Monday, October 31, 2005

Cold Squad "And the Fury" caps

With everlasting thanks again to Ide Cyan and the LJ Cold Squad Community I have some more Tahmoh pics to share.

These are from episode 98, "And the Fury", which also happens to be the last episode of the series. In the caps below you can see sparks flying between Tahmoh's character, Constable Ray Chase, and Detective Sam Walters, played by Sonja Bennett.

98. And the Fury

First aired: 6/4/2005

Harper searches desperately for his missing daughter, praying that he will find her before it is too late. Sam has the perfect suspect, an well-known surgeon, but the only witness against him is very unstable. Ray's dark side shows itself in dealing with the suspects. Ali makes the choice that will change her life forever.

See 8 more caps of these two scenes over at Northern Lights!

(Again, if anyone has recorded any Cold Squad eps from Season 7 (the ones with Tahmoh), please let me know, I'd love to see them!)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

New, unusual Helo/Boomer music video

repr0b8 has made the most unique and unusual Helo/Boomer video I've seen. It's like a trailer to a movie, but to a different story than what we've seen on Galactica. It makes you see their relationships in a different light.

It's dark and the song is at times discordant, but it's very interesting.

Shot You Down
Music: Audio Bullys w/ Nancy Sinatra - Shot You Down
Focus: Helo/Boomer on Caprica
Size: 29.4mb
See for yourself!

More music video recs here.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Cold Squad "C'mon I Tip Waitresses" caps

Thanks again to Ide Cyan and the LJ Cold Squad Community I have some more Tahmoh pics to share. These are from episode 96, "C'mon I Tip Waitresses."

96. C'mon I Tip Waitresses

First aired: 4/2/2005

After a taxi driver reports a passenger who seriously gave him the creeps with his misogynistic views on women, Ali decides to look into it, and the trail leads her to Ian Summerhill, a dentist who had dated the first missing woman and had been dating the woman found a couple of days after the cabbie came in. Sam tries to investigate Summerhill's dark side and heads back to her old work place, where girls entertain men for money. Ali's relationship with Paul is threatened when Ian shares some stories of Paul's mis-spent youth with her, and she wonders how accurate they are.

See more caps over at Northern Lights!

If anyone has recorded any Cold Squad eps from Season 7 (the ones with Tahmoh), please let me know, I'd love to see them!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Tahmoh now a "Jedi Master Chef"

While at Galactica One, Tahmoh earned the rank of "Jedi Master Chef," resulting in fairly hilarious photos. If you're wondering what a Jedi Chef is I recommend you visit their webpage.

Tahmoh is apparently "Jedi Master Chef 44" according to their listing of celebrity chefs (who include Jamie Bamber, Aaron Douglas, Sam Witwer and a bunch of Firefly and Stargate folks).

Here's his official photo and a fun group shot with Witwer, Bennett and Douglas:

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Lots of Helo icons

___chiaroscuro is making 100 Helo icons for the icons 100 challenge. She's made 30 so far and posted them here. If you want to flaunt your Helo love, her growing collection is well worth checking out. Some of my favorites:

See the rest!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

More Cold Squad caps!

Thanks to Ide Cyan and the LJ Cold Squad Community I have some more Cold Squad pics to share. I thought these shower pics from the "Teen Angel" ep might also appease those looking to see Helo in a towel in Season 2 (see this poll).

Episode 88: "Teen Angel"

First aired: 9/18/2004

When the death of a promising talent show contestant turns from natural causes to murder the Cold Squad team gets pulled into the competitive world of television talent shows.

Dr. Wilson, the medical examiner, is supervising a group of medical students as they dissect the body of a young woman. Dr. Wilson is shocked to find that she did not die of natural causes.

Cold Squad opens the case and finds that this very talented teenager died on air during the live broadcast of the "Canadian Teen Dream" talent contest a year earlier. Though it looked like heart failure at the time close analysis reveals she may have been poisoned.

