BSG won 3 Tubey Awards from Television Without Pity
Battlestar Galactica won three of the major categories in the Television Without Pity (TWoP) 2005-2006 Tubey Awards. This popular TV show review site and discussion forum hosts the Tubeys, an annual online TV award competition.
Best Returning Show
And the winner is... Battlestar Galactica
TWoP Show with Highest Actual Quality
And the winner is... Battlestar Galactica
Best Drama
And the winner is...Battlestar Galactica
First runner up for: Best Finale and Best Credit Sequence
Saw Tahmoh Penikett @ the Timeless Destinations convention. Was good, intimate to begin with, only ~20 people initially but the numbers swelled to ~ 45 before his time was up. We were all a little groggy because we had been going to the con morning and the evenings had various events. There were a few comments on pranks on set. They were just finishing the first part of the new season and were going to take a small, ~ one month break from shooting and I think he said he could be on his way to Prague Czech Republic for a short film there. Don't remember all the details but it was fun, especially as there were just a few of us there initally.