Saturday, December 04, 2010

Q&A Part 3 - Superheros and Literature

For your enjoyment, Part 3 of our most recent Q&A with Tahmoh. Thanks again to Bertha.

What is your favorite superhero? What super power would you most like to have?
I love Batman because ultimately he doesn't really have any super powers, but obviously has exceptional will, strength, heart and a lot of money to afford him amazing weapons and vehicles. I also liked The Punisher a lot when I was a teenager. I guess I appreciated that in some ways both these individuals were possible without super powers. They'd both suffered horrible family loss and it was the driving force behind their missions.

If I could have one super power, it would probably be to fly. I've dreamt of flying before, and it was one of the best feelings in the world.

Tahmoh seems so well read. What makes him so hungry for reading?
I grew up in a family of readers. Both my parents always read, and my father was never without a book. I always remember him bringing one with him whenever he went to the theatre. With his heavy work schedule he found he could get twenty minutes of reading before the movie.

Both my parents, to this day, still give me or suggest good books that they've read. I go through phases as I’m sure most do of reading a lot and not. I find that choosing the right book at the right time is the key.

I recently read The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Dominican author, Junot Diaz. Amazing book. I’m now halfway through Sleeper's Wake by Alistair Morgan.


  1. I like the "taking a book to the theatre" part! ;-) and totally agree on the right book in due time one.

  2. That's for posting the question about reading, Lisa! ;-)

  3. Mari, You're very welcome. I thought this series of questions and answers were really great.
