Hush available on DVD in Australia
The Lifetime movie Hush, in which Tahmoh starred as Dr. Noah Hamilton, is now available on DVD, but only in Australia (and only for rental?), it seems. Here's the DVD cover (click for higher-res version).See the listing over at Peacock Films.
I'm hoping to have access to a copy soon. I'll post high-res, un-Lifetime-marked screenshots as soon as they're available. In the meantime, you can check out quite a few low-res Hush screencaps thanks to our sister image site, Northern Lights.
hi, I have to ask a favor: I'm a fan of Victoria Pratt,also I follow Battlestar Galactica and I like Tahmoh! I'm from Italy and I would desperately like to see Hush, but I can't find it anywere, and in Italy they don't hair on the tv, so can someone please help me? My mail address is:
please, help!