Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year! (and vote for Tahmoh)

Hope everyone had a happy holiday season. Look for some catch-up posts soon, but in the meantime, be sure to go over to and vote for Tahmoh at the "Hottest Actor on TV."

He's one of only 6 nominees. He's also currently in last place. I'm blaming that on the standard cast photo of Helo they used. If they'd used this photo, I promise he'd be doing better:

So be inspired and vote now. The site seems to allow unlimited voting... so get on that! ;)

Thanks to Emeline for the heads up!


  1. Oh my gosh you are so right about the photo choice ... very, very unfortunate.

  2. wow! didn't know you were here. got nosy, lol! about the actor who plays 'helo' and decided to investigate - great blog! what a super job you are doing. bookmarking it now. and i voted! (O:

  3. on the voting page, i put the code listed below in my url bar (using xp/firefox), hit return, and now it automatically votes for penikett over and over again, no clicking required.

    javascript:void(setInterval("vote(103723,7);", 1000));

    just in case anyone cares ;)

  4. Yes it is too bad about the photo choice, but thankfully Tahmoh seems to be doing much better vote wise now!

    Kate, you're brilliant! Not that I encourage cheating... but it's the poll that allows unlimited voting! Plus it spares the pointer finger alot of clicking! Supporting Tahmoh shouldn't cause anyone pain, so I say have at it. ;) *sets Firefox to work*

    So happy to see he's moved into 3rd place already!


  5. Kate you're a genius!
    Big, big thanks!
