Saturday, April 17, 2010

Riverworld Tomorrow

Riverworld airs tomorrow, Sunday, April 18, 7:00 pm Eastern, in the US on Syfy.

Tahmoh talked to Suzanne Simons of a couple of weeks ago. She and Tahmoh debated the most important point of the miniseries.
A couple of weeks ago, he tried to convince me that the love story was key.... To me, the message was about the endless search for meaning in a world where people are perpetually reincarnated and plopped right back along the riverbank without really knowing how or even why.... "I think the point you make is probably the most important in the miniseries or at least the one thing that anyone who's arrived on Riverworld is trying to figure out," Penikett said. "Why are they there? Have they been chosen to make amends for past mistakes? Does everyone on the planet share similar mistakes, and by whose standards, laws or religions are they judged by?"
Read the entire review here.

Dennys Ilic has posted his BSG Final Days video in two parts on You Tube.

Part 1

Part 2

Some people may have seen a leaked version of this video or screen shots taken from it (see story here). Dennys will soon release a BSG Final Days book of the photographs he took around the same time he shot the video. Join his Facebook group to receive regular updates, and we'll be there to let you know here when the book is available.

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