Thursday, December 18, 2008

Photos, set visits, interviews for Dollhouse & Battlestar

Here is a roundup of some of the latest Tahmoh-related news about Battlestar and Dollhouse. Enjoy and see you in the New Year!

Battlestar Galactica - "Sometimes A Great Notion" (4.13) promo photo:

High-res version of the "So Fox, So Fresh" photo campaign shot:

TV Guide Q & A with Eliza Dushku, mentions Tahmoh's character:

Does Echo get into any serious scrapes? [highlight to read spoiler]

Tahmoh Penikett [of Battlestar Galactica] plays FBI agent Paul Ballard, and he’s been investigating the dollhouse for years. He and I just shot a four-page Muay Thai [boxing] , dirty fight scene- I still have bruises.

Dushku talks more about Dollhouse in another TV Guide interview here.

Mother Jones and Dreamwatch interview Joss Whedon about Dollhouse.

Helo will be on the cover of the Galactica Role-Playing Game:

Access Hollywood Dollhouse Set Visit With Dushku & Whedon: Part 1, Parts 2 & 3

E!Online Dollhouse set visit with Eliza Dushku.

Time's TV critic, James Poniewozik, has seen the Dollhouse pilot and is mostly pleased.

Mark Shepherd will guest star on Dollhouse and interact with Tahmoh's character, Paul Ballard [spoilers].

Read more about Dollhouse in the latest edition of SFX magazine (178):
"It's great, being in Dollhouse with Tahmoh," Shepherd said, thinking of the great camaraderie that exists on Joss Whedon shoots. "Just walking onto a set and him being there, Joss being there of course… A lot of fun for me ..."
For the new Battlestar promos, see Galactica Sitrep. This one has Helo:

A Tahmoh Penikett picspam by benelie. Lots of great Starfury pics:

Here is another great shot of Tahmoh in London, thanks to Galactica.TV:

Tons more Starfury photos of Tahmoh by ruthkit!

Dollhouse Wiki: A Paul Ballard paper doll!

Monday, December 15, 2008

New photo, brief interview in Sci-fi Magazine

The new issue of Sci-fi Magazine has a long article on Battlestar, which features a new photo of Helo from Season 4.5 and a brief interview with Tahmoh about his favorite Battlestar memory (no spoilers). Thanks to saturn92103 for the scans.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Photos & interview with Tahmoh from Starfury con

With tremendous thanks to Marcel of Galactica.TV, here is an interview conducted by Marcel with Tahmoh at the Battlestar Starfury convention last weekend. Michelle Forbes briefly breaks in to chide Tahmoh to "be more serious."

[The interview is 20 minutes, so it takes a minute or so to load in the player. Or you can download it here (14 mb). If anyone has suggestions for a free host with higher streaming bandwidth, let me know.]

Update: Whedonesque is also hosting the interview. Thanks!

Tahmoh addresses a lot of lingering fan questions: What does the "C" in Karl C. Agathon mean? What was Helo's backstory? He also talks about how he relates to Helo and Helo's relationships with Kara & Lee.

He also answers some of the Dollhouse questions that I sent to Marcel:
  • What has been the biggest difference between working on Battlestar and working on Dollhouse?
  • As a character outside the Dollhouse, working to discover its secrets, has Paul interacted with much of the Dollhouse cast? Or are you/he as isolated as Helo was on Caprica in Season 1?
  • What's it like working with some of the same people on Dollhouse as you did on Battlestar (Jane Espenson, Felix Alcala, Ron Hardy)?
  • Have you bumped into any actors on other FOX shows while filming Dollhouse?
  • How does working in LA compare with working in Vancouver? Do you get recognized more in LA than you did/do in Vancouver?
  • What's the last movie you saw? Or what are you reading now?
Tahmoh even recorded a shout-out for All about Tahmoh Penikett (0:09):

Marcel has previously done two other interviews with Tahmoh. You can find them here (Nov. 2006) and here (Aug. 2007).

Thanks to Bertha for the con photo of Tahmoh! Check out more of Bertha's photos from the convention over at her Flickr!

If you have any questions you'd like to ask Tahmoh, please ask them now in the question thread.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

New photos & video from "So Fresh, So FOX" campaign

Tahmoh features prominently in the Winter edition of the "So Fresh, So Fox" campaign now available over on the Fox Fresh website. His photo is on the front page, along with that of Eliza Dushku, his Dollhouse costar.

The short video from the photoshoot includes quite a few shots from Tahmoh's shoots, including a brief interview clip with Tahmoh and the photographer. I've made a few screen caps, but you should watch the video!

If you reuse these caps, please credit All about Tahmoh Penikett.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Tahmoh at Battlestar Starfury convention last weekend

Tahmoh attended the Battlestar Starfury convention this past weekend in London with much of the Battlestar cast, among them James Callis, Nicki Clyne, Michelle Forbes and Mark Shepherd. Katee Sackhoff was a surprise guest.

Abby from Summer Glau Web was there on Sunday and has tons of photos to share over on her myspace. (Photos of Tahmoh appear on pages 3-5, 8-9.) Here are a couple of my favorites:

If anyone else has photos or con reports, please let me know!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

On-set photos of Tahmoh from Galactica & Whistler

Michael Trucco has posted some great behind-the-scenes photos on the Battlestar set to his website, several of which feature Tahmoh. Here are a few of them; see the site for more!

Holly Dignard also has posted some on-set photos with Tahmoh from Whistler to her site. You can find them in the "Media" section, under "Press Candids."

Tahmoh supports Holly's charity Caleb's Hope. See his message of support and a description of the charity's work here.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Your questions answered: Tahmoh on his favorite martial artists, the Helo action figures, his acting approach and experience with foreign languages

Tahmoh was able to take a break from filming Dollhouse to answer a few more of your questions! (See the question page for more answered fan questions).

1. I think I read somewhere that you like martial arts and mma. I'm a fan too and was wondering if you were a fan of any particular fighter or fighting style.

"There are so many fighters i admire and respect. In the now defunct Pride organization Vanderlei Silva was my favorite for his ferocity, heart and incredible finishes. I think George St. Pierre always showed the talent but has now become one of the most capable and complete fighters in MMA. He's really in a class of his own and constantly improving. Anderson Spider Silva is also in this elite class of fighters. He has the most beautiful and devastating Muay Thai. I can go on and on about this so i better stop myself now."
2. Have you seen your Helo action figure yet? And whats it feel like to have an action figure of yourself?
"I've seen two of the action figures. I'm not sure if there's more but i recently saw the one of me in my flight suit. When i first found out that i had an action figure coming it was definitely surreal. I've been ribbed about it from my friends and family constantly and it still makes me laugh. The fact is i think the makers of the action figures did a pretty good job. It's a pretty cool thing to have. A testament to the excellent and successful show we were apart of."
3. Do you tend to play small variations on a scene each time or do you try to change it up dramatically each take? Or does it depend on which actors/directors you're working with?
"Sometimes in the rehearsal you make completely new discoveries about the scene. This can be because of what the other actor is giving you, understanding something in the script u didn't before or from direction from the director. I always make some strong choices and often come prepared to make small adjustments to my delivery. As you put the scene on it's feet you usually find the best best direction to take it."
4. Do you speak any other languages?
"I was in French immersion as a child. It's still there but very rusty as i haven't had a lot of opportunity to use it for many years. I've recently started practicing again. I'm fascinated at the fact so many Europeans speak three if not four languages. I was recently in Europe and it motivated me to speak french again."
If you have a question for Tahmoh, ask it now over in the question thread!