See more caps over at Northern Lights!

New poll posted & some earlier results

Check out the new poll! Since almost no one thinks Helo's going to die and most think he'll get back to the Galactica, I thought I should ask how everyone thinks his return will happen. How will Helo and Tyrol escape?

Vote now! ----------->
Most people think that Helo will walk around in a towel in Season 2. It may not be wishful thinking, as Ron Moore admitted recently to writing a towel scene for a character other than Lee. Many see a love triangle on the horizon with Boomer and Tyrol, though I guess it's already sort of started.

Is it January yet?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Galactica One goodies

Some truly fantastic candids of Tahmoh are now up over at Conventional Loser. Thanks to Abby for sharing!

See the rest!

beccaelizabeth has written up a great Galactica One con report that features alot of details I haven't heard elsewhere:

The suit with the shrapnel hole in it - when Helo got a chance to get a new suit Tahmoh kind of missed the ripped old one. He'd been wearing it a long time by then.

Most of his parts in season 1 were filmed in one day per ep. They'd go out and run around in the woods and film, all in one day. With hot/cold/wet conditions....

There was mockery of Helo's 'hero' face from the mini - Sam and Aaron stood there blowing being wind and Tahmoh did that heroic yet blinded by wind squinting face. Apparently the mockery about that is endless.
Read the rest!

Still more Galactica One piccies have been posted to a German site, Pixum.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Fabulous S1 Helo music vid

humansrsuperior has created a fantastic new Helo video using clips from Season 1. Of course, I'm partial to Coldplay, but "Spies" seems an especially appropriate song for Helo.

Focus: Helo
Song: Spies by Coldplay
Size: 58mb
Makes me very nostalgic for Caprica.

More music videos here.

Thanks to sabaceanbabe over at Hidden Elysium for the vid rec!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Ron Moore and David Eick update their blogs

So both Moore and Eick updated their blogs over at this past week.

[Ron Moore] Blog: The Return

"I've found it interesting that there's a school of thought out there which claims that Laura should've been completely sidelined from the very beginning, that Adama should've declared martial law from the outset and ignored civilian government altogether. It probably says something about me that I found that very notion to be antithetical to the underpinnings of a decent and democratic society, and I remember the very conscious choice I made in the early stages of this project that while Colonial society was going to be flawed and riddled with problems, that at its base, it was going to be a fundamentally decent and democratic one. It was not going to toss its principles over the side in a time of crisis. It was not going to turn itself into a security-above-all state. There were certain things that mattered more than survival, certain things that mattered more than safety."
Eick's new video blog on visual effects in "Pegasus" wasn't terribly interesting, but here's the link:

10: Tech on the Set of Episode 10
"So Say We All: The Visual Effects of Battlestar Galactica" is a much more interesting article by Noah Kadner on the show's visual effects. I didn't understand all the tech talk, but it has alot of interesting behind-the-scenes details and some cool effects shots.

Friday, October 14, 2005

More Galactica One Convention Reports and Photos

Lots more photos and reports from Galactica One have been cropping up.

Shirl's Wolf's Galactica One photos over at ShirlsConventions are comprehensive (20 pages!) and superb:

Check out the rest!

Neil Davidson's Galactica One page has a collection of hilarious photos of Tahmoh dressed as a "Jedi Chef". Too funny for words:

More here.

Also, mingmerciless has posted a Galactica One con report and her photos of the event.

Charlie (aka gambits_rogue) also posted a report and some more photos.

Thanks to everyone for sharing!

Chat Transcript with Tahmoh now online

Last Saturday at Galactica One, fans had a chance to post their questions to Tahmoh in an online chat. A transcript of the chat has now been posted. A lot of interesting questions were asked. Here are a couple (the rest are behind the spoiler cut):

What do you think Helo's pre-mini relationship with Kara was like?
Tahmoh: I think they have obviously been friends for a long time, possibly were cadets together and most definitely long time drinking buddies.

