are great, but highly SPOILERY, so I'm putting the ones of Helo behind a cut.


See one more with Helo and the high res versions over at ravenclawdrew's LJ.

Friday, February 10, 2006

"Sacrifice" Tonight & Poll Results

Episode 216 of Battlestar Galactica, "Sacrifice" airs tonight at 10/9c on Sci-fi.

Apparently Helo doesn't appear in tonight's ep (according to Tahmoh here), so I guess he'll be spending another day at the gym. Or at least that's one of the places people seem to think Helo spends alot of his down time (20%).

Helo works out his anger over not being in tonight's episode:

According to the "Black Market" poll, people also think he spends alot of time talking to Sharon (25%). Also popular "chilling with Starbuck" (14%). Sometimes he has to "run missions on the raptor" (9%), but he still finds time to "wonder if he'll get a new black tank top too." Apparently he also "sleeps" (10%).

Thanks to Northern Lights for the cap.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tahmoh's Interview in Dreamwatch #138

Thanks to a helpful Tahmoh fan, we have scans of Tahmoh's recent interview in Dreamwatch. He talks about shooting the forrest sex scene with Grace Park, the miniseries, the ramifications of his defense of Sharon and his hopes for Season 3.

Warning: Spoilers for the end of S2 in the last column of the 2nd page.

In case you've missed his other interviews this week, check out:
- iF magazine
- "Honour above all" interview in Starburst #73
- Infuze magazine
Or see the Tahmoh Interview index.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

New videoblog: Costumes on Galactica

A new BSG videoblog on costuming on the Galactica has been posted to the Sci-fi site. No specific mention of Helo, but we do see a bunch of crew dress uniforms and flight suits like those he wears.

16: Out of the Closet: Costumes on Galactica
It's a rare look behind-the-scenes at an aspect of filming not often discussed. The sheer number of costumes is a bit staggering.

Warning: Campbell reveals a small potential spoiler regarding Lee.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tahmoh interview with iF Magazine

Yet another interview with Tahmoh has appeared online (the fourth this week!). He still manages to share tidbits about his experience on the show that he's not mentioned before, among them details about his experiences Season 1 and the challenges of filming with CGI cylons.

Warning: The photos that accompany the interview are spoilery for episode 218, "Downloaded". I've pasted the non-spoilery text of the interview below. Click on "show spoilers".

Exclusive Profile: Battlestar Galactica's Tahmoh Penikett
He's the father of a Cylon/human hybrid on the hit SCI FI Channel show, and the actor couldn't be happier

Contributing Writer Published: 2/7/2006

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is one of the top-ranked television programs on the air in prime time. In the new series, the Cylons were built to be servant machines to mankind. They rebel and flee to another planet to establish their own culture. When the original mini-series aired, there existed between the Cylons and humans an uneasy truce. During the forty or so odd years since the original Cylon War, they have evolved into human-looking robots. Think TERMINATOR with emotions and a sex drive. The Cylons strike out at the human colonies with nuclear weapons and force the remnants of humanity to form a rag-tag fleet protected by the Battlestar Galactica, with one purpose- to find Earth.

Tahmoh Penikett plays Lt. Karl 'Helo' Agathon, a GALACTICA crewmember that is stranded on a Cylon controlled planet. During the second season, Helo finds himself back on GALACTICA amidst friends who thought he was dead, and most significantly he is the father of a human/Cylon hybrid child carried by the humanoid Cylon Sharon "Boomer" played by Grace Park.

Penikett chatted with iF MAGAZINE about his role on the series, what it was like being resurrected after the pilot, and what sort of challenges Helo has given to him as an actor.
Click on "show spoilers" below to read the rest.
Or read it with spoilery photos at the iF site.

In case you've missed the other interviews this week, check out:
- "Honour above all" interview in Starburst #73
- Dreamwatch #138
- Infuze magazine
Or see the Tahmoh Interview index.

Thanks to Sci-fi for the heads up!

The rest of the interview:

iF MAGAZINE: What sort of response have you been hearing about the new season so far?

TAHMOH PENIKETT: We’ve been hearing a positive response lately. Lots of people say they don’t watch TV, but now they are hooked on the show.

iF MAGAZINE: When the pilot finished shooting, did you know you were going to return as a series regular?

