Saturday, May 12, 2007

site news: tags now complete!

(Apologies again to anyone reading the site via LiveJournal or a newsreader, but I just finished tagging all my early posts so that they are now accessible using the tag list at left. The only way to tag early posts involved republishing them, so I'm very sorry about the spam!)

All 750+ posts from the past two years have been tagged.

Tags can be found at the bottom of each post under "related posts" (this post is labeled "site"), but also in the left sidebar where the tag (and the number of posts with the tag).

I've simplified the tagging system, combining some tags and adding others. What I imagine you might find most useful is the division of photographs into three categories:
If you're more interested in interviews with Tahmoh, there are again 3 categories:
Of course, if you're interested in one particular show or movie, like Cold Squad [2004], Smallville [2004/2007], or Hush [2005], you can just click on the title to see all the related posts.

I hope this helps you find what you're looking for. Please feel free to email me with any suggestions or questions.

Please forgive the occasional error! :)

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