Fans' convention stories
A while ago, we asked fans to send in stories of their experience meeting Tahmoh at conventions. It took us a while to get our acts together as both our schedules got a bit mad, but we figured it's still the 20th May somewhere around the world. So, what better way to celebrate the man who brought us all together by launching the site's new section: Fan Stories.
So, without further ado, we give you 3 short stories to start with!
I met Tahmoh at DallasCon 2014. I had won a spot at the Meet and Greet auction, but the first time I spoke to him was during the autograph session. I was extremely nervous because I really admired his work in Battlestar Galactica. I got my autograph and continued on my day through the convention. Later, after his panel, they announced one of the winners of the music video contest which I had entered. I wasn't expecting to win, but I saw the opening frame of my entry and my mind went blank. After the video was over and Richard [Speight Jr.] called my name, he sent Tahmoh out to find me. A few of the people there got some good shots of the enormous hug that Tahmoh gave me. That is one of the best convention moments that I have had so far. -- Shannon Bowen, May 2015
I had the pleasure of meeting Tahmoh at the Supernatural Phoenix convention this past weekend! It was so amazing since I've loved him since the Battlestar days. -- Anna Swinford, February 2015
I'm French and in 2014, I went to the 'Jus in Bello' convention in Rome, Italy. It was the first time I met Tahmoh and I haven't took a photoshoot with him yet. The first day, I went to the autograph room, and when it was my turn he shook my hands saying "hi nice to meet you". It made me laugh that he shake hands with his fans. After he signed my paper, I decided to ask a small question about the film Man of Steel and despite the world who waited behind me, he took the time to answer me with a smile which surprised me; he seemed happy to be there, meet the fans, before I left, he again shake my hands and say "nice to meet you" and I ran to buy a photoshoot. I wanted to have a memory of him, his kindness and his friendly smile.
Later that day (I think) I did the photoshoot, even being a little tired, he kept his smile; that smile which showed that he loved his fans and EVERY minute spend with us was more a joy for him than for us. When it was my turn I said I wanted the pose, he said "ok", I thanked him, he smile and shake my hand again.
And since that day, since the convention, he became a kind of hero for me, and I could never forget. Tahmoh, thank you for these good times to spend with you. -- Mary (@winchesterina), February 2015
So, without further ado, we give you 3 short stories to start with!

I had the pleasure of meeting Tahmoh at the Supernatural Phoenix convention this past weekend! It was so amazing since I've loved him since the Battlestar days. -- Anna Swinford, February 2015
I'm French and in 2014, I went to the 'Jus in Bello' convention in Rome, Italy. It was the first time I met Tahmoh and I haven't took a photoshoot with him yet. The first day, I went to the autograph room, and when it was my turn he shook my hands saying "hi nice to meet you". It made me laugh that he shake hands with his fans. After he signed my paper, I decided to ask a small question about the film Man of Steel and despite the world who waited behind me, he took the time to answer me with a smile which surprised me; he seemed happy to be there, meet the fans, before I left, he again shake my hands and say "nice to meet you" and I ran to buy a photoshoot. I wanted to have a memory of him, his kindness and his friendly smile.
Later that day (I think) I did the photoshoot, even being a little tired, he kept his smile; that smile which showed that he loved his fans and EVERY minute spend with us was more a joy for him than for us. When it was my turn I said I wanted the pose, he said "ok", I thanked him, he smile and shake my hand again.
And since that day, since the convention, he became a kind of hero for me, and I could never forget. Tahmoh, thank you for these good times to spend with you. -- Mary (@winchesterina), February 2015
© Mary (@winchesterina)
All photos and videos are copyright of their rightful owners. Want to send us a story? Email it to us at and feel free to include videos and photos (make sure they're not blurry and hi-res, please!).
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