PENIKETT: It wasn’t a complete surprise. I had a couple of producers approach me and say ‘you’ve done exceptional work’ and is the nature of most productions, they didn’t even know what was going to happen to the show at that point. Edward James Olmos pulled me aside and said ‘they’re going to bring you back, they loved your work’ so I was excited and extremely flattered by the compliment, but in no way was I putting any weight on it. Not soon after we finished the mini-series, I booked being a series regular on the long-running Canadian cop series COLD SQUAD. We didn’t know it was going to be their final season, and I did thirteen episodes of that. As far as I was concerned, BATTLESTAR was pretty much over for me, because I hadn’t heard anything after we wrapped.

Then I was in L.A. for pilot season, I had a bad audition, and was in a kind of negative head space when I got the call from Ron Moore. He told me he had an idea for a story line where Helo wasn’t actually dead; he is still alive trying to survive on the planet. He said they’d love to have me back.

iF MAGAZINE: How was it to only have Grace Parks essentially as a co-star for the entire first season?

PENIKETT: It was awesome. Grace and I are very close. We became close when we did the boot camp in the mini-series. We had to do actual boot-camp for the mini-series, and we became close during that time period. We were encouraged to make bonds or friendships with the characters or people we were going to be close to in the series. Grace and I had clicked right away. There was little or no effort involved in bonding. During that first season, we had the opportunity to grow together as artists. We were both on this new excellent show and we had this great storyline of two lovers. We joked about it all the time; it was the HELO & BOOMER SHOW. [Laughs]

iF MAGAZINE: Were there any practical on-set Cylons for you to fight, or were they all CGI?

PENIKETT: The Cylons were CGI all the time. Every once in awhile, there was a plastic Cylon head that an A.D. would walk by in my general eye-line where the Cylon was supposed to be. It wasn’t even a very good Cylon, the art department had a rush to do it, and it kind of looked like a big Play Doh dummy head. So every once in awhile the A.D. would walk by with a serious look on his face like he was the Cylon, and he would hold this head up. The second thing, around episode six, they got me a cardboard cut-out that looked exactly height-wise as close to realistic as possible as to what a Cylon Centurion would be like, so that helped a lot.

iF MAGAZINE: Did you ever get the opportunity to visit the GALACTICA sets during the first season, even though you were shooting on a separate exterior set?

PENIKETT: That’s what was funny about first season, is the fact that I was filming on location, and most of my scenes were shot in about a fifteen-hour day. We get most of stuff shot in one day, because we would have to lock down an entire park or an outdoor location throughout Vancouver or wherever it was. Often times, my shooting schedule was so lax that season; I would go in for my one day a week, but it was a big, hectic day. There were a couple of times, I would go into the studio for a table read, or what have you, and I would go visit people. More times than not, I would be stopped by P.A.’s on the set and asked multiple times if I was lost or if they could help me. They would ask where I was going; they would send me to the extra’s tent. [laughs] I would tell them I was one of the actors, and they would quiz as to which actor I was. [Laughs] It wasn’t until second season that a lot of people within the production actually had the opportunity to see the show and realized I was supposed to be there!

iF MAGAZINE: What changed for you second season as an actor?

PENIKETT: The biggest thing about this show is the fact that we such a huge and talented ensemble. Our two lead actors are Academy Award nominees. It was a dream come true for me, as a young actor coming up, being able to act with the rest of the cast especially the leads. Not only the leads, everybody on the show is so talented. That was the thing I was looking forward to in the second season; getting back to the studio and working with the rest of the cast.

iF MAGAZINE: What do you think about the current storyline involving your character as the father of a Cylon-hybrid baby?

PENIKETT: Every once in a while they give us a "Bible" to the show, but realistically not so often. The actors are pretty much in the dark. Eddie probably has a pretty good idea what’s going on, as does Mary, but most of us really are not sure what’s going on. One thing about the writing; is that they are throwing us curves all the time. You might think you are going in one direction, but by the time they get the final revisions, it changes so much. Often times I am totally in the dark. When the writers come to the set, which is rare, we all gather around them and say ‘please, please tell us something…give us a hint!’ We are like rabid fans that want to know where we are going.

iF MAGAZINE: How was working with Katie Sackhoff at the beginning of Season 2?

