Thursday, March 31, 2005

Katee Sackhoff aka Starbuck on S2D April 6th!

Shaun Daily has announced that "Starbuck" has agreed to appear on his BSG-themed radio show, Subject to Discussion, next Wednesday April 6th at 9/8C:

Katee Sackhoff has graciously agreed to come on to the show to talk about her career and her role on Battlestar Galactica.
The show airs on Wednesday nights on, with a simultaneous webcast and chat. If you have any questions for Katee, you can post them to Shaun's blog or during the chat.

All those Helo/Starbuck fans can ask Katee what she thinks about Starbuck and Helo's past/future as a couple...


UPDATE: Shaun and Koenigrule's discussion of "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part 1", Tricia Helfer in Stuff and Galactica in general on this week's show is now archived.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Helo/Starbuck fan site

One More Last Kiss is a newish Helo/Starbuck fan site. I'm not sure what I think of them as a couple, but if you're interested, here's a fic from the site:

Title: Imperfect Hosts
Subtitle: Five Things Karl Agathon Knows About Kara Thrace
Rating: Mature (lots of sexual themes).
Pairing: Kara & Helo, with distant hints of Lee.
Timeline: Pre and During miniseries (minor spoiler for "33").
Summary: Some of life's best lessons are learned at the worst times.
If fan fic isn't your thing there are lots of pretty Helo avatars about...

Tahmoh on "Cold Squad"

In the absence of any BSG-related Tahmoh news, why not explore TV Tome's Cold Squad show pages?

Principal photography for season seven of Cold Squad began in Vancouver in August of 2003, and included the addition of newcomer Tahmoh Penikett as officer Graham Chase. Penikett is originally from the Yukon, and the son of former Yukon premier Tony Penikett.
Cold Squad is still airing on CTV, so our friends in Canada (and France it seems), should be sure to check it out.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Quotes from Tahmoh's Interview on S2D

Ok, so I’ve been a bit slow to post this, but life intervened… and transcribing, I learned, takes approximately forever. But for your reading pleasure, here are selections from Shaun O’Mac Daily’s (SM) interview with Tahmoh Penikett (TP) on Subject to Discussion last week (March 23, 2005) on

You can download an MP3 of the whole interview here (or use this direct download link). I’ve mainly concentrated on his remarks about Galactica. I’ve abbreviated and clarified in several places. If anyone wants to type up more of the interview, I’d be happy to post it…

SM: Where are you? You up in Canada?

TP: Yeah, I’m in Vancouver, actually just got back last week from LA.

SM: I’m surprised at the strength of the show and the fan base. Are you surprised as well?

TP: Yeah, I’m absolutely surprised. I think one of the main things… there was a lot of talk right after we did the pilot. People were talking about the purists, the original fan base from the original series and how they weren’t very happy about the show being redone, what have you. But I think anyone can testify that the new series is great. It’s not absolutely faithful to the original series, but new and better.

SM: You, yourself you’re kind of on a spin off show on the show itself. You’re down on the planet and everything else. How does that feel? You’re part of the show but really off on your own show.

TP: I love it. I love it. I remember last year when I got the call from Ron Moore and he told me his idea for the storyline and that he wanted to bring me back and what have you. As far as I knew I wasn’t sure if I was coming back, I had other plans. I was basically looking for work in other places. He called me back and said we’d love to have you back on the show, see what’s happening with your character. He’s still on the planet. He survived--post-nuclear holocaust. These are the ideas I have. I was really excited. I kind of liked the storyline. The audience must appreciate it too because it takes you out of the ship. I remember when he first told me about it, it kind of made me think of Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. You’d be going up to the space ships and then cutting back to the planet. It gives it a little bit of diversity in the storyline.


SM: You’ve done a lot of location shooting for the show. How’s that been?

TP: It’s great man. Vancouver is such a beautiful place. Picturesque--ocean, tons of rainforest. As you can see, Caprica, the planet on the show, has been through a holocaust. They’ve been pretty consistent with the rain. I’m usually wet pretty much every episode. I’m going on location every time. Not stuck in the studio. It’s been fun.


SM: How is it to work with [Grace Park]? She’s basically doing two different roles.

TP: Grace’s character is awesome. Grace as a person; the girl’s fantastic. I love working with her. I’m always joking around because this whole last season we did, the first season, it’s the Grace and Tahmoh show. Pretty much we’re acting together every time. I haven’t even worked with the rest of the cast since the pilot so that’s who I look forward to going back to, every time I do shoot. Grace is awesome. She’s a very talented actress. She’s very generous. And we have a great time. The first time we met was when we went to the boot camp, right before we started filming for the pilot. We clicked right away. We knew we were supposed to be partners. None of us had actually read the script, I don’t think at that point, but we caught wind of what was going on and we had a loose idea of the storyline. We bought it from that point and we’ve been good friends ever since.

[his acting background, schooling]

TP: I’m a Taurus. I have twin sisters: they’re May 18th. I’m May 20th… My father was a politician when I was younger, pretty much through most of my youth…. My dad was also an actor and my grandfather was an actor. They gave me an appreciation for good drama from a young age…. One of the first films I ever saw with my dad. I’m not sure how old I was. When did Bladerunner come out? [1981] So I was five or six at the time. I saw that film and it made a huge impression on me….

[early career: Dark Angel, Stargate SG-1, The L Word, Smallville; working with directors]

SM: What’s the origin of your first name?

TP: I’m named after my great-uncle. My mother is First Nation; I guess you guys would call Native American down there. I was born and raised outside of Yukon, right beside Alaska, lived there until I was 19. Lived in BC the last 8 or 9 years…. My father is British. Hence my lovely white skin and the last name, Penikett.


Question from the chat room: Will you be returning next season?

TP: Absolutely. Yeah, just recently taken care of. I’m coming back. I’m really excited about it.

Question from the chat room: Who’s a better kisser, Trisha [Helfer] or Grace [Park]?

TP: How dare you guys ask me that? [laughing] I’m a lucky man to have kissed either or both of those women.

SM: Do you watch your own work?

TP: Absolutely, whenever I can…. I think you can learn a lot from it. I’m going to make a point of this year, especially if I do get back to the studio, just to watch the dailies and stuff.

[…family’s reaction to his deciding to be an actor…really supportive]

Question from the chat room: What do you like most and like least about working on Galactica?

TP: I’m loving the action sequences. It’s great, man. I did most of my own stunts this year and that was a lot of fun…. The least… would probably be not getting to work with the rest of the cast. Everyone in the cast is awesome and super-talented. That’s one thing about the show; it was cast so well. Someone like Aaron Douglas; he is that role. He is the chief. I’m really looking forward to sharing a scene with some of the heavy-weights. Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Michael Hogan; they’ve been in the business for tons of years and are so talented, I can’t wait to get into it with them.

