Monday, July 11, 2005

"Amazing Space" BSG article in EW

Thanks to MaryD at AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Files for posting scans of the new BSG article in this week's Entertainment Weekly.

The article is spoilery, but provides a fun look into the on-set dynamic:

As the camera crew sets up a complicated shot, half a dozen costumed cast members... form a rowdy circle beneath the damp leaves. [Grace] Park wanders toward the noise.

"What the hell is happening here?" she asks.

"We're playing the laughing game," says Tahmoh Penikett (a.k.a. strapping Lieutenant Helo).

Sackhoff lets out an impressive witchlike cackle. Jamie Bamber draws kudos for his maniacal bellowing. But Mary McDonnell trumps all with a throaty, pained impersonation of her husband.

"He laughs like he broke his rib," she giggles.
Read the rest of the article!

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