PENIKETT: Katie and I are friends. That’s a perfect example of something that I was looking forward to doing in Season 2 of the show. Katie actually called me before I’d even signed my contract last year and she said ‘Look this is what’s going on, I’m not supposed to tell you but they’ve got an idea for us. We’re going to have a four-episode arc, and we’ll be running around the planet together. I’m super excited about it.’

iF MAGAZINE: Last but certainly not least, were you a fan of the original GALACTICA?

PENIKETT: I was too young to see the original, but I remember the one season they brought back where Starbuck was on a planet with the Cylon. I remember seeing bits and pieces of it, and I remember having a Cylon toy. More than anything, I remember being five years old or whatever age I was, when the Cylon died. I remember being so sad and crying. [Laughs]

Monday, February 06, 2006

Spoilery Helo promo photos from "Downloaded"

Two of the new promotional pictures released by NBC Universal for episode 218 feature Tahmoh as Helo. Both however are quite spoilery, so click below to reveal them.

See all the "Downloaded" promo pics.

Thanks to ravenclawdrew for posting!


Helo/Tahmoh icons

_glistening has made more than a dozen Helo and Tahmoh icons for those interested (including a couple from "Scar"). A few of my favorites:

See the rest!

Thanks to _glistening for letting me share these!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Scar" poll and reactions

New poll posted at right. What do you think is the backstory between Kara and Helo?

Did they meet at the academy? On Galactica? Have they always just been friends? Were they lovers? Could Helo drink Kara under the table?

Vote now! ------>

See more Tahmoh pics from this episode over at Northern Lights.

Discuss the episode over at Hidden Elysium.

Ron Moore's podcast is available for download.

See cast commentary and a sneak peek for next week here.

Friday, February 03, 2006

"Scar" airs tonight at 10/9c on Sci-fi

Tonight's Starbuck-centric episode promises several scenes with Helo as her friend and gym buddy. Be sure to tune in!

See more promo pics of Helo from this ep here.

Watch a preview for the episode here.

Ron Moore's podcast should soon be available for download.

"Honour above all" interview in Starburst #73

As I announced last month, a new interview with Tahmoh appears in the current issue of Starburst magazine. "Tahmoh Penikett: Honour above all" by Steven Eramo in Starburst #73 is available now on newstands in the UK.

Thanks to _eb, we have scans of the interview to share! In it, Tahmoh discusses his arc in Season 2, his love for Sharon, his fight with Tyrol and hints at what is to come.

Warning: the last page of the article contains spoilers for "Scar" and "Sacrifice".

Thursday, February 02, 2006

New set of BSG shooting location placemarks

Lloyd has created a second set of placemarks of BSG shooting locations for Google Earth. The second set includes quite a few new locations, including the two sites first identified on this site (The Alibi Room and the Waterfall Building). It also features:

- Helo's fire escape
- Rooftop where Six & Doral spied and Six beat up Boomer
- Parking ramp Six & Doral walked down
- Interior of the botanical cruiser from the mini
- Quorum of 12 meeting hall on Cloud 9

Check it out!

Very cool. Thanks Lloyd!

Previous posts on BSG filming locations:
- Where in Vancouver? I mean Caprica.
- Where in Vancouver... update!
- BSG Shooting locations on Google Earth
- Helo in "The Alibi Room"
- The Waterfall Building (mini, "Epiphanies, & "Black Market")

Another new interview with Tahmoh in Dreamwatch

Dreamwatch #138 (now available in the UK) features an interview with Tahmoh, as well as one with Jamie Bamber. Sci-fi Pulse has published excerpts.

One of the underlying themes of Helo and Boomer’s relationship as with any is the Trust issue; she lied to him on Cylon Occupied Caprica about her true nature, yet as the story developed so did a bond of trust between them, but are there any doubts?