[playful speculation about what might happen with Helo’s storyline]

SM: You going to be comfortable if Galactica runs seven years. You okay with being identified as Helo?

TP: You know the show’s doing great and I take it as a huge compliment…. I’m not looking too far into the future. What I’m doing right now I’m doing this series and apparently it’s doing really well and people are happy with it. I’m really happy doing the character right now. We’re going to go with it as long as we can. I’ll tell you this, I read the first two episodes of the new season and I couldn’t put them down. They are killer, they are so good.

SM: You have any ideas why they gave the character the name “Helo”?

TP: I think it means “ice” in Spanish. It’s like “ice man.” [Anyone know… does Helo really mean ice in Spanish?]

[toaster scene… connection back to the old series]

SM: Where do you see your career going five years down the road? Do you want to act, do you want to direct?

TP: ….I look forward to directing…. If I ever had the opportunity to [direct] one of the episodes, I’d jump on it. But it’s one of those things, you really need to know what you’re doing. I’d need a lot more experience before I take a crack at it. But five years down the road, I hope to be doing the same thing. I really love to act. It’s a dream come true. I’m living the dream….

[James Bond… Star Wars]

[impressed, ecstatic about being on show with Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell]

Question from the chat room: What was your favorite scene from season one?

TP: Hard question, man. Action-wise, I’m loving shooting at cylons and diving over counters and having pots dropped on my head and stuff like that. It was great.

[will be attending Gatecon 2005]

SM: Any words for the fans?

TP: …The first two episodes are killer. I’m so excited. Be prepared to get caught up with some the characters and get some real back story happening with some of the senior characters…. We’re going to have an awesome series and an awesome season. Everybody stay tuned. Thanks for being supportive. I’m looking forward to it.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Say 'Helo' (Comical Q&A with Ron Moore)

In another shameless misuse of academic resources, I came across this article in the "Arts" section of The Toronto Star (January 15, 2005), p. H06. The article is no longer online, so I've posted it below.
After watching the pilot to Battlestar Galactica, some Very Stupid Questions came to mind. Executive producer Ronald Moore was kind enough to answer them:

Q: Why is it always raining in the future?

A: The future is depressing, man! It's a dark time. And when it's a dark time it rains a lot.
Q: Why is there always a hot blonde in science fiction?
A: I think it's Asimov's First Law of Television Exploitation.
Q: Why do the humans in Battlestar Galactica use analog wall clocks? Shouldn't everything be digital?
A: There's a feel of retro-technology all through Galactica. And I hate digital clocks.
Q: Why do the Cylons attack every 33 minutes? Do they have some sort of master plan involving pizza delivery?
A: They are far beyond pizza delivery. They are into tofu.
Q: Since the Cylons are now capable of creating the perfect woman, shouldn't they be allowed to rule the universe?
A: Actually, yes. And they probably will succeed.
Q: In one scene, somebody is eating with chopsticks. Why are humans still using ancient utensils in the future?
A: Why are we still using clocks? We use a lot of old stuff that we're just familiar with. Every supermarket in the country has an electronic door. But I don't know a single residence with one.
Q: The call sign for one dude, Karl C. Agathon, is "Helo." Doesn't this raise the possibility that other humans may get confused and think he's just saying hi when he makes emergency contact?
A: "Helo. Hello? Helo! Hello? NO, HELO!" It's just for that sort of comedy that I invented that call sign. It gives the show a Pythonesque kind of feel.
Q: Why did the Cylons base the design of Number 6 on a Canadian supermodel?
A: There was probably a better exchange rate.
Q: Since the Cylons are made from metal, why don't the humans just construct a supermagnet and end all this silly fighting?
A: Ah, now you're getting into Season 2!
Q: Is it possible that this is all a dream?
A: Yes. And I'm hoping I don't wake up before my next paycheque.
Copyright 2005 Toronto Star Newspapers, Ltd.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Great Interview with Tahmoh on S2D

Thanks to Shaun from Subject to Discussion on for a great interview with Tahmoh!

In the interview, Tahmoh revealed that he's now back in Vancouver and is excited to start filming season 2 in a couple weeks. He also spoke about his acting background, his family and his hopes for season 2 and his career.

UPDATE: If you missed Shaun's interview with Tahmoh, the archive is now up.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Introducing "Mr. Hotness Karl 'Helo' Agathon"

I swear I'm not making this up. The voting is over in the TrekBBS "Tourney of Hotness" and we are pleased to announce the results:

In the Male Division, we have a tie and, therefore, co-champions!

Introducing Mr. Hotness Lee "Apollo" Adama and Mr. Hotness Karl "Helo" Agathon.
Obviously Helo should have won outright, but he's in good company.

Other winners include Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer). Evidently Helo and Boomer's hot scenes down on Caprica made an impression on the voters... or could it be Grace Park's hot Maxim spread?

New Behind the Scenes Video on

Clip 11, entitled "Director's Cut", features an extensive interview with Michael Rymer about filming the BSG season finale "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Parts 1 & 2." It includes a lot of clips of Helo both from eps 1-11 and from the finale.

This should perhaps go without saying, but it is heavy on SPOILERS.

Helo/Boomer Music Video

projectgalem over at So Alive has created a fantastic, high quality Helo/Boomer shipper video. If you're a Helo fan, you should be sure to check it out (and right-click-save to download it):

Video: I Won't Last a Day Without You
Focus: Helo/Boomer
Show: Battlestar Galactica
Season: All Season One (in chronological order)
Song: I Won't Last a Day Without You - The Carpenters
Size: 13.7MB
WARNING: The last minute of the video is SPOILER HEAVY...

You can find videos for other characters (Six, Kara/Lee, Boomer) here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Vote for Helo!

TrekBBS has a BSG Tourney of Hotness going on.

Helo has made the finals, but clearly he needs to win. Apollo just screams "issues" despite his prettiness. If you agree, be sure to vote for "Lt. Karl Agathon (Helo)". You can also vote for the female winner; it's down to Boomer and Cally... personally I would have gone with Number 6, but hey.

You have until 0900 GMT Thursday March 24, 2005 to vote in this poll.

UPDATE: Helo is currently TIED with Apollo, go vote for Helo!

Tahmoh on S2D Radio Show - TONIGHT!

Tahmoh will appear on Subject to Discussion TONIGHT at 9/8 C.

If you have any questions for Tahmoh, be sure to post them to Shaun's blog or log into the live chat during the show on (click on Cam & Chat).

More on Tahmoh's movie, "Hush"

In a blatant misuse of university resources, I came across this newsbit from the "Broadcast" column in Playback (January 31, 2005, Film & Television, pg. 15):

Vancouver - On Jan. 29, Vancouver producer/director Harvey Kahn was set to wrap almost three weeks of production on Hush, a movie-of-the-week, starring Tori Spelling (Beverly Hills 90120) and Vancouver actor Tahmoh Penikett (Cold Squad).

