BSG Season 1 DVD to be released Sept. 20
Universal Studios has announced new details and new cover art for the US release of Season One:Battlestar Galactica (2004): Season One
Release Date: 09/20/2005
Added Value: 1 of 3 DVD Exclusive Trading Cards
See technical information and disc contents here.
The set will include the miniseries and 4 new commentary tracks by Eick and Moore on "33", "Bastille Day," "Act of Contrition" and "You Can't Go Home Again."
The rest of the commentary tracks have been previously released. Personally I was hoping for a cast commentary on at least one episode, but the current set is all Moore and Eick all the time.
I wonder what "Behind the Scenes" will mean. The video featurettes already on the Sci-Fi website? Here's hoping for a bit of new material.
TV Shows on DVD has screen shots and had this to say:
Universal has announced their "all retailers" release this morning, and as you can see on the left, the cover is noticably different than the box which Best Buy has been depicting. The release is set for September 20th, and the SRP is $59.98 (which means you'll be able to purchase it anywhere from $40 to $55, after retail discounts are applied). The running time is 757 minutes for a 5-DVD package (one more than the Best Buy set), including the 2003 mini-series on the first disc, and there are many extras.For those who don't want to wait for the new bonus features and different cover art, Best Buy is releasing the UK version of the Season 1 set on July 26th.
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