“We’ve gotten to the point in the second season where he has to, but there is always a doubt there,” he confirms. “How can we really emphasise with this character? It is like living in the United States, losing family in September 11, and then finding out your wife, the one you are in love with, is an Al Qaeda operative. As an actor, I made choices so that what it really comes down to is having someone you love betray you and it is even more complicated because of circumstances, like having a baby.”
Read the rest of the interview excerpts.

(Warning: Interviews are spoilery for the end of S2).

Anyone have the full interview? Please let me know.

New Interview with Tahmoh online

Infuze magazine has posted a new, recent interview with Tahmoh by Robin Parrish (conducted Thursday, 1/26/06) to their website. He principally talks about Galactica, but also his current projects, his future plans and how he got into acting.

You have to register to read the full interview, but it's well worth it. They also have an interview with Bear McCreary, BSG's composer (including on set photos).

Warning: There is one spoiler to beware of in answer to this question: "Obviously the pregnancy is central to the storyline right now... " If you avoid Tahmoh's response to that you'll be fine.

Here's one question to pique your interest:

What else are you working on?

Battlestar wrapped this season in December, so after that I went on to do a horror film called Trapped Ashes. It's an anthology of four stories in one. I got to work with an old school director named Monte Hellman, who did some of Jack Nicholson's earliest films. I got to work with another actor I'd heard a lot of good things about named Tygh Runyan. He's really talented. Our story was something of a period piece; he played Stanley Kubrick -- we couldn't use his last name, he's just called "Stanley" in the movie, but Kubrick was the character.

That was a really good experience. Right now, I'm looking at a number of different projects. Hopefully I'll find something interesting enough to do before the third season begins filming.
Read the rest of the interview.

As part of the stellar cast of Battlestar Galactica, Tahmoh Penikett stars as Karl C. "Helo" Agathon, a soldier whose loyalties lie with humanity, yet whose heart belongs to a Cylon. Through a complex series of events, the woman he knew as Sharon "Boomer" Valerii was revealed to be a Cylon in human form. Complicating the situation as Season Two progresses is the hybrid baby growing in Valerii's womb -- and Helo's the father.

Robin: How did you land the role of Helo?

Tahmoh: That's kind of a funny story. I got the audition at the last minute from my agent, and at the time, and at the time, I was working on a film with a friend of mine, which conflicted with the audition date. I asked my agent if she could get me another time; she said she couldn't. So I approached the film's director and said, "Hey, I need an hour to go into town for this audition." He couldn't adjust the schedule then and he needed me on-set that day, so I finally had to say to him, "Look, I'm going to have to leave. I've got to go; you've got to make it happen."

He was a friend of mine, so what it came down to was, he worked around it. I ran over to the studio, and it was a one-audition deal. I went in there, did it, had a really good audition, and I think it was about eight days later that I found out I got the gig.

And I understand you didn't know if you were going to be asked back for the series?

Yeah, that's right. The way that my character is left in the miniseries, he could have easily died in the nuclear bomb strikes on the planet. You don't even have to work really hard to come to that conclusion.

After the miniseries aired, I went down to L.A. for pilot season, looking for another job. And I got a call from [series producer] Ron Moore, who said, "I've got this idea on how to keep Helo alive. We can follow him on the planet and kind of keep track of is fight to survive. The Cylons will be there, and Boomer comes back for him..." I thought it was a great idea.

Was it strange to work through the entire first season outside of the rest of the cast?

I get asked that quite often. Yeah, it was pretty strange, but even on the miniseries, when I had the opportunity to work with a few of the other cast members, most of my scenes were with Grace [Park, who plays the Cylon "Sharon"] at that time. But once we got into it, we made it about halfway through the season when I began really noticing some stuff. Grace would be telling me stories about working with everybody else, what it was like working in the studio...

So yeah, it was strange in that way, but Grace and I had a great time together. We enjoyed working together for the season, and we made the best of it.

You got to play shoot-'em-up down on the planet with the Cylons...

Yeah, that was fun. The shooting was done all on location -- outdoors, in bombed-out buildings. The locations they chose were exceptional.

How much insight do the writers give you as to what's coming? Did you know that Helo would eventually get back to the Galactica?

No, we never know. I've got to be honest with you -- with this show, there's a general aspect of never knowing where the writers are going to go. And there are often re-writes, so what happened in the last version of the script often changes so much from the original. You've really got to be open to anything happening.