In the production, a doctor and his wife move back to a small town where there is an "old flame" and a plot to steal embryos. Victoria Pratt (Mutant X) costars in the $1.5-million MOW, done through Kahn's Front Street Productions. Shooting took place in and around Vancouver at a time when the city was dealing with snow and a deluge of rain.
Copyright 2005 Brunico Communications, Inc.
Tahmoh as a doctor... does this mean I'll have to subscribe to Lifetime?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Praise for BSG in TVGuide online

TVGuide's Watercooler reviewer loved BSG again. Here's what they had to say about our favorite hero:

Meanwhile, Helo says that no matter how close to human the new-generation Cylons get, they'll never be the real thing: "No human could do the things they've done — kill billions of innocent people." One of his first illusions is shattered when he figures out Boomer's a "toaster." His second, the one about the genocide, will have to wait till he makes it to Earth and reads our history books.
Matt Roush also had nothing but praise for the series:
What I find so invigorating about Battlestar Galactica is that while I believe the ultimate endgame of this series is to reinforce humanistic values of survival, loyalty, love and faith (perhaps not that different from the Star Trek ethos), the experience of watching BG is much more riveting than the typical Star Trek experience (especially in recent years) because you can't always predict the outcome. Life is much more fragile and the stakes seem so much more desperate here, which makes (in my mind) for superior TV. Plus the characterizations are more vivid and extreme than we've seen in the last few Trek ensembles.

Any Questions for Tahmoh?

Now's the time to ask. Don't forget Tahmoh will appear on Subject to Discussion on Wednesday (March 23rd) at 9/8 C.

If you have any burning questions for Tahmoh, be sure to post them to Shaun's blog or log into the live chat during the show on (click on Cam & Chat).


If you missed last week's show with Sam Witwer, who plays Sharon's other ECO, Crashdown, the show is archived here. Just click on the Subject2Discussion drop down menu and select March 16th. In this great interview, Witwer talked about the future of his character and his contract for next season.

Tahmoh in a movie!

During the hiatus, Tahmoh worked on a new project, which he discussed in his most recent interview:

TP: I recently finished a T.V. movie, "Hush". It was awesome working with the experienced and talented actors Tori Spelling and Victoria Pratt. It's somewhat of a suspense, mystery, love triangle drama. Tori and Victoria both have wicked senses of humor and I spent days on set laughing till my guts hurt.
What I've been able to discover online:
HUSH (Working Title) (Lifetime Network) No name yet.
Victoria Pratt plays a pregant woman who goes crazy when her husband's ex-girlfriend come back to town. The ex-girlfriend is played by Tori Spelling.
Presumably Tahmoh plays the husband. I'll try to confirm that. If anyone has any more information please let me know.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Helo Humor (recap of "Hand of God")

If I can't bring you any news, at least I can bring the pretty (see previous post) and the funny (Strega at TWOP). If you haven't already, you should check out Strega's excellent recap of "The Hand of God."

Helo stammers, "Wait a minute -- I saw her on my lap. I saw her blood spill on my lap!" Boomer's got no time for exposition. She orders Helo to get a move on, and they jump out of the loft and start running. As they race out of the barn, Helo asks, "What the hell is going on?" Hee. I think that I like Helo because he's so very screwed. Boomer says that they'll figure it out later.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Helo avatars, banners and wallpapers

A cool Helo banner thanks to Solium at

(It's not this freakishly small in reality, but I'm having uploading issues... follow the link below to find it full size.)

You can find lots of nice avatars/banners for other BSG characters as well. also has some great Helo and other BSG wallpapers, avatars, and signature banners.

Tahmoh on Subject to Discussion - Confirmed!

Shaun, the host of S2D, has confirmed that Tahmoh Penikett will appear on Subject to Discussion next Wednesday, March 23rd at 9/8C. Post any questions you might have for Tahmoh to Shaun's blog:

Tahmoh Penikett has agreed to be on the show next Wednesday night at 6pm PST LIVE. He plays Helo and is among the more popular characters on Battlestar Galactica.

We all look forward to talking to him next week.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

See what Helo might see in Sharon...

Or whatever justification you care to use. For those interested, there's a rather racy, though fun video of Grace Park on the set of her Maxim shoot. Click on "Cosmic Girl: Grace Park."

Queen of the jungle:
"I had to do this one sex scene for Battlestar that wasn’t a bedroom scene. It was outside in a forest under a lightning-and-thunder shower. I was like, 'So you want some crazy forest sex? OK, I gotcha.' In the end, they had to totally edit it down and take out all my moaning."
Though actually, I think the US version kept the scene. Not sure about the moaning.

All of which raises the question: why is she called Boomer?

A new Tahmoh Penikett site

You'll find lots of appreciation for Tahmoh at a new site:

"Women want to be with him, men want to be him. He makes straight men want to turn gay, and lesbians turn straight. He looks good, he probably smells good too. Taste? naughty! Great as a policeman, or a pilot, or whatever want him to be. Yeah, he's a good actor too."

Boomer's Other ECO to appear on S2D

Sam Witwer (aka Crashdown) will be on Subject To Discussion LIVE TONIGHT (Wednesday) at 9/8C. If you have any questions for Helo's "replacement," be sure to let Shaun (the host) know by adding comments to his blog.

Boomer obviously prefers Helo to Crashdown (as well she should), but it should be an interesting interview nonetheless. S2D is a great BSG-themed radio show, so be sure to check it out.

If you think Shaun should try to get Tahmoh Penikett on the show, feel free to let him know that as well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

BSG video interview clips online

You should be sure to check out Space | Battlestar Galactica, which features more than a dozen short video interviews with Ron Moore and with actors on the series, including Tricia Helfer (Number Six), Katee Sackoff (Starbuck), Jamie Bamber (Apollo), James Callis (Baltar), and Edward James Olmos (Adama).

Ronald Moore's clip (about half way down the page) describes the story arc of the Battlestar series and includes discussion of Helo and several clips of scenes from Caprica.

March 2005 Interview with Tahmoh

Great interview with Tahmoh by Shawn O'Donnell at the BSG Fan Club about his background, getting the role on BSG and his hopes for Helo.

BGR: What would you like to do with the character you play on BSG? Helo is basically in his own storyline.

TP: Tough question! I kind of like the fact I don't know what Helo's going to be faced with. The guy has an unstoppable spirit and heart.

I'm sure the audience appreciates the fact that Helo does his best to rise to the ever volatile obstacles he's always facing. As long as the writers keep it exciting, I'm game!
ETA: Full text of the interview.

Interviews: Tahmoh Penikett
Posted on Sunday, December 24 @ 12:18:24 PST by battlest

The Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Co-President Shawn O'Donnell "BGR" ( recently had the opportunity to speak with actor Tahmoh Penikett, who portrays the character of Lt. Helo on Battlestar Galactica. He was able to give us some insight regarding his role on the show and the field of acting. Special thanks go to Deb Dillistone at Lucas Talent for making this interview possible.