When did you get interested in kickboxing?
Tahmoh: I have been interested in the martial arts ever since i was a child, i first studied judo for a number of years and then took up kick boxing after seeing a muay thai practitioner in a foreign film.

Do you think that Helo's outlook on humanity is being adversely affected by his relationship with Boomer?
Tahmoh: obviously since he has returned to the ship he's had to question a lot of things possibly his outlook on will be interesting to see where the writers take helo and boomers relationship and how it is accepted by the rest of the fleet. I think helo obviously knew he would be facing a lot of prejudice and distrust, but to the extent was obviously relative and overall thus far he's been ultimately given trust again.

Was the hug with Boomer in Resistance (while Anders and Kara were saying goodbye) scripted? (It's barely visible onscreen).
Tahmoh: no it was not - grace took it upon herself to put that in there and it felt awkward and right at the same time.

Thanks to Shirl and Wolf Events for letting us post this transcript!

Read more by clicking below:

ManesaN: What are your fave and least fave scenes you've done so far?
Tahmoh: Favourite- sex scene of course! I'm joking... just recently I had a scene with Edward James Olmos which was amazing for me. Least Favourite was the scene at the end of episode 10 with grace and aaron

marksoflove: What do you think Helo's pre-mini relationship with Kara was like?
Tahmoh: I think they have obviously been friends for a long time, possibly were cadets together and most definitely long time drinking buddies.

JamieRuby818: What was it like to film the scene fighting with Aaron Douglas
Tahmoh: Aaron Douglas hits like a girl. just joking, michael ankin was completely open to improving on the scene with aaron and I. and open to any suggestions we had. I just recently saw the end product and was really happy with it.

cdenahy: what parts of you are most like your character?
Tahmoh: I look a lot like him... but i have better hair. haha
I admire helo's bravery and selflessness.

JamieRuby818: If you could have had a part in any show past or present what would it be
Tahmoh: brad pitt in california, paul newman in hudd, eric bana in chopper... I could go on and on...

ReneeDY1: When did you get interested in kickboxing?
Tahmoh: I have been interested in the martial arts ever since i was a child, i first studied judo for a number of years and then took up kick boxing after seeing a muay thai practitioner in a foreign film.

cdenahy: Why do you thing that the Cylons make all their female models so attractive? Is it part of their evil plan?
Tahmoh: Great question, it's got to be part of the evil plan! Exactly.... none of us are complaining about the exceptional genes of the cylons!Obviously Ron Moore and David Eick are responsible for that!

cdenahy: How do you feel about the fact that in 1 more episode of the new series it will surpass the number of episodes the original series had aired?
Tahmoh: I think it's great and hopefully it will surpass it by many many more. As long as they continue writing exceptional episodes then hopefully we'll have the series for a few more years.

JamieRuby818: Who would you like to see guest star on the show?
Tahmoh: I would love to see more actors of the same caliber as our leads- mary, eddie.... both academy award nominees and it would be great to see more actors at that level guest on the show.

RawlesMarie: Do you think that Helo's outlook on humanity is being adversely affected by his relationship with Boomer?
Tahmoh: obviously since he has returned to the ship he's had to question a lot of things possibly his outlook on will be interesting to see where the writers take helo and boomers relationship and how it is accepted by the rest of the fleet. I think helo obviously knew he would be facing a lot of prejudice and distrust, but to the extent was obviously relative and overall thus far he's been ultimately given trust again.

Koroniss: From the point of a normal viewer would you consider Sharon to be trustful, or would you like to lock her in the cell as Adama did?
Tahmoh: coming from my point of view, not helos i think that i might be able to see that she's genuine in her feelings for helo and the baby. but it would be an unacceptable risk to allow her to integrate the fleet. she'd have to be left in the cell, till she really proved herself.

