Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Tahmoh Talks about "Cold Squad" (2004)

Tahmoh appeared on the "Canada AM" show, hosted by Ravi Baichwal, on CTV Television, Inc, last September 2, 2004. Here's a partial transcript [I cut some discussion of Cold Squad as I've unfortunately never seen it]; let me know if you'd like to read the whole thing.
"Cold Squad" set to begin its seventh and final season

BAICHWAL: The detective series "Cold Squad" is back for a seventh season, if you can believe it.... With more on what to expect from this great show this year is one of the newest members of the cast, Tahmoh Penikett. And he joins me in studio.

Thanks so much for coming in. It's a busy time for you. Seven years. This is going to be the swan song for the series because of some funding issues. But what's it's like for an actor like you to go into a series like that that has a track record of success?

PENIKETT: Well, obviously, No. 1, I was a little bit nervous when I found out. But when I got the gig I was so very happy. The cast is just so experienced. Julie Stewart, Matthew Bennett, Gary Chalk.
BAICHWAL: Is it hard to break into a crew like that?
PENIKETT: Well, I think no matter what, I had some hesitations in the beginning. I was feeling that I might be walking on egg shells. But everyone was really, really accepting. The cast and directors alike, writers, everyone, producers really came ogether and said, "We brought you into the show for a reason. We want you." Yeah, it was good, it was great. I think the first episode I was a little bit nervous, but after that it really fell into place.

BAICHWAL: You play Corporal Roy Chase. What's he like?
PENIKETT: Constable Ray Chase, yeah. He's extremely ambitious. A young constable trying to make detective. And he's a quite intelligent young fellow. He's got a major in law, decided not to become a lawyer, joined the police squad for whatever reasons. And, yeah, it was interesting to play the character. It was good.

BAICHWAL: Well, you're a great young talent. What else are you up to right now, real quick?
PENIKETT: Right now, I'm working on another series, "Battlestar Galactica".
BAICHWAL: Oh, cool. That's coming back?
PENIKETT: That's coming back. Yeah, I think I was probably four years old when it aired for its first year. But, yeah, it's got a great cast again. Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, it's great. So we're doing 13 episodes of that in Vancouver right now.
[...] Copyright 2004 CTV Television, Inc.

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