BGR: How did you get your start in the acting business?

TP: I guess I got started in the business back in high school. There was a new music, art and drama program that I was asked to take part in. Ironically I signed up with the intention of focusing on art because I loved to draw but ended up acting on stage for the rest of the year. After that I studied theatre for years at a couple of different schools and a year long acting program tailored for on camera acting.

BGR: What do you consider your first initial "break" in the field of acting?

TP: I guess my first big break was a regular on "Cold Squad". Sonja Benett and I were the new characters introduced for what was the last and what I thought the best season.

I clearly remember how excited I was when I found out. It was such a distinguished and long running Canadian series that I was truly honored.

BGR: You've worked on "Stargate SG-1", "Dark Angel", Smallville" among other shows, not to mention Battlestar Galactica, do you have a favorite that you've worked on?

TP: I recently finished a T.V. movie, "Hush". It was awesome working with the experienced and talented actors Tori Spelling and Victoria Pratt. It's somewhat of a suspense, mystery, love triangle drama. Tori and Victoria both have wicked senses of humor and I spent days on set laughing till my guts hurt. BSG of course has been huge step for me and a great opportunity.

I still remember going to the table to read for the pilot and seeing Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell walk in. I had no idea that either of them were in the show and it was then that I realized how great this project was really going to be.

BGR: Are you wanting to work yourself into leading roles?

TP: Absolutely, it's always been the goal. "Hush" was my first big leading role and as I said I loved the experience. I look forward to doing film in the future. I think what attracts me so to film is the opportunity to explore and tell the story of different characters.

BGR: Any special projects you'd like to work on?

TP: My favorite film since my father took me to see it when I was a little boy is "Blade Runner". It's the film that I first got to see Edward James Olmos perform.

I'm a huge sci-fi fan and especially the writing of Philip K. Dick. If I could do ever do a film anywhere near that caliber it would definitely be a dream come true.

BGR: Any specific kind of character or characters you'd like to play?

TP: I love gritty dramas. My idols growing up were DeNiro, Pacino, Ford, and Voight to name a few. I'd really like to play a bad guy soon. I think sinking my teeth into a truly evil character would be so much fun.

BGR: Just how did you get involved in working on Battlestar Galactica?

TP: My lovely agent Deb Dillistone called and told me I had the audition. I remember reading the script and thinking that I knew this character. I could empathize with some of the tough decisions that he had to make. I did the audition for Michael Rhymer and the casting directors and about eight days later found out that I booked the gig.

BGR: Did you ever watch the original series? and did you re-watch some episodes to gain perspective on your role in the new show?

TP: I did and still remember the episode where Starbuck and the Cylon are stuck on the planet together more than anything.* I was quite young when the original series was on but still remember how big it was. When we did the boot camp for the pilot we watched a few of the original episodes and that definitely brought back some memories and gave me a good sense of what we trying to honor and yet recreate.

BGR: What would you like to do with the character you play on BSG? Helo is basically in his own storyline.

TP: Tough question! I kind of like the fact I don't know what Helo's going to be faced with. The guy has an unstoppable spirit and heart.

I'm sure the audience appreciates the fact that Helo does his best to rise to the ever volatile obstacles he's always facing. As long as the writers keep it exciting, I'm game!

BGR: Any suggestions or advice for aspiring actors and actresses out there?

TP: It's a cliché but we've all heard "That if you want something bad enough work harder than the rest and you will have success". One thing I'm constantly reminded of is how we must always train at our craft. Whether it's voice classes, movement or scene study. You have to be diligent at it. Nothing in life comes for free. Believe and your dreams will come true.

*"The Return of Starbuck" Galactica 1980"

Grace Park Interview "Gracefully Boomer"

In this long and really interesting 2004 interview from Galactica.TV, Grace Park talks about (among other things): filming the miniseries, her scenes with Tahmoh, and a deleted scene between Boomer and Helo on Caprica.

BG2003: Yeah. And then having to re-shoot... which scene do you think they spent the most time on? You mentioned the one with Helo, was that the one that they spent the most time on with you?

GP: For us, yeah, definitely. That scene in Caprica, that took 2 days to do.

BG2003: That was a very emotional scene, a lot of emotion in that scene.

GP: Yeah there was, but you know what though, its because Tahmoh Penikett, who plays Helo, he’s such a generous actor... and the whole thing was just fun. It's like when you were a kid and you played make-believe with your sister or that, having fun all day long. Plus we were kickin back during setups.

Tahmoh to visit London for 'Galactica One'

wolfevents is announcing that Tahmoh will attend its Galactica One Convention in London, October 7-9, 2005.

Other BSG guests include Boomer's other ECO, Sam Witwer (aka Crashdown). More guests to be announced shortly.

Tahmoh to attend Gatecon 2005

Gatecon Conventions is announcing that Tahmoh will appear at its 2005 convention in Vancouver. The Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Con will run from July 25 to August 1 and will feature a number of other Battlestar Galactica guests like Aaron Douglas (aka Chief Tyrol).

For general information on the event, visit

Storytelling's in his blood (Feb. 2005 Interview)

In an interview with Lynne McNamara from the Vancouver Sun, Tahmoh talks about his family, his experience as an actor, and his time on Battlestar Galactica.

"My father always loved film, he took me to films and I started to appreciate good drama at a very young age, and learned to critique it, too. And I think as a kid I thought, 'Wow, I can do this. I wanna do this, I wanna tell a story.' "

Full-text of the interview:

"Storytelling's in his blood" (Wednesday, February 09, 2005)
Tahmoh Penikett says his Dene background made him a natural for acting

'I come from a storytelling culture, I love stories," says Vancouver actor Tahmoh Penikett, who plays Lt. Karl 'Helo' Agathon on the new TV series, Battlestar Galactica.

Penikett was born in Whitehorse, son of Tony Penikett, Yukon's NDP premier from 1985-1992 (and a member of the Yukon Legislative Assembly for 18 years).

Penikett, the elder, was born in Britain and immigrated to Canada with his family at the age of 12.

Tahmoh's mother, Lulla Sierra Johns, is part of the Dene Nation and was born in a tent in Snag, a tiny community near the Alaska border where the coldest temperature on earth (-63 degrees C) was recorded.

"My grandmother was a great matriarch up there," says the 30ish actor.

Like most native young people of her era, his mom was taken away from her family and forced by the provincial government to live in and attend a "residential" school from which she tried to escape.

"She's probably one of my biggest role models," says Penikett. "I look up to her, the hardships that she's faced in her life, and she's never once made an excuse, everything that she endured," he pauses. "She's one of the hardest-working people I know."

Penikett's father was also an actor during his university years, appearing in 40 productions over three years. His grandfather, too, had been a Shakespearean actor at school.