ManesaN If you could pick one character (female) for Helo to end up with (assuming you didn't have to pick Sharon automatically), who would it be and why?
Tahmoh: End up with...? If you mean in terms of relationship that doesn't really leave me with a lot of choices, all of the females in the cast are beautiful talented actresses. other than the fact number 6 is stunningly gorgeous... i obviously couldn't trust her. and starbuck would definitely be a handful... I have to get back to you on this one!

JamieRuby818: Where did the name "tahmoh" come from?
Tahmoh: my mother is first nation, I was named by my grandmother. The nation upper tanana which is an athasbaskan language group situated in north west yukon in alaska.

marksoflove: What is it like to work with the rest of the cast after a season just with Grace?
Tahmoh: working with grace was an awesome experience, we're great friends and she's a talented actress. but when I found out I had the opportunity to act with the rest of the cast I was very excited. the caliber of actors on the show is exceptional and it's been a great experience so far, sharing scenes with actors I haven't worked with yet.

un4scene1: Do you have any upcoming projects?
Tahmoh: I've turned down a couple as of late, but nothing specifically so far planned for the hiatus. I am looking at projects though.

cdenahy: What would be your funniest story from working on the show?
Tahmoh: there's been too many we're often times having too much fun on the show.

ReneeDY1: If you could be any other character on Galactica, who would it be and why?
Tahmoh: it'd be pretty interesting if I was the right age to be Colonel Tigh, or even Adama. more appropriately apollo though. but the casting for all these roles is perfect.

Koroniss: Are the scenes for the future season 2 episodes already shot, or they are gonna be shot till January? It was pleasure for me to talk with you and Aaron.
Tahmoh: we're filming 15 right now. and we have 5 more to go.

huertgenwald: a funny memory from filming (no matter which show)?
Tahmoh: me falling asleep numerous times on the set of smallvile when my character was dying in bed! that damn pillow was too comfy!

marksoflove: It seems by the time the miniseries begins, Helo has been secretly in love with Boomer for a while. How do you think their relationship developed? He must have known about her affair with Tyrol.
Tahmoh: their relationship obviously developed to the next level when they were put in the situation on the planet together, helo did know about tyrol but at that point on the planet he and boomer are just trying to survive and anyone else became somewhat irrelevant in their desperate situation.

cdenahy: Ever visited Australia? If not, any plans to?
Tahmoh: i have not, but would love to. i hope to do it in the near future.

ReneeDY1: Was the hug with Boomer in Resistance (while Anders and Kara were saying goodbye) scripted? (It's barely visible onscreen).
Tahmoh: no it was not - grace took it upon herself to put that in there and it felt awkward and right at the same time.

JamieRuby818: Do you have any tattoos?
Tahmoh: maybe... maybe not!

JamieRuby818: who have you enjoyed working with the most?
Tahmoh: obviously grace and I have a great relationship because of all the work we have done together, but at the same time I have had a great time working with Katee Sackhoff, Aaron Douglas, Eddie Olmos, pretty much everyone that I've had a chance to share a scene with.

ManesaN: Are you Canadian by birth?
Tahmoh: yes I am.

cdenahy: How tall are you? You seem to dwarf all the other actors in a convention photo I saw today.
Tahmoh: I'm 6ft3"

Tahmoh: Thanks for all the great questions and we really appreciate all the support and input the fans have given. Be well.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Galactica One con reports and pictures

Sakara75 wrote up a fun recap of the weekend over in her livejournal. Read the whole report here.

Tahmoh Penikett (Helo) - OOOph was this man hot!...i mean arm porn or what. But also a really lovely guy and as funny as hell too, though in a much dryer way.

Tahmoh ... defended Helo from being called nice but dim and told us about his worst commercial audition which involved dancing around a Goodyear tire to "Eye of the Tiger"!

Aaron and Sam were doing some good humoured heckling at the back and Tahmoh decided to get them on stage and Aaron said it would be fun to re-enact some scenes from a script he had only they'd play other characters. So first Sam and Tahmoh played Tigh and Adama...then they did Baltar and Six!!! Tahmoh totally hamming it up as Six!
She also had this picture of Tahmoh to share:

Maiel Alcinoe also attended and shared these pictures:

Many more are available over at Northern Lights!