Last year, the writers came down to the shooting location from L.A., and I was all over them: "What's going to happen to my character over the next couple of episodes? Come on, tell me what's going to happen!" It's funny how the actors want to know almost as much as the fans.

I bet you're sworn to secrecy, huh?

Yeah. But a lot of times, we're in the dark as much as anybody else.

That's something I've noticed about this show: the twists are so good that a lot of the fans don't want to be spoiled.

That's just it, man. I frequently feel the same way. I don't know what it is, but I love it when people want to be surprised, because the show is so engaging. I could tell you what's going to happen three episodes away, but where's the intrigue, where's the mystery in that?

Do fans or friends give you a hard time about your character being in love with a machine?

No, they don't give me too hard of a time. I get ragged a little bit, but it's all in good fun. If anything else, they're usually trying to get me to tell them what happens next.

What do you think of the relationship between Helo and Sharon? There's a certain poetry in his love being blind to the fact that she's a machine...

That's something that I think is really interesting about Helo that most people don't realize. More than anything, he loves this woman. This creature, this cyborg, this clone -- whatever she is. He's in love with her, and now he realizes they're going to have this child together. She saved his life, and he's really all that she has.

, what we have to realize about Helo is that he is conflicted. There's some doubt in there. It wouldn't be realistic if he didn't have some doubt. And I'd like to see that explored some more. It was explored a little in the second season, but maybe in the third season we'll get to see more of that.

Regardless of all she's done for him, she's manipulated him into conceiving this baby with her, so...

Exactly. He's got to be thinking about all of this stuff; he knows. He's got to deal with the fact that he's in love with a Cylon, one of a species that has eliminated almost all of the human race. All of this stuff is always going through his mind, and it makes the character more believable and interesting.

Obviously the pregnancy is central to the storyline right now... Without spoilers, can you give us any hints as to what's to come before the end of Season 2?

I don't think this is a huge spoiler, because it's been mentioned elsewhere, but... the baby will be born. It will be born. Whether it survives or not...

What else are you working on?

wrapped this season in December, so after that I went on to do a horror film called Trapped Ashes. It's an anthology of four stories in one. I got to work with an old school director named Monte Hellman, who did some of Jack Nicholson's earliest films. I got to work with another actor I'd heard a lot of good things about named Tygh Runyan. He's really talented. Our story was something of a period piece; he played Stanley Kubrick -- we couldn't use his last name, he's just called "Stanley" in the movie, but Kubrick was the character.

That was a really good experience. Right now, I'm looking at a number of different projects. Hopefully I'll find something interesting enough to do before the third season begins filming.

How did you get started as an actor? What drew you to that career?

I've always been fascinated by storytellers. My grandmother was an amazing storyteller; I really think that's one skill that comes with age. It takes a long time to get really good at it. Acting is the same way.

Not only that, but I've appreciated some things from a young age because of my father. He was an actor, as was my grandfather. So I think it runs in my blood somewhat.

Any aspirations for any other sides of that coin -- writing or directing?

Just recently, I read a couple of books, one in particular just blew me away. I could see it becoming a film. I don't really have any immediate aspirations of being involved in producing a project and raising a budget and trying to bring it to film, but that's something I'm looking at right now.

Keep making good tv and we'll keep watching.

Yeah, I'm headed straight back to work after this interview. Thanks, man. Be well.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Pic of Tahmoh from Sandra Goes to Whistler

New pics and cast and crew bios have been posted to the Sandra Goes to Whistler website.

Tahmoh starred in this short film last year. A brief synopsis:

Suze, Sandra’s crazy but caring best friend is determined to make Sandra forget her ex-boyfriend who dumped her and takes her to Whistler for the Western Steer Conference—a place where there are many cowboys that may be interested in a wounded calf like Sandra. It’s time to save a horse and ride a cowboy, but like all best laid plans (no pun intended), things go awry.
See my earlier post on the film here.

New Tahmoh headshot

It seems Tahmoh may have had new headshots taken by Jane Weitzel. This pic popped up over at Weitzel Studios.

For fun, here are two earlier shots of Tahmoh by the same photographer.