And some of that obviously rubbed off on young Tahmoh, whose name comes from the Dene language.

"My father always loved film, he took me to films and I started to appreciate good drama at a very young age, and learned to critique it, too. And I think as a kid I thought, 'Wow, I can do this. I wanna do this, I wanna tell a story.' "

That, and the fact that the chilly north is a breeding ground for indoor activities.

"The Yukon has very artistic communities -- we've got cabin fever up there," he says. "Eight months of darkness -- people socialize, congregate to bars, what have you, there's a lot of music and theatre and art."

Tahmoh moved to Vancouver, studying briefly at Douglas College, then enrolled in the Victoria Motion Picture School for a one-year program, which he says was a great experience.

Arriving in Vancouver afterwards, he thought he might not be quite ready to look for acting jobs.

"I was scared of coming here and making a bad impression 'cause I heard you can get blacklisted in this city pretty easily."

So he joined up with the highly-thought-of Lyric School of Acting in Gastown, where he often returns for scene studies to recharge his batteries.

As well as the Battlestar Galactica role, the tall, dark and handsome actor has taken on guest roles on Cold Squad, (where he played Det. Ray Chase) on The L Word, Smallville, Just Cause, Dark Angel and Stargate and in the TV movie, The Cold Heart of a Killer, a.k.a. Murder on the Iditarod Trail.

Last month, he finished a role as a young doctor being fought over by two women, played by Tori Spelling and Canadian actress Victoria Pratt, in the television movie, Hush.

He was impressed by Spelling's on-set expertise -- "She's incredibly experienced," he notes, "she knows exactly what she's talking about. She's on her game."

Battlestar Galactica, which stars Edward James Olmos (as Cmdr. William Adama) and Mary McDonnell (as President Laura Roslin), has shot a mini-series/pilot and 13 episodes in Vancouver over the past couple of years and is still in negotiations for a return for more episodes in April.

Penikett hopes it's a go. "It was an awesome experience. I had a wonderful time," he admits.

His character is a communications officer and pilot of a spy plane. "He thinks the world is about to end and it is, with a nuclear holocaust, and gives up his seat to the resident genius. He knows things are looking bad and we come back to him in the series and he's alive trying to survive on the planet," explains Penikett.

"I'm excited about it. When I read the part, I said, 'This is something I want to do.' I'm a huge sci-fi fan, and no disrespect to the other shows, but we've got a different flare. It's very raw, it's not too fantastical -- we've got robots who look like humanoids -- but at the same time the ideas behind it are raw, the performances are raw, the storylines are raw, the relationships are raw. You've got people dying regularly, there's not many of us left. It's a very desperate show in some ways, but at the same time, it's incredible. I've never seen any show like it. Obviously, I'm a little biased, but at the same time, it has such huge potential."

Battlestar Galactica now airs Friday nights on the Sci Fi Channel in the U.S., but recently premiered its 2003 mini-series/pilot on its sister station, NBC. So far no word as to whether that network will continue airing the show. It also recently aired 10 episodes on the United Kingdom's satellite channel Sky One.

September 2004 Interview with Tahmoh

In this interview from, Tahmoh talks about his style, eating habits and lifestyle:

Tahmoh Penikett

Tahmoh Penikett, actor, portrays Officer Ray Chase on the CTV drama Cold Squad

Q: Describe your style.

A: My style varies so much. I’ve always had a sporty, casual style with some hip hop and urban influences. Nothing beats a new pair of kicks and a nice pair of jeans. I appreciate quality and don’t ever want to be associated to one style. That’s the beauty of clothes and fashion; if you have a sense of style and know what works for you, then you can dress for the mood, occasion and pretty much get away with anything.

Q: How do you keep life in perspective?

A: I keep short-term goals and make my responsibilities my first priority. It’s easy in my business to get discouraged with the sometimes constant rejection and lack of work. So you have to stay true to your art, constantly training, keeping healthy and being focused.

Q: What are your healthy eating habits?

A: I try to drink a full glass of water without ice before every meal. I try to have an equal mix of carbs and protein in 5-6 small meals a day. I was born and raised in the north (Whitehorse) and we consumed the healthiest meat there is, like moose, caribou and fish. I still eat a lot of fish. Every so often I’ll indulge in a great steak.

Q: What things make life easier?

A: I love to drive and listen to music. It’s fun and relaxing. For me, there is no better stress relief than a good workout at the gym. Sometimes, I enjoy being in the outdoors to clear my head. The silence can be so cleansing and energizing.
Sounds like Tahmoh must not mind all the "Caprica" location shooting for BSG.

Battlestar Galactica on the cover of TV Guide

This week's TV Guide focuses on Galactica. The online teaser briefly talks with Grace Park (aka "Boomer") about her two love interests on the show and kissing Tahmoh:

"I get two love interests," brags the portrayer of pilot Sharon "Boomer" Valerii ... Do the guys give her a hard time about her extracurricular double-dipping? They're male, whaddya think? "Aaron Douglas (Chief Petty Officer Tyrol) will get all hurt and betrayed," she says with a laugh. "Seriously. When I'm with Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon), Aaron looks at me from the corner of his eyes and says things I probably shouldn't say, like, 'Two-timing bitch!'" Not surprisingly, the two actors have pressed Park to compare their kissing skills. "Aaron asked me after an interview about that," she recalls. "I said, 'I told them that you're a great kisser! The best kisser, better than anyone I know.'" True? The girl ain't talking.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Ron Moore at Grand Slam

According to a con review by yukailin at, Moore offered some insights into the current season of Galactica and hints about the next. He had this to say about Tahmoh and the Caprica storyline:

Ron also said we would know by the end of the season that the Caprica story really is going somewhere, and the whole reason for it is that they thought Tahmoh was such a great actor that it was a shame Helo was dead. Ron suddenly thought, what if Helo isn't dead, and we showed him surviving and running, and then maybe being captured, and then what's to keep another Sharon from meeting up with him. From that point on, he was able to use the Caprica story to sort of demonstrate an important part of Cylon psychology. In fact, with Sharon, Six and Doral, you get to see a lot of different reactions to the situation. And he feels it's really showing a primal need of the Cylons.

Some cool Helo icons

Stef at has made some cool Helo icons from the Miniseries, 1.05 "You Can't Go Home Again" and 1.06 "Litmus." My favorite:

Sunday, March 13, 2005


This is a fan page for the actor Tahmoh Penikett, who you can now see in Battlestar Galactica, as Lt. Karl C. Agathon (Helo) every Friday night at 10/9C on Sci-Fi.

Sharon Valerii's former ECO. Gave up his seat on the Raptor so Dr. Baltar could be evacuated to the Galactica. Left to fend for himself on Cylon-occupied Caprica.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Tahmoh Penikett Biography, Filmography & Contact Info

Birthplace: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Birthday:May 20, 1975
Sign: Taurus
Height: 6’3”

Quotes in italics are direct quotations from Tahmoh.