Thanks to Sakara and Maiel Alcinoe!

Screen Caps of Tahmoh in Cold Squad

Tahmoh played Det. Ray Chase in Cold Squad's seventh season. It's the show that the US's Cold Case is based upon.

Cold Squad is a one-hour police drama originally on CTV that focuses on 'cold cases'; unsolvable cases that have gone for years without a solution. Each week there is a new 'cold case' brought out of the woodwork to solve, which may date back five years, or could even date back fifty years.
Thanks to Ide Cyan who runs the Cold Squad LiveJournal community, we have caps of Tahmoh in the show's seventh season credit sequence:

You can also find them over at Northern Lights.

Thanks again to Ide Cyan and the LJ Cold Squad Community!

If anyone has access to Season 7 episodes of Cold Squad please email me!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Pictures of Tahmoh from Galactica One

Tahmoh attended Galactica One this past weekend outside of London. Thanks to Charlie, we have some fantastic pics to share. Here are just three, be sure to check out the link below for the rest!

You can find many more over at Northern Lights!

Thanks again to Charlie!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Note from Tahmoh!

Thanks to a friend who got to talk with Tahmoh at Galactica One this weekend, I have this note to share:

Friday, October 07, 2005

Helo's Fate in Season 2

In case you don't want to wait until January, I have posted news regarding Helo over at The Secret Cylon (a LiveJournal community devoted to BSG spoilers).

Read the spoiler.
Thanks to Northern Lights for the cap!

BSG Cast photos from Comic Con

Large versions of the BSG cast pics from this summer's Comic Con have finally surfaced. Tahmoh's in a few of them.

See the rest here.

Thanks to dryope for making these available and to aliice for posting them!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

New Spoilery Interviews with Moore and Bamber

Kristin from E!Online has posted the transcripts of her two interviews with Ron Moore and Jamie Bamber. She asked them questions submitted by fans with some really interesting results. The interviews are very spoilery, however, so beware.

Battlestar Q&A with Jamie Bamber

Question: Which Battlestar actor makes you laugh the most on set?

Jamie: We have practical jokers, but who makes me laugh the most? I would say James Callis, but I don’t get to do stuff with him very much. Otherwise Katee and I have a lot of fun, and Tahmoh too. Tahmoh Penikett is a great laugh to work with on set.
Battlestar Q&A with Ron Moore
Question: When will there be a confirmation that Battlestar Galactica was picked up for a season three?

Ron: We’re having general conversations about it. The network hasn’t made it a formal pickup. I’d say the indications look good. But they don’t have to pull the trigger on it for a few more months. It’s just the way networks work, they will probably not do it until they have to. February or March.

I’m optimistic. I’ve been optimistic since we did the miniseries that we’d get picked up and I feel that we’re going to get picked up.

Tahmoh dines out in Vancouver

Today's Metro Vancouver newspaper features a restaurant review that doubles as an interview with Tahmoh. Tahmoh and the critic, Claudia Kwan, dine together at The Smoking Dog Restaurant.

(If anyone has a paper copy they could scan to improve the picture quality,
please email me.)

You can download today's version of the paper (with this article) here. Click on "Vancouver."

Thanks to Bladerunner at Galactica Station for the heads up!

BSG Hiatus Ficathon

If you're creative and looking for a way to fill the BSG hiatus, check out the BSG Hiatus Ficathon:

Sign ups: until 10th October 2005
Fics due: 30th November 2005

Character and/or pairing:
Request (scenario for character or pairing):
Spoilers to:
3 things you want in your fic:
3 things you don't want:
What you will write:
What you won't write:
Here's the BSG Ficathon main page over at LiveJournal.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Chat Live with Tahmoh this Saturday

Galactica One is announcing that on October 8th, Tahmoh and Aaron Douglas will answer fan questions online:

This Saturday at around 1pm UK time there will be a live chat with AARON DOUGLAS & TAHMOH PENIKETT.
1pm UK = 8am EST

If you're up early enough you could get your questions answered!

Go here to register for the chat.

More details:
You will be able to put your questions to Aaron & Tahmoh live, but in they will be in batches. The mod will tell you when to put your questions up, you will have about 30 or 50 secs to do this, so have your question ready before hand. The mod will then put the room on hold so that Aaron & Tahmoh can scroll back over everyone’s questions and pick out the ones they want to answer. Each actor will have roughly half an hour online.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tahmoh at Galactica One this weekend

Tahmoh will be attending the Galactica One convention this weekend, October 7-9, outside of London. Sam Witwer (Crashdown), Aaron Douglas (Chief Tyrol), Kandyse McClure (Dualla) and Matthew Bennett (Doral) should also be there. Sounds like a great event.

Any fans out there planning on attending? If you have any reports, photos or snippets of info to share, I'd be very happy to post them. Please email me!

Monday, October 03, 2005

New Helo/Boomer music video

killerqueen22 has created a terrific new Helo/Boomer vid. It's very langorous and sensual.

Wonderwall (October 2005)
Song: Wonderwall by Ryan Adams (Oasis cover)
Focus: Helo/Boomer, Helo POV
Spoilers: Through Season 2 Ep.9
Size: 11mb
Check it out!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Galactica one of year's Top 10 shows

Matt Roush had nothing but praise for BSG in his Friday "Ask Matt" column.

Question: What did you think of Battlestar Galactica's season finale last Friday? Though the subject matter was difficult and dark, I thought it was brilliantly done and proved to be both disturbing and powerful. The strong emotional reaction it elicited from me and many other fans is a testament to the power of well-crafted storytelling. — Beth

Matt Roush: The show is, pure and simple, a knockout. It was a completely gripping hour, unsettling in its depiction of inhumanity (toward the humanoid Cylons) and wonderfully intense as it built the conflict between Adama and the ice-cold admiral (always good to see Michelle Forbes). It's going to be a long wait for new episodes this winter. Right now, Galactica has dibs on a coveted place in my year-end Top 10 list.

BSG Official Companion now available

I haven't seen the book in stores yet, but online retailers are shipping out the new Battlestar Galactica Official Companion, published by Titan Books.

Battlestar Galactica is back! The brand new, ‘re-imagined’ version of the cult 1970s series has quickly become the most critically acclaimed SF show on TV, with massive viewing figures to match. With its classy ensemble cast, including Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell, its cutting edge special effects, superb production design and gritty, adult-oriented scripts, the new Battlestar Galactica is being hailed as both a worthy successor to a classic original, and a stunning piece of television in its own right.

Titan Books have been on set from the beginning, and now proudly present the official companion, packed with exclusive interviews, photos, behind the scenes secrets, and a complete episode guide to the mini-series and first season.
When mine arrives, I'll post some of the Helo and/or Tahmoh tidbits.

Poll: Helo in the second half of Season 2

No Helo spoilers have been released for the rest of Galactica's second season, so I've created this Entirely Speculative poll.

In eps 211-220, what do you think will happen?

- Will Helo walk around in a towel?

- Will he become a happy father?

- Will he meet an unfortunate end? (Ack! we hope not.)
In any case, share your opinions and theories by voting! Or comment and let me know what you're thinking.
New Poll at right. Vote now! ---------->

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Reminder: Tahmoh's movie, Hush, on Tonight at 9pm

On Lifetime. Read more here.

Poll Results for eps 207-210

Real life has been a bit crazy and I haven't had much internet access, so sorry for the delay. Hope you enjoyed all the episode specific polls. Here are the results for the last four of the season.

210: "Pegasus"

209: "Flight of the Phoenix"

208: "Final Cut"

207: "Home, Part 2"

You can find all the polls that have run on the site (and their results) in the site poll archive.