Quick Links:
Family and Youth Personal
Education Convention Appearances
Career Contact Information

Family and Youth
"I come from a storytelling culture, I love stories."
A member of the White River First Nation, Tahmoh is named after a great uncle who was a hunter and trapper near the Yukon/Alaska border.
“My mother is First Nation, I was named by my grandmother. The nation Upper Tanana which is an Athasbaskan language group situated in north west Yukon in Alaska. I’m named after my great-uncle. I was born and raised outside of Yukon, right beside Alaska, lived there until I was 19. Lived in BC the last 8 or 9 years…. My father is British.”
He is the son of former Yukon premier Tony Penikett (1985-1992), a member of the New Democrat Party of Canada and a member of the Yukon Legislative Assembly for 18 years. Tony Penikett, Tahmoh’s father, was born in Britain and immigrated to Canada with his family at the age of 12. Tahmoh's mother, Lulla Sierra Johns, is part of the Dene Nation and was born in a tent in Snag, a tiny community near the Alaska border where the coldest temperature on earth (-63 degrees C) was recorded.
"My grandmother was a great matriarch up there.”
Like most native young people of her era, his mom was taken away from her family and forced by the provincial government to live in and attend a "residential" school from which she tried to escape.
"She's probably one of my biggest role models," says Penikett. "I look up to her, the hardships that she's faced in her life, and she's never once made an excuse, everything that she endured," he pauses. "She's one of the hardest-working people I know."
Penikett's father was also an actor during his university years, appearing in 40 productions over three years. His grandfather, too, had been a Shakespearean actor at school.
"My father always loved film, he took me to films and I started to appreciate good drama at a very young age, and learned to critique it, too. And I think as a kid I thought, 'Wow, I can do this. I wanna do this, I wanna tell a story.'"
That, and the fact that the chilly north is a breeding ground for indoor activities.
"The Yukon has very artistic communities -- we've got cabin fever up there," he says. "Eight months of darkness -- people socialize, congregate to bars, what have you, there's a lot of music and theatre and art."
Tahmoh, his father, and his twin sisters Sarah and Stephanie live in Vancouver, British Columbia.


Tahmoh first got involved with acting in high school:
“There was a new music, art and drama program that I was asked to take part in. Ironically I signed up with the intention of focusing on art because I loved to draw but ended up acting on stage for the rest of the year. After that I studied theatre for years at a couple of different schools and a year long acting program tailored for on camera acting.”
He is a graduate of the Music Art Drama program at Yukon College and briefly attended Douglas College in Vancouver. He then pursued his studies at the Victoria Motion Picture School in a one-year program before joining up with the highly-thought-of Lyric School of Acting.
“I love gritty dramas. My idols growing up were DeNiro, Pacino, Ford, and Voight to name a few. I'd really like to play a bad guy soon. I think sinking my teeth into a truly evil character would be so much fun.”


His first film appearance was in a scene with Kate Jackson in the CBS movie Cold Heart of a Killer. He went on to appear in a dozen independent short films and many television series, including Smallville, The L Word, Just Cause, Stargate SG-1, and Dark Angel.

In the seventh and final season of the Canadian police series Cold Squad, Tahmoh had a regular role as Constable Ray Chase. In 2005, he starred as Dr. Noah Hamilton in the Lifetime TV movie, Hush.

He starred as Lieutenant Karl "Helo" Agathon on the Sci-Fi (now SyFy) Channel television program Battlestar Galactica. After filming the second season of Galactica, Tahmoh had the opportunity to work with eminent director Monte Hellman in the horror film, Trapped Ashes. Another horror project, Bryan Singer's Trick 'r Treat, as well as guest appearances on Smallville and Whistler kept Tahmoh busy during the third season hiatus. While filming the fourth and final season of Battlestar, Tahmoh was cast as FBI agent "Paul Ballard" in Joss Whedon's Fox series, Dollhouse. He starred in the SyFy miniseries Riverworld. In 2010, he worked with long-time friends Aleks Paunovic and Brent Cote on the short film The Hostage.

(click on the titles to see all related posts; for more info, visit IMDB)


Short films
Television (regular)

Television (guest)
  • Titan Maximum (2009) - Troy Hammerschmiddtt in 4 episodes (1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8)
  • Whistler (2007) - Elias Noth in 4 episodes (2.05-6, 8, 13)
  • Robot Chicken (2007) - Various Voices (3.3)
  • Smallville (2007) - Wes Keenan in "Nemesis" & "Prototype" (6.19-20)
  • Smallville (2004) - Vince in "Resurrection" (3.15)
  • The L Word (2004) - Sheriff in "Losing It" (1.6)
  • Just Cause (2003) - Principal in "Blackboard Jungle" (1.20)
  • Stargate SG-1 (2003) - Third in "Unnatural Selection" (6.12)
  • Dark Angel (2002) - N.D. Cop #1 in "Freak Nation" (2.21)
  • Glory Days (2002) - Eric in "No Guts, No Glory" (1.08)


Tahmoh is a gold medal competitor in kickboxing, and has studied Muay Thai for years.
“I have been interested in the martial arts ever since I was a child, I first studied judo for a number of years and then took up kick boxing after seeing a Muay Thai practitioner in a foreign film.”
He enjoys many athletic pastimes, among them: snowboarding, soccer, biking, and roller-blading. A lover of fiction and biography, he reads constantly. Tahmoh has also traveled extensively in the United States, Europe and Asia.

Q: Describe your style.
A: My style varies so much. I’ve always had a sporty, casual style with some hip hop and urban influences. Nothing beats a new pair of kicks and a nice pair of jeans. I appreciate quality and don’t ever want to be associated to one style. That’s the beauty of clothes and fashion; if you have a sense of style and know what works for you, then you can dress for the mood, occasion and pretty much get away with anything.
Q: How do you keep life in perspective?
A: I keep short-term goals and make my responsibilities my first priority. It’s easy in my business to get discouraged with the sometimes constant rejection and lack of work. So you have to stay true to your art, constantly training, keeping healthy and being focused.
Q: What things make life easier?
A: I love to drive and listen to music. It’s fun and relaxing. For me, there is no better stress relief than a good workout at the gym. Sometimes, I enjoy being in the outdoors to clear my head. The silence can be so cleansing and energizing.
Q: What are your healthy eating habits?
A: I try to drink a full glass of water without ice before every meal. I try to have an equal mix of carbs and protein in 5-6 small meals a day. I was born and raised in the north (Whitehorse) and we consumed the healthiest meat there is, like moose, caribou and fish. I still eat a lot of fish. Every so often I’ll indulge in a great steak.

Convention Appearances
(for all convention related posts, click here or use the search box at top)
  • Comic Con (July 2005) – San Diego, CA
  • Gatecon (August 2005) – Vancouver, BC
  • Galactica One (October 2005) – London, England
  • London Expo 2006 (May 2006) – London, England
  • Timeless Destinations (August 2006) – Vancouver, BC
  • Official Battlestar Galactica Con (August 2006) – Burbank, CA
  • Dragon*Con (September 2006) - Atlanta, GA
  • Pier 39 (February 2007) - San Francisco, CA
  • Galactica 3 (August 2007) - London, England
  • Official Battlestar Galactica Con (Nov. 2007) – Burbank, CA
  • Cintermex (March 2008) - Monterrey, Mexico
  • New York Comic Con (April 19, 2008) - New York City
  • "Wrath of Con" (May 30 - June 1, 2008) - Panama City, FL
  • Dragon*Con (August 29 - Sept. 1, 2008) - Atlanta, Georgia
  • Starfury (December 2008) - London, England
  • New York Comic Con (February 2009) - New York, NY
  • Emerald City (April 2009) - Seattle, WA
  • San Diego Comic Con (July 2009) - San Diego, CA
  • Calgary Comic & Entertainment Con (April 2010) - Calgary, Alberta Canada
  • Fed Con (April/May 2010) - Bonn, Germany
  • Echo 1 (May 2010) - London, England
To see photos of Tahmoh at these cons, click here or visit Northern Lights.

Official Contact Information
Tahmoh Penikett
c/o RED Management Inc.
Box 3, 415 West Esplanade
North Vancouver, British Columbia
V7M 1A6 Canada

To find out more, check out Interviews with Tahmoh.

All about Tahmoh Penikett Affiliates

to exchange links!

Tahmoh-related Affiliates:

Other Affiliates:

Music Videos

To find more vids, I suggest visiting Galactica Vids or searching YouTube.

All the BSG music videos I've blogged about:

[Some of the videos listed below may no longer be available, I suggest contacting the creators in that case as they will often be happy to reupload their work.]

Shot You Down (October 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer on Caprica
Song: Audio Bullys w/ Nancy Sinatra - Shot You Down
Size: 29.4mb

Spies (October 2005)
Focus: Helo
Song: Spies by Coldplay
Size: 58mb

Wonderwall (October 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer, Helo POV
Song: Wonderwall by Ryan Adams (Oasis cover)
Size: 11mb

Flames (August 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer
Song: Flames by Vast
Size: 18.9mb

Stronger Than Dirt (June 2005)
Focus: Lt. Karl "Helo" Agathon
Song: Stronger Than Dirt by Tom McRae
Size: 15.9mb

Rock Star (June 2005)
Focus: Entire cast
Song: Rock Star by N.E.R.D.
Size: 16.223mb

Elysium (May 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer
Song: Elysium by Elysia
Size: 7.586mb

The Boy with the Bubblegun (May 2005)
Focus: GalacticaBoomer
Song: The Boy with the Bubblegun by Tom McRae
Size: 12.415mb

Fine Again (May 2005)
Focus: Entire cast
Song: Fine Again by Seether
Size: 32.9mb or 15.7mb

Touched (May 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer
Song: Touched by Vast
Size: 15.9mb

Running Two (May 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer
Song: Running Two by Tykwer Klimek Heil feat. Franka Potente
Size: 17.262mb

We Are Now Free (May 2005)
Focus: Entire cast
Song: We Are Now Free by Hans Zimmer
Size: 17.279mb

Blind (April 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer
Song: Blind - Lifehouse
Size: 17.7mb

Hero of the Day (April 2005)
Focus: Helo
Song: Hero of the Day - Metallica
Size: 17.7mb

Season 2 Promo Video (April 2005)
Focus: Entire cast
Song: Cells - The Servant (Instrumental remix)
File size: 3.7mb

Boomer: Easier to Run (April 2005)
Focus: Caprica!Sharon Valerii (Boomer/Helo too)
Song: Easier to Run - Linkin' Park
Size: 12mb

I Won't Last a Day Without You (March 2005)
Focus: Helo/Boomer
Song: I Won't Last a Day Without You - The Carpenters
Size: 13.7mb

Career news

This is an index of all my posts (through March 2006) relating to Tahmoh's career--except the posts on Battlestar Galactica... to see those you have to go through the month by month archives (left sidebar).

However, the best way to find posts on topics that interest you is to click on the relevant tag at the bottom of a post or in the sidebar at left. I've been working on tagging all my old posts, but it's a work in progress.

Alternatively, you can use the "search this blog" box at the top of this page. Google owns Blogger and so the search function is quite good. With the advent of this search utility, I do not plan to continue laboriously hand-indexing these posts.

I also recommend you visit Tahmoh's IMDB profile for the latest casting news.

Trapped Ashes: Stanley's Girlfriend (2006) - Young Leo
Fangoria #252: Trapped Ashes coverage
Update on Trapped Ashes
New plot details for Trapped Ashes
Tahmoh to play "young Leo" in Trapped Ashes
Sandra Goes to Whistler (2005) - Conrad
Pic of Tahmoh from Sandra Goes to Whistler
Tahmoh in Sandra Goes to Whistler
Hush (2005) - Noah Hamilton
Last Chance to see Hush
Hush (2005) on Lifetime tonight @ 9/8c
Hush on Lifetime Tonight @ 11/10c
More Hush Screen Caps
Screen Caps of Tahmoh in Hush
Hush on Tonight @ 9/8c on Lifetime
Trailer/Screen Caps for Tahmoh's new movie, Hush
Lifetime posts more info on Hush
More Hush Airdates Announced
Hush (2005) to be released this May
More on Tahmoh's movie, "Hush"
Tahmoh in a movie!
Battlestar Galactica (2004-) - Lt. Karl 'Helo' Agathon

Cold Squad (2004) - Det. Ray Chase
"And the Fury" screen caps (part 3)
"And the Fury" screen caps (part 2)
Tahmoh Cold Squad promotional photos
"And the Fury" screen caps (part 1)
"C'mon I Tip Waitresses" screen caps
"Teen Angel" screen caps
Screen caps of Tahmoh in the Cold Squad credits
Tahmoh Talks about "Cold Squad" (2004)
Tahmoh on "Cold Squad"
Smallville (2004) - Vince in "Resurrection" (3.15)
Tahmoh in "Smallville" (2004)
The L Word (2004) - Sheriff in "Losing It" (1.6)
Tahmoh on "The L Word" (2004)
Battlestar Galactica miniseries (2003) - Lt. Karl 'Helo' Agathon

Just Cause (2003) - in "Blackboard Jungle" (1.20)

Stargate SG-1 (2003) - Third in "Unnatural Selection" (6.12)
Photos of Tahmoh from Stargate SG-1
Under the Cover (2003) - Jonas

Behind-the-Scenes Photos from Under the Cover
Under the Cover online!
More on Under the Cover (2003)
Tahmoh in Under the Cover (2003)

Go-Go Boy: Prelude (2002) - Aaron Fitz (Go-Go Boy)
Tahmoh in Go-Go Boy (2002)
The Winner (2002) - Jackie
Tahmoh in The Winner (2002)
Dark Angel (2002) - N.D. Cop #1 in "Freak Nation" (2.21)
Tahmoh in Dark Angel (2002)
Glory Days (2002) - Eric in "No Guts, No Glory" (1.08)

Wildfire 7: The Inferno (2002) - Ranger

Suspicious Circumstances (200?)

Clive (200?)

Below the Belt (2000) - Jonas
Tahmoh short film, Below the Belt, online
Review: Below the Belt (2000)
Tahmoh in Below the Belt (2000)
The Cold Heart of a Killer (1996)


A continuously updated archive of all the polls that have run on this site:

Helo's most dramatic moment (June 2006)

The Future of Helo & Sharon (May 2006)

Will you watch Cold Squad? (April 2006)

"Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2" Poll - Reaction to the finale (April 2006)

"Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 1" Poll - What will happen to Helo in part two? (March 2006)

"Downloaded" Poll - When will Helo learn the truth about Hera? (March 2006)

"Scar" Poll - Helo & Kara's backstory (February 2006)

"Black Market" Poll - What does Helo do off-screen? (January 2006)

"Epiphanies" Poll - Would Helo have drawn his gun? (January 2006)

"Resurrection Ship, Part Two" Poll - Where do we go from here? (January 2006)

Helo's Best Attributes (January 2006)

Helo's Backstory: Part 1/Part 2 (December 2005)

Helo Fantasy Pairing (November 2005)

How do Helo and Tyrol escape death? (October 2005)

Helo's Future in Season 2 (October 2005)

"Pegasus" Poll - Rate the episode (September 2005)

"Flight of the Phoenix" Poll - Best Helo scene (September 2005)

"Final Cut" Poll - Helo/Boomer rejoining the fleet (September 2005)

"Home, Part 2" Poll - Future of Helo/Boomer's relationship (September 2005)

"Home, Part 1" Poll - Helo pulling a gun on Apollo (August 2005)

"The Farm" Poll - Helo's acceptance of Boomer's return (August 2005)

"Resistance" Poll - Favorite Helo Attribute in "Resistance" (August 2005)

"Fragged" Poll - Helo's Absence in "Fragged" (August 2005)

"Valley of Darkness" Poll - Best Helo line in "VoD" (August 2005)

"Scattered" Poll - What'd you think of Helo's defense of Boomer? (July 2005)

At the start of Season 2, Helo will... (July 2005)

Poll Results: When we first see Helo...
How should Helo explain? (June 2005)

Poll Results: How should Helo explain?
Favorite Noah Outfit in Hush (May 2005)

Poll Results: Favorite Dr. Noah Outfit
Will you watch Tahmoh in Hush? (May 2005)

Poll Results: Will you watch Hush?
Back on Galactica, Helo should... (May 2005)

Poll Results: On Galactica, Helo should...
What should Helo do in Season 2? (May 2005)

Poll Results: What should Helo do in Season 2?
Why are you here? (April 2005)

Poll Results: What would you like to see more of on this site?
Why are you a Helo fan? (April 2005)

Poll Results: Why people like Helo
Helo's Romantic Future (April 2005)

Poll Results: Helo's Romantic Future
Helo's last line in the S1 BSG finale (April 2005)

Poll Results: Helo's last line in the finale

Interviews with Tahmoh

For the most current interviews, click on the "Tahmoh interviews" tag in the left sidebar or at the bottom of this post. (This archive is hand-indexed and so may not be up-to-the-minute.)


AprilRegina Leader-Post
"Another Door Opens for Actor"
March Los Angeles Times
"'Battlestar's Last Roundup"
Hypaspace Weekly
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
FebruaryChannel 10 HD
Interview: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
January Starburst #358
"The Helo Effect"
People Uncut
"Tahmoh Penikett" (30 min. TV interview)


DecemberAir North
From Yukon to Hollywood
NovemberGame Pro
Tahmoh plays Xbox 360 Galactica Game
September Galactica.TV
Interview with Tahmoh
"Trapped Ashes: Five for Frighting"
JulyBattlestar Galactica Digital Press Tour
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
June Kindreds (Helo/Sharon fansite)
Tahmoh Penikett Interview
MayPink Raygun
Interviews Tahmoh Penikett
AprilSci-fi Wire
Galactica's Penikett Tricks In Treat
MarchSpace: Behind the Scenes On the Galactica set with Tahmoh Penikett (Helo)
FebruaryWizard Entertainment
TV Q&A with Tahmoh Penikett
January Starburst #79
"Moral Compass"


December Fangoria
Tahmoh talks Trick 'r Treat
BSG Cast Rountable discussion
October Starburst Special Issue #77
"He's an Angel"
Battlestar Blog
Tahmoh Penikett Interview
September Sci-fi Zone Radio Show
Battlestar Spectacular with Tahmoh
"Mission Accomplished"
Ain't it Cool News
Tahmoh at Dragon*Con 2006
2006 BAFTA Emmy Awards party
Interview with Tahmoh Penikett at the 2006 London Expo
Sci-fi Brain (
"Helo hath no fury"
March Official Battlestar Galactica magazine #4
"Slipped Helo"
February iF Magazine
"Battlestar Galactica's Tahmoh Penikett"
January Starburst #73
"Honour above all"
Infuze magazine
Tahmoh Penikett
Dreamwatch #138
"Like Father, Like Cylon"
Official Battlestar Galactica magazine #3
"Helo of a Time"


Sci-fi Inside: BSG special
Sci-fi Magazine
"Inside Battlestar Galactica"
October Galactica One
Online Chat with Tahmoh Penikett
Metro (Vancouver)
"Out to dinner with 'Helo'"
September Cult Times #35
"Helo Worship"
July Now Playing Magazine
Interview at Comic Con 2005
Sci-fi Talk Podcast
Interview at Gatecon 2005
IGN Film Force
Interview at Comic Con 2005
Sci-Fi Inside
How to make a cylon shooter
June Hypa-Space
Behind-the-scenes tour of Galactica set with Tahmoh Penikett
"Grace Park & Tahmoh Penikett Talk BSG"
April Starburst #323
"Survivor: Caprica"
March Subject 2 Discussion
Tahmoh Penikett
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club
Interview with Tahmoh Penikett
February Vancouver Sun
"Storytelling's in his blood"

2004 (& earlier)

October The Globe and Mail
"Rookie bares all, well almost, for Cold Squad"
September CTV
"Cold Squad" set to begin its 7th and final season
Metro (Vancouver)
Lifestyle: Tahmoh Penikett
CBC (2003)
"Yukoner hits